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  1. Mine is working now
  2. When i go to the portal it says ISY is not online
  3. Mine is still not working
  4. i have rebooted numerous times. Still not working
  5. ISY Portal Says devices not available. I can login into the ISY unit and all devices are there and I can control them. Any Ideas. I noticed when I asked Alexa to turn on a light and it said hub is not available.
  6. It just started working again
  7. I cannot use Alexa to turn on anything. I went to the portal and It will not let me login in. Is the portal down.xc
  8. hum099

    ISY994 Problem

    MrBill Thank you very much I tried a new cable and its alive. Thank you for the link.
  9. hum099

    ISY994 Problem

    Hi My ISY994 has a red light on error and a blue light flashing on memory. I cant connect to ISY it just says not found. I did accidently unpluged the insteon box that connected to the isy. I have restarted the isy and the insteon box numerous times. Anyone have an idea how to fix. None of my automation is working.
  10. I noticed that you are using polygot with the schlage sense. I have been looking for a way to do this. Can you please share how you integrated it.
  11. hum099

    Is my PLM done

    Restore did not help. Replaced PLM and restored again and everything is working as it should. Thanks for the help.
  12. hum099

    Is my PLM done

    I will try restoring when I get home from work. It is definitely over 2 years old. If I need another it will be my third one. Thanks for the help kclenden and Brian H
  13. hum099

    Is my PLM done

    I did not click on start just opened. Should I have clicked the start. can I restore the links.
  14. hum099

    Is my PLM done

    The status of PLM shows 6 digit code and connected. PLM links table is empty. Trying restarting both.. keep getting communication errors with each device. As for the lights, I was referring to the back where the network cabales attach. Only the one connected to the router light up.
  15. hum099

    Is my PLM done

    Tried a new cable. No luck. How do I know if it’s the PLM or the Isy.
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