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  1. Still am, 1.6.0_20-b02 on x64 lucid Thanks
  2. I was using local jnlp file Just tried it with http://isy/admin and http://isy/admin.jnlp and see no errors but graph is always blank And now even local file doesn't produce any errors (nor graphs), the only change was the changed submenu, so maybe the resaving jnlp helped somehow. I works but it still warns Could not launch from cache. Will try online mode. [Given JNLP is newer than cached copy! Thanks[/code]
  3. when I click on Trend (chart) it gives this error and gets stuck with system busy and a busy mouse icon: Exception in thread "Thread-22" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.universaldevices.common.ui.GUISystem.getImageIconFromResource(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/swing/ImageIcon; at com.universaldevices.chart.ChartFrame.(Unknown Source) at com.universaldevices.chart.TimeSeriesChart.(Unknown Source) at com.universaldevices.ui.report.ReportGenerator.done(Unknown Source) at com.universaldevices.ui.report.ReportGenerator.access$0(Unknown Source) at com.universaldevices.ui.report.ReportGenerator$1.run(Unknown Source) also cancel on tools -> log dialog doesn't work, it reshows itself and after 2nd cancel, it gives NPE
  4. guy

    Multiple PLM's

    Hi Michel, That should just double the number of links. I am sure that my set up should still be without limits of ISY Pro And I do have a so far usless spare PLM... As you have mention JSDK, does it support reading/creating links? Can I just read all the links from PLM into a file and then reset the PLM and write it back with each link duplicated with 2nd PLM ID to both PLMs? Or am i just saying nonsense? Thank you.
  5. guy

    Multiple PLM's

    Hi, I have a 2nd PLM (don't ask why) and want to be able to use it by connecting it to a computer. Is there a way to have that PLM in sync with the one connected to ISY, so it will receive status changes of all devices? To clear it up a bit; I don't want to use 2nd PLM to alter links in the devices, all of them are more or less configured so if i will need to alter them i will use ISY for it (and then manually resync the 2nd PLM.) The 2nd PLM will just be used to control the devices (and be able to receive notification when a device status changes, much like ISY currently does) Thank you
  6. guy

    Control a fan

    Michel, No I don't know otherwise, I saw an X10 3 speed fan controller that goes for $100, but nothing insteon specific. However, getting that X10 switch or using 3 inlinelincs (each for its speed) sounds like a waste of money. I was hoping that someone has a good working setup with a fan that works with a dimmer, since most if not all fans don't play nicely dimmers. With keypad and inlinelinc dimmer can limit the speed (voltage) to only 5 or less settings, and, in theory, can avoid low voltage that seems to be the cause of the hum on certain fans. It is plain old trail and error approach, perhaps someone on this forum has tried it and share what he have learned.
  7. guy

    Control a fan

    Bump I am also interested in controlling fan speed with insteon. If any one has a working setup, please post model number and if there is any hum and at what dimmer setting. Thank you.
  8. Michel, Thank you for looking in to it. As I have posted previously you can use Live CD either Fedora or Ubuntu and will only need to run one command to install java plug-in (to install Sun's official version need to first download it then execute it) should be very easy and can even work on Macs since they are running Intel now. Running in virtual machine has its pluses, mainly you don't have to shutdown main OS to boot Linux.
  9. I am not sure how you got it working on Fedora. I just checked latest 32bit Fedora and it still gives an error when try to change timezone but the GUI looks like it was in Ubuntu few months ago. Please post the steps needed to get it working under Fedora, since the latest 32bit Fedora gives me the same error when I try to change timezone as I get in Ubuntu so it is not a 64bit bug. As for the big GUI boxes, since I am not sure how I can downgrade ISY, I downgrading java plug-in but that didn't help. If you can follow my instructions and download the 32bit version of Ubuntu and QA your product there, it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the good work.
  10. No need to remote access. Download latest Ubuntu x64 http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/intrepid/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso Then boot from it (no need to install anything onto hard-drive this is a live-cd just select first option "Try Ubuntu") once it is loaded open a terminal to install java plugin and start firefox Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal sudo apt-get -y install icedtea6-plugin && firefox (Might need to restart firefox few times till it actually loads the application.) Let me know if you can verify the problem with gui. Also, please address my question.
  11. Michel, Under what version of Red Hat are you testing? What version of Java? 64/32? Here is how I see the long prompt (which was fine till the last few 2.6.xx releases: The official Sun java browser plugin is missing for x64 [for Ubuntu not sure if this is the case with Red Hat), so if there is a way to run the jar from command line (Sun does make an x64 jdk/jre for linux) I can give it a try and see if that is a icedtea related issue or a problem with java. Thank you
  12. Hi, I will like to know what kind of Linux QA you have (especialy in term of 64 bit since Sun doesn't have browser plug in, at least not in the ubuntu repository, and running it under icedtea has lots of issues.) The bug i have reported almost half a year ago, that change location doesn't work is still an issue in 2.7, plus now the GUI looks messed up since last few 2.6 releases. And sometimes i can't even see Network in main tab let alone any insteon devices, unless i reboot isy. Got new PLM after upgrading to 2.7 but restore PLM always crashes not sure how consistent my current network it. Since it stops restore procedure after first error, it should in my opinion finish the restore and only skip the devices that crash not stop dead on after first device error (about 10% done in my case, is there a fix for this?!), not that it should have any errors, but i guess this is a work in progress. With that said I will like to know how Linux QA is done on 64 bit mode and if there is a way to run the jar from command like so i can use official sun jvm and not relay on icedtea applet viewer (and bypass the whole browser reset cache routine). Thank you
  13. Is there a way to check for how long a device was on before it was switched off? This will be useful in the following scenario: Turn on bathroom fan when bathroom light is turned off if the light was on for at least a minute or so. Thanks
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