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  1. paulbates's post in New Router - ISY Not Found was marked as the answer   
    Chances are your ISY 99 has a local ip address subnet that is different than your new router. Example some use 192.168.0.x and some use 10.10.1.x  etc.
    Do you have the old router still and able to turn it on and attach to it to see what IP subnet it uses? Many router/modems allow you to pick what subnet you use.
    An alternative is to:
    Power off the ISY-99. Press and hold the "Reset" button (usually near the power input) for 10 seconds while powering it on. This should reset the network settings and allow you to reconfigure the connection. But it might also rest the ISY, do you have a backup handy?
  2. paulbates's post in Earlier version notification was marked as the answer   
    I had it to and I think it updated from 1.2.2 on its own. Once I clicked the X on the side of the message, its not come back, even after closing and logging back in
  3. paulbates's post in Mini remote shuts off device its not linked to was marked as the answer   
    It's the switch that's responding inappropriately, so an unwanted link to repsond to the remote is likely there.
    Factory reset the switch and perform a restore device
  4. paulbates's post in Dimmer Switch 2477D vs i3 Paddle PS01 was marked as the answer   
    I've not seen Insteon update the infamous "white paper", but online discussions have suggested that, while backwards compatible, i3 devices are supposed to have improved communications and security. However insteon is unfortunately mysterious on their own site about i3; you can read about each product and the director app references them as being incompatible with their old hub.
    IMO the 2413 PLM is still i2, so these improvements would be realized through i3 to i3 devices only, not eisy> 2413 > i3 devices. However, that assumes they didn't make changes to it and I don't have a way to know that. It seems there would be a versioning with marketing hooha and sell it as a feature. There isn't.
    To look at it qualitatively, I'm into my second year at a new house, new eisy and i3 devices, my observation is that the handful of any individual insteon false "ons" (no "all ons") have been on microdimmer modules and lamp modules, which I believe to be i2. Speaking of all ons, we proved here on the forums that the "all on" reponse has been removed from i3 devices,, they are immune.
    A suggestion is to go to the insteon forums and ask directly for insteon to answer, or use Insteon's sales site and use the pre-sales button to ask them directly.
  5. paulbates's post in Pushing variable data to another IoX instance was marked as the answer   
    Variable substitution, I believe it works in NRs too:
  6. paulbates's post in Program does not run was marked as the answer   
    Once you create a scene in the ISY, you turn the scene on and off, not the device.  This includes iox programs.But if you turn any one of the devices on at the switch, they'll all go on and off
  7. paulbates's post in IoX Finder was marked as the answer   
    If that didn't fix it, sometimes java needs more memory to run the admin console / iox:
    -     Close the admin console / iox
    -      Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following:   -Xmx512m
    -      Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes
  8. paulbates's post in Has a Date Been Set? was marked as the answer   
    All great questions that don't have answers yet. The link you provided is all that can be known at this time. When they're certain its good to roll out, we'll get a post with all the answers.
  9. paulbates's post in New Home setup question was marked as the answer   
    The portal can support multiple devices. Add the eisy and maintain both as long as you need to.
  10. paulbates's post in EISY erratic behavior was marked as the answer   
    Two suggestions:
    When using the scenes and devices are not turning back off, either remove the load (unscrew bulb,etc) or pull the bottom tab out on the switch. Keep repeating until everything else functions. Either the load is the culprit or, see 2. 
      Sometimes insteon devices that have run in place for many years need to have their data refreshed. If there are switches that are more likely the culprit to the problem, factory reset them and then right click in iox and restore device. In my experience it's been these devices in this order: keypadlincs, togglincs, any device that's the most remote from the eisy in terms of wire feet. Unrelated info, I grew up in Woodlawn, just south of you!
  11. paulbates's post in What is OS 14.1? was marked as the answer   
    As an appliance that info is not available on the surface of the eisy. I believe you'd need to use an SSH client to log in and use FreeBSD command line to see what it is. Pretty sure everyone but developers would be on the same version as eisy is an appliance, and in general it's not important for us to know unless wanting more capability that someone with developer skills would need.
    I think I read its 12.something but don't remember and never looked. I'm counting on the UDI team to come out with instructions or a link or something for us to follow sometime this month.
  12. paulbates's post in Lost fast off and fast on function for all switches was marked as the answer   
    A PLM with only 2 links is a broken PLM, there should be at least dozens of links. 1622 means week 22 of 2016, a period when PLMs had the bad capacitor issue.
    I don't disagree with @Techman on aligning FW/UI versions, but your PLM is on borrowed time.
  13. paulbates's post in Backlight vs LED Brightness was marked as the answer   
    Give this post a read:
  14. paulbates's post in Replaced a few nodes, Now, EISY is unresponsive was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that looks right. 
    There's a catch-22 with the PLM restore.... you have to be connected to do it.
    powering down the eISY Unplug the the plm Unplug and firmly replug the plm's cable to the eISY on both ends plug the plm back in wait 10 seconds, the start eisy back up
  15. paulbates's post in SD Card problem missing file /conf/nodes/UN0032.bin was marked as the answer   
    Isy can take a max of 16GB. You'll need to buy a new 16GB
    No. Create a fresh file set on your PC by copying the contents of the old card there. For the files it can't copy, take note of file name and directory.
    Then unzip the backup on to your PC in a different location. Use the list you created to repair the file set on your PC by copying from the unzipped backup location on the PC.
    Then copy the results onto the fresh card.
  16. paulbates's post in How to Add an I3 device was marked as the answer   
    The address is printed on the front, bottom right of the faceplate mount as you face the outlet. Small type, with a qr code you can scan.. It's meant for scanning it into an insteon hub, but it will come up and you can read it on your phone
    You can also put the eisy in linking mode, press the set button and have the eisy find it
  17. paulbates's post in Remote access License question was marked as the answer   
    You can add a new eisy to your renewed account @ my.isy.io
  18. paulbates's post in Understanding Program Status was marked as the answer   
    You're almost there.... under
    Set "Missouri Christmas Lights" Off
  19. paulbates's post in Symptoms of failing PLM was marked as the answer   
    Yes... You've documented several symptoms, especially the restore that works temporarily
  20. paulbates's post in Unknown Address, continued was marked as the answer   
    You want to be in linking mode first, so that the PLM/ISY catches the Insteon traffic from the device(s) being put into linking mode.
  21. paulbates's post in IoX not found on boot. Refresh finds one of the two options was marked as the answer   
    Since I've had eisy, this has behaved differently at different times and versions. Now, it sometimes can take 20 - 30 seconds to come up.... others right away.
  22. paulbates's post in Specific Instructions for using PG3x Logging system? was marked as the answer   
    You need to know how to log when you have an plugin issue and developer asks you to send them a log. What's important to know about that is:
    you go to the dashboard in pg3x go into the individual plugin itself click details Click log Click "debug" from the list Do the steps that recreate the error you are seeing Click download log package Send that zip file in a message to the developer
    There's a new wrinkle in the Session and Session Verbose options. I'm going to not select those unless instructed to by the developer.
  23. paulbates's post in Replaced EISY License won't migrate. was marked as the answer   
    Do not buy another license. Submit a ticket and it will get fixed.
  24. paulbates's post in Ecobee PIN issue was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at the solution, here
  25. paulbates's post in Link Confusion was marked as the answer   
    Right click on Deck Lights and pick "Restore Device". Compare and test again
    An additional method is to factory reset Deck Lights, that will clear all links, and then "Restore Device".
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