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Bob P.

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Everything posted by Bob P.

  1. Also note that if you access the Admin Console through the ISY Portal, you need to use your Portal login info, not the username and password stored on your ISY.
  2. Or, just say "Alexa, Discover Devices."
  3. It's counterintuitive, but generally, You don't want to enable Internet access to access the ISY remotely over the Internet. To test internet access, you should use the global IP address (e.g. instead of the local one (e.g. to access the Admin Console from the Finder.
  4. "Alexa, What is SOAP?" (Sorry, I have no idea what SOAP is.)
  5. Hi Memphis, If you have a DynDNS address set up, you don't need Mobilinc Connect for Geofence notifications, and you don't want Mobilinc to go through the ISY Portal. Just point your ML at the DynDNS, and don't use any portal settings. Set Mobilinc to send Geofence Notifications and it should work. My setup includes Mobilinc, ISY Portal, DynDNS, and Echo (Connected Home, not Skills). Everything plays well together. I paid for the discounted DynDNS five-year subscription, so I'm not in a hurry to scrap it. Although I don't need to use it, here's my "Geofence Coming and Going Program. If you can't get the native ML notifications to work, you can try it: If $Bobs_iPhone_Geofence is 0 Then Send Notification to 'Bob Text' content 'Left Home' Else Send Notification to 'Bob Text' content 'Arrived Home'
  6. I agree Ron, There doesn't seem to be a good reason to use the Skill at all with Connected Home.
  7. Mobilinc geofences don't seem to work with the portal, so I left the Mobilinc configured with my DynDNS address. Everything seems to work well together.
  8. Some users here say that Alexa understands all of the voice controls for Connected Home, and others are having difficulty. Could some of you lucky ones compile a listing of the successful syntax being used to control devices, scenes, and programs? I'll keep an updated list here. Please let me know if any of this is inaccurate or doesn't work well. Thanks, Bob On/Off: Alexa, Turn On/Off <Device/Scene/Program> (Note: For programs On=Then, Off=Else) Alexa, (Turn) (the) < Device/Scene/Program > On/Off On Level: Alexa, <Device> 30 Alexa, (Set) (the) <Device> to 30 Alexa, Dim/Brighten <Device> Alexa, <Device> Brighter Alexa, Raise <Device> Alexa, <Device> Dimmer Alexa, <Device> Lower Other: Alexa, Discover Devices - Gets device spoken names from the Portal Words like "Music", "Radio", "Volume" "Play"or any radio station numbers/call sign collide with Echo's built in functionality and don't work. For example, "Alexa, Playroom Lamp 40" gives a reply "I couldn't find room Lamp."
  9. Now That's the kind of quality service that we've come to expect from UDI ! Thanks!
  10. Tim, I use Mobilinc without using Connect. I think the main function of Connect is to find your ISY if your ISP changes your IP address. The ISY Portal should take care of that. Geofence notifications work without Connect. I'm not sure about other notifications.
  11. I guess it was a bad idea to name my kids Alexa and Echo.
  12. I figured it was something like that. Thanks. Bob
  13. Yes, just the email. I don't see much benefit to applying a timeout, since it would be on a local machine.
  14. That only seems to work with the finder though. If I use that as a browser URL, I just get a listing of the xml code.
  15. I appreciate (from experience) that this stuff can be frustrating to work with. That being said, you'd be hard-pressed to find a forum with better support than UDI provides. It's easy to take for granted the outstanding responsiveness and support from these guys. I guess if there were 27 hours in a day, they could use the last two hours to compile their best advice into sticky notes. Keep up the good work!
  16. Thanks Benoit, I sent a few PMs last night. This morning, I realized why the URL pasted to the finder didn't work - I was using an outdated finder link. I changed the link to the correct version, which fixed it. I still get the "User Authorization Not Valid" error with the "URL to ISY" URL.
  17. Thanks, Paul. I guess I'm not going crazy with the two different logins. It's odd behavior, seeing the exact same screen and dialog box, but needing entirely different credentials. I guess I'll continue to bypass the portal for the Admin Console when I can, and use it mainly for the Echo. I hate having to type in thirty-something characters for email address and password to log in.
  18. Thanks for the info, John. I think I misspoke - A reserved address with port forwarding is probably what I need. I've reverted Mobilinc to use my DynDNS access, and not the portal. I've never used ML Connect, so it still works fine in parallel with the portal. Mobilinc is also MUCH faster through the DNS HTTP address. The Geofence behavior was odd through the portal. My fence crossing changed a state variable, which ran an ISY program to notify me. It should also have run the thermostat program, but didn't. When I link Mobilinc through my old DNS HTTP URL, both programs run as expected.
  19. I've seen a number of instructions to set the network to Automatic (DHCP). This may be a dumb question, but why can't I keep a static address? Doesn't the ISY report its address to the Portal, regardless of how it was obtained? This would allow me to maintain the access through my DNS URL as well as through the portal. Here's why I want to do this: I use Mobilinc Geofencing (*without* Mobilinc Connect), and since I switched Mobilinc to use the Portal, my geofence doesn't update the state variable on the ISY. (although it does send me a notification of fence crossing). My wife's phone, on which I haven't changed the settings yet, still updates the variable, because it still communicates through the DNS HTTP URL. I switched to the Portal because I'll be installing the Echo. I'm wondering if I can keep Mobilinc connected to the ISY through the DYN HTTP port, and use the Portal for the Echo, at least until Mobilinc fixes the failed variable updates. Controlling the heat while we're home/away with geofencing is one thing that needs to work.
  20. For some reason, Firefox won't remember my login name from the portal, although it works for most other sites. Companies like Fidelity, Bank of America, and American Express have a "Remember Me" check-box. If it's good enough for them...
  21. I've been accessing AJAX through the portal>ISY Web Access.
  22. Does the ISY possibly hold two sets of credentials, one for HTTP and one for HTTPS?
  23. Then why is it doing it repeatably? I now need to use my portal login email address as the user name when I access from the AJAX interface, but I need to use my old user name from the from the local machine. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's what it's doing. To clarify, My ISY finder window has one entry for the DYNDNS address (http://mydomain@dyndns.org...), and another for the portal link address (https://my.isy.io/isy/fdd3ea......) I need different credentials for each one, although they are the same device.
  24. Then what's going on? I need to use different credentials to access the Admin Console depending on portal or network access.
  25. Stu, I cut and pasted the URLs that failed from the ISY information.
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