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Everything posted by DaveStLou

  1. I'm not familar with Switchbot blinds but I use mine for controlling fans through Home Assistant. There are some limitations in the way the Insteon Keypads are handled in the Home Assistant Universal Devices ISY/IoX Integration. Here's the description from the documentation: https://rc.home-assistant.io/integrations/isy994#insteon-scenes--keypadremote-buttons
  2. Migrating to PG3x did indeed fix the problem. Volumio reinstalled.
  3. Since I use this daily, I fired up the Volumio integration in Home Assistant. Still have some bugs getting the Pandora stations to show up correctly as input selections but it's workable. So at least I have a viable workaround via Home Assistant.
  4. So what's the next step in troubleshooting?
  5. Good thought but alas, no difference. On a whim I tried disabling Pi-hole while installing. Also, no difference. I have a backup of Polyglot from a few days ago, should I try restoring that? Any downside or risk?
  6. I had tried that a couple of times before posting. I've also tried rebooting and installing it in a different slot. Same results. Very strange. Any other thoughts?
  7. This week Volumio was not responding properly so I decided to delete and reinstall my Volumio nodeserver. However, it never shows "connected". I am running PG3 3.1.21, Frontend 3.1.21 and IoX 5.6.0 on my Polisy. When I attempt to view the nodeserver logs is get this message: Looking into Polyglot log file (relevant piece attached) I found this line which complains about not being able to find volumio.py: 5/28/2023, 12:26:10 [pg3] error: [Volumio(1)] :: STDERR: python3: can't open file '/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db952bf24_1/./volumio.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory Is there something I need to do differently to install nodeservers under the new PG3 version? log_excerpt.txt
  8. I don't think it was always this way but the Triggered state on my two PTZ cameras is showing as a 0 when False and 1 when True. All of my other Fixed cameras are showing correctly. Is anyone else seeing this? I'm not sure if it's a bug or something in the way I have them set up in Blue Iris.
  9. Circling back on this thread: This is now working correctly. Thanks!
  10. Strange that it's sometimes correct. This evening it shows the same value as the t-stat display. Here's the history from the first of May (by the way HA history is a great feature!):
  11. I have a view set up in HA that includes my Insteon thermostat. Every so often it shows the incorrect current temperature. Anyone else running into this? The actual temperature was 73.
  12. I use mine to turn on lights when they are needed and off when they are not. I created a bug report: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/92001
  13. I have three of the 1st generation Insteon Motion Sensors 2842-222 that, in addition to Motion and Low Battery, report Dusk to Dawn in IoX. In IoX is shows "On" when light level is low and "Off" when light levels are bright. In my system I have this labeled as "Dark" In HA using the Universal Devices ISY/IoX integration this comes across and is showing up as a light class binary sensor (which makes sense) but the On and Off seems reversed which I think is because the light binary sensor class in HA says on means light detected, off means no light. I know I can flip them using a template, but shouldn't they be flipped in the integration since it will always show incorrectly for the 1st gen motion sensors? Below is history from one of my sensors which shows how this shows up:
  14. I've been moving selected z-wave devices and programs to HA but have run into a problem adding my ZEN30 Double Switch. It hangs perpetually interviewing the device when I attempt to include it. If I cancel the interview it ends up showing as a connected, yet non-functional "node" without any device information. Has anyone gotten a ZEN30 to connect? I am waiting on a replacement for my Zooz 800 Series Long Range USB Controller that I was unable to upgrade the firmware on. Maybe the new dongle with solve both problems? Edit: I tried again right after posting this and it did add although insecurely
  15. I know what you mean. Zooz support sent me to Simplicity Studio which is anything but simple. They asked me to reset the stick which so far hasn't worked so there may be something wrong with my 800 stick.
  16. I picked up a Zooz 800 stick and noticed Zooz has a firmware update available. I attempted to update in Home Assistant per Zooz's instructions but it is failing. Has anyone gotten the firmware update to work in HA?
  17. Very interesting. I had 3 or 4 "reboots" of my Polisy earlier this week. I have a program that sends me a Pushover notice - very similar to your email. I have not opened a ticket but I have reviewed the logs and haven't found anything obvious. In the meantime I've ordered a new power supply from UDI. It's on its way.
  18. I have the Zooz dongle. That's what I'll probably do. It'll allow me to test now and then migrate in a logical, rather than just fast methodology.
  19. Has anyone tried moving the Zwave usb dongle from IoX to HA? I'm not sure I want to do this but I'm considering using my Polisy for Insteon and HA for Zwave, Zigbee and other integrations. My thought would be to power down my Polisy while I test in HA. I assume the devices would continue to communicate with the Zwave dongle. If successful I could figure out how which programs to modify on Polisy and which to move to HA. Many, I suspect would be hybrids - using both. Thoughts?
  20. That did it. Thank you!
  21. That's what I figured is happening. Now I just have to figure out how to check that from the water heater entity I tried updating the condition to this but it didn't work: condition: and conditions: - condition: template value_template: >- {{ ( states('sensor.i_ha_watertempset')) != (state_attr('water_heater.rheem_water_heater', 'temperature'))}} - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.i_ha_watertempset above: 99 below: 131 On the other on the garage door, I used to have them as two separate automations but thought I should be able to combine them. The idea of only triggering if on or off was the last state gave me the idea to make this change to the trigger: trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - sensor.garage_door_12 for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 3 from: "Off" to: "On" - platform: state entity_id: - sensor.garage_door_12 for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 3 from: "On" to: "Off" which worked!
  22. This is the garage door automation: alias: Operate Garage Door - ISY trigger description: |- Added 3 second delay before if then evaluated. ISY communication delay? Trigger MyQ to operate door based on Garage Door Switch (virtual 12) trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - sensor.garage_door_12 for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 3 condition: [] action: - if: - condition: state entity_id: switch.garage_door_v12 state: "off" then: - device_id: 23ed29295bc9bfe28813b72f2b489127 domain: cover entity_id: cover.garage_door type: close else: - device_id: 23ed29295bc9bfe28813b72f2b489127 domain: cover entity_id: cover.garage_door type: open mode: single And the water heater automation: alias: Set Water Temperature-ISY trigger description: "Set Rheem Water Heater temperature when i.HA.WaterTemp (56) " trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - sensor.i_ha_watertempset condition: - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.i_ha_watertempset above: 99 below: 131 action: - service: water_heater.set_temperature data: temperature: "{{ states('sensor.i_ha_watertempset')| int }}" target: entity_id: water_heater.rheem_water_heater - service: notify.alexa_media_office_dot data: message: Water heater set to {{ states('sensor.i_ha_watertempset')| int }} - service: notify.mobile_app_dave_mobileapp data: message: Water heater set to {{ states('sensor.i_ha_watertempset')| int }} mode: single
  23. I have a couple of automations I'm using to bridge between ISY and HA which unintentionally trigger when the Universal Devices ISY/IoX integration starts even though the state hasn't actually changed (examples below). This happens when I restart HA (even quick reload) and when I reload the ISY/IoX integration. This is a trigger for a variable of the water heater temp I'm passing to HA: platform: state entity_id: - sensor.i_ha_watertempset This is a trigger for sensor I've create in ISY for a virtual switch status: platform: state entity_id: - sensor.garage_door_12 for: hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 3 In the first example, the automation just causes the temp to be reset to it current value which is no big deal but the other triggers the MyQ garage door to open which is obviously not acceptable. Appreciate any help as I'm quite a novice on HA automations. Thanks!
  24. My mistake. I named the program "action" instead of "actions". It's working now. Question: Can these type of programs be in any folders or do they need to be at the root of the program tree?
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