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Everything posted by GeorgeRufle

  1. I did a GOOGLE search for "calendar node servers" but out of all the ones found, which one would be the most appropriate for use with my ISY994? I also obtained a program "ddmmyyyy.isy". Could you point me to somewhere that enplanes the use of an isy file. Does all of this require an internet connection to function? I have been programming my ISY994 for many years but only using what's generically provided.
  2. Not all months have the same number of days, for instance Feb. What am I missing. In the above program if I set "some number" equal to 31 aren't there months that will not trigger the "then" path?
  3. I know that this thread is for the PLM but there are similar issues with electrolyitic caps failing in the 2476D wall switch. Since I wasn't able to fix my 2413S I decided to look into why several of my 2476D wall switches were acting up. Lo and behold all of the electrolytic caps (there were only 2) in these units had burst and were leaking. C16 was 100uF@16 WV which I replaced with 100uF@25WV. C2 was 470uF@ 25WV which I replaced with 470uF@35WV. It appears to me that C2 failed because it is laying sidewas up against D10. This diode obviously gets hot because the point at which it touched C2 is where the failure occurred on C2. I assume that C16 failed because of the C2 failure. After replacing these two caps I now have a functional 2476D again.
  4. More information ............ You are correct about the daughter board. If I place a known good daughter board in my nonfunctional 2413S the LED initionally blinks RED but never goes GREEN. If I place either of my daughter boards in my spare (GOOD) 2413S the LED initially blinks RED but then goes GREEN and stays that way. If I press and hold the reset I can get into linking mode as I should. I guess as a previous poster suggested there is more wrong than a few bad capacitators.
  5. I guess my board or the interface to it is bad. When I connect mine back up the LED still blinks RED/GREEN. If anyone is interested here is some info for the chips on the main board. U7 is "Si4420" data sheet is here http://www.silabs.com/products/wireless/EZRadio/Pages/si442021.aspx U5 is PIC 16F648A data sheet is here http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en010212 U6 is PIC 16F688 data sheet is here http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en010215
  6. Which daughter board are you refering to? The only other board that is in there is the one that has the ethernet connector on it which by the way I don't currently have attached to the main board.
  7. Just to update everyone on what I have done so far on my 2413S. I have checked all of the caps and found them all to be installrd correctly. I have measured voltages across the following caps. These voltages persist even after the LED stops blinking. C3 ~ 164 VDC C11 ~ 4.5 VDC C13 ~ 20.5 VDC C7 ~ 20.6 VDC C8 ~ 5.1 VDC When first powered on the LED starts out RED. It then goes GREEN after a short time (maybe 1/2 second). The cycle RED>GREEN repeats 6 times then the LED goes out. My replacement 2413S when first powered on the LED starts out RED then goes GREEN and stays that way. I have an old but working 2412S that when first powered on the LED starts out OFF then goes bright (blueish white) for a short time (maybe 1/2 second). The cycle OFF>BRIGHT repeats 6 times then the LED goes DIM. The manuals describe how to use a working unit but are not very helpful for troubleshooting. At this point I'm not sure what troubleshooting can be done without a schematic. I guess I will have to try and create one, Anyone have any ideas I would love to hear them.
  8. Yes, I have already checked that. They are all in corectly.
  9. The one that died had no history of problems until it died. A reset didn't change anything. I guess that something other than the capacitors needs replacing. The second one is a replacement that I just purchased from Smarthome. 2413S V1.C 1425
  10. I just received the capacitors from Mouser. Replaced them all. After installing them the unit and powering it up the LED is on but flashing between RED and GREEN. Does anybody know what that means? Another unit that I have just lights up green when plugged in.
  11. My PLM has died. The LED no longer lights up. The sticker says 2413S, V1.4, 1051. As a previous poster has specified there is no visible damage that I can see. I will be ordering the above parts from Mouser but while I wait for them does anyone know of/have a schematic for the 2413S?
  12. Just tried the new update but when applying it I got an error part way through the update process. Tried a second time and the 2nd time it worked. Go figure. Anyway now the VE command shows 2.8.13
  13. My backup is in the mail. I'm still wondering what are the three devices 99, 992 and 994?
  14. I managed to recover from my upgrade. 1- Hold the ISY99 reset button in for at least two reset cycles as observed on the serial port using Hyperterm, about 40 seconds. 2- Connected using the admin console. Note that everything gets reset back to factory defaults. 3- Did a manual firmware update back to 2.8.10 4- Restored the ISY99 state from the backup for 2.8.10 Now I'm functional although my firmware is at 2.8.10
  15. Tried the update again following the directions at the beginning of this thread and now the ISY is unresponsive. While I was upgrading I had Hyperterm connected and here is what was output ......... note the memory error at the very last line. Please Log in Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort Configured IP = Configured Mask = MAC Address= 00:21:b9:00:00: --- Product : (1040) ISY 99i 1024 --- Max Nodes & Scenes: 1024 Starting ISY Configuring the File System FREE SPACE 4300800 INSTALLING NEW FIRMWARE /CODE/ISYUPD.002 FIRMWARE SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED Flushing all log filesWaiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort Configured IP = Configured Mask = MAC Address= 00:21:b9:00:00: --- Product : (1040) ISY 99i 1024 --- Max Nodes & Scenes: 1024 Starting ISY Configuring the File System Loading System Configuration Refreshing Device Configurations Loading Nodes Configuration Starting the Time Services Configuring Modular Web Services Could not configure Modular Web Services: File not found Initializing SSL Services SSL Key Size: 1024 SERIAL:Connect: port=0 baud=19200 stop=1 data=8 parity=0 : synch=true pd=3 Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service Retrieving Nodes Starting the Logical Device Updater Service Binding the UPnP Device Starting the Logger Service Starting Network Subsystem Starting the She Please Log in Username: Starting the Device Starting Device Communications Services Initializing the Driver PLM: E.DB.1 v92 Starting the Schedule/Trigger Service Starting the SSDP Agent Starting the Secure Web Server Starting Telnet Service Starting ELK Services Configuring Internet Access Looking For an Internet Gateway MEM:Alloc: *ERROR Out of Memory for blocksize=1024 (ask=1024) : STR: ** Out of Memory: askedCap=1024
  16. I noticed in the list of changes that it says under enhancements "support for pro series". Does that mean previous updates didn't support the ISY99i-pro? Also I notice that there are three choices for downloads. For an ISY99i-Pro which link does one choose? What are the differences between the three choices of downloads?
  17. The upgrade did not complete for me. I followed the exact instructions at the beginning of this thread but part way through the update process I get a pop that says ........... "Upgrade Failed:Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)" I have tried the update sequence three times with the same results. What's Next?[/img]
  18. I just read through some of the earlier posts and noticed that it was stated that the server was chopping off pieces of the download so I downloaded the file again and am still experiencing the same problems. The file size as shown in file manager both before and after re-downloading is 3,255 KB. Since I have upgraded using an apparently corrupt file how do I recover from this? I tried using my backup and reverting back to 2.8.8 but now I always get an error.
  19. Since I'm off from work today I decided to look into why the 2.8.9 upgrade seems to go correctly but remains reported in the "About" as 2.8.8. First thing that I did was to try and manually upgrade one more time (I have done this several times previously without errors) but this time I received an error pop-up stating "Upgrade Failed:Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)". If I connect using Hyper-Term and issue a "RS" command I get the following. Note that there is a complaint about a missing file. I am willing to allow a remote login if that would help. ##############################>RS Flushing all log files Flushing logger at index 0 Flushing logger at index 1 Goodbye! Please Log in Username:Waiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort Configured IP = Configured Mask = MAC Address= 00:21:b9:00:00: --- Product : (1040) ISY 99i 1024 --- Max Nodes & Scenes: 1024 Starting ISY Configuring the File System Loading System Configuration Refreshing Device Configurations Loading Nodes Configuration Starting the Time Services Configuring Modular Web Services Could not configure Modular Web Services: File not found Initializing SSL Services SSL Key Size: 1024 SERIAL:Connect: port=0 baud=19200 stop=1 data=8 parity=0 : synch=true pd=3 Starting the Alarms & Notifications Service Retrieving Nodes Starting the Logical Device Updater Service Binding the UPnP Device Starting the Logger Service Starting Network Subsystem Starting the She Please Log in Username: Starting the Device Starting Device Communications Services Initializing the Driver PLM: E.DB.1 v92 Starting the Schedule/Trigger Service Starting the SSDP Agent Starting the Secure Web Server Starting Telnet Service Starting ELK Services Configuring Internet Access Looking For an Internet Gateway Refreshing Device Configurations Starting Module Services Query All Devices ################################
  20. Just manually updated for the third time. The update process appears to have finished correctly but I too noticed that the revision displayed in "About" still states 2.8.8 .
  21. Thanks for the response. My setup has been on all day and as you stated the ISY eventually got whatever it needed because the errors have stopped. I checked the router and its DHCP service is enabled with the beginning address set to with 50 users possible and 1 day lease time. I just don't like errors if they can be avoided. Thanks again
  22. I haven't used my ISY lately but with the holiday season coming up I thought that I would dust off some of last years lighting programs. When I sat down at my computer I noticed that the "MEM' and "ERROR" LEDs on the ISY-99 were blinking on for about 1 second at what appear to be random intervals. Anywhere form a minute to several minutes. I have done and noticed the following with no change in the symptoms; 1-Changed the network cable between my ISY-99 and WRT54G with a known good cable. 2-I can open a WEB browser connection to the ISY and control various lights around the house with no problem. 3-I connected to the ISY using HyperTerm and the ISY serial port. That is where I see the message "Network Cable Disconnected or DHCP Server Error" being printed out. The message shows up and then the two LEDs blink. 4-The PLM/Info status says "E.DA.E4v72/Connected" 5-The about box shows .... My Lighting : uuid:00:21:b9:00:00:94 - Isteon_UD99 v.2.7.6 Product : ISY 99i Pro (1040) --Open Auto-DR (21010) My URL : Internet Access : Disabled Has anyone seen this or a similar problem and what can be done to eliminate the error messages?
  23. I think I may have found the problem. The other day I had some problems while upgrading. Somewhere along the line the current ISY time was changed. It was off by several hours. Thanks for the copy/pate tip. I knew it could be done from reading other posts. Thanks again.
  24. As a new ISY owner I wanted to control my Xmas lights using a simple program. My intent was to have the lights come on at sunset and go off somewhere between 11:00 and 11:30 every day. Sounds simple enough. I implemented the program below which I thought would do what I wanted but it doesn't. What seems to happen is at sunset the lights come on but some time afterwards (not sure yet when this happens) the lights go out. When I notice that the lights are not on if I use an X10 controller to turn the lights back on they stay on until 11:00-11:30. Here is the program, what could be wrong? BTW, how does one cut and paste program code into this post? I had to type it in . If From Sunset To 11:00:00PM (same day) Then Send X10 'C13/On (3)' Else Wait 30 minutes (Random) Send X10 'C13/Off (11)'
  25. After I tried to update to 2.6.13 I can no longer connect to the ISY. It's an ISY-99i PRO. When I connect to the debug port using Hyperterm I see a prompt that says "nb>". Looking back through the Hyperterm buffer I found a line of text saying "Decomp Failed, No Valid app". If I try "BOOT" I get "Decomp Failed". If I try "Reset" I get the following " nb>ResetWaiting 2sec to start 'A' to abort Decomp Failed No Valid app Universal Devices NBUD-70-100 Monitor V1.0 Jun 13 2007 15:27:39 HELP for help nb> " What can I do to straighten this out?
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