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  1. Sorry for got to updated the lost. All sold!!!
  2. ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN SOLD!!! Admins feel free to delete All single items please add $8 shipping. Will do combined shipping. All items are used and function. ***Prices are per 1 item. Item Model QTY Price Keypad Linc 6 2334-232/#2486D 4 $45 FanLinc 2475F 3 $45 Lamplinc Dimmers #2457D2 2 $12 Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions Thanks Mike
  3. I just ran a test. I put her phone to sleep. Waited for the wifi to disconnect. I sent a push notification and it wakes it and connects to wifi.
  4. No my only problem is how to keep my wife's iphone connected to wifi when it sleeps. Anyone come across this? I wish I could send a wake packet.
  5. Kev Thanks I am idiot. It was taking the exit of echo i had right before the if. Mike
  6. That is correct. The phone IP would go there.
  7. I am new to bash. Can anyone tell me why my else statement wont work? Its not even getting to it. The exit of arp-scan is 1 not found and 0 found. I am confused. Thanks Mike #!/bin/bash while : do echo "running arp command Phone 1" sudo arp-scan phone | grep phone > /dev/null echo $? if [ $? -eq 0 ] then curl -s http://user:pw@ip:80/rest/vars/set/2/1/1 > /dev/null else curl -s http://user:pw@ip:80/rest/vars/set/2/1/0 > /dev/null fi echo "running arp command Phone 2" sudo arp-scan phone2 | grep phone2 > /dev/null echo $? if [ $? -eq 0 ] then curl -s http://user:pw@ip:80/rest/vars/set/2/3/1 > /dev/null elif [ $? -eq 1 ] then curl -s http://user:pw@ip:80/rest/vars/set/2/3/0 > /dev/null fi done sleep 60
  8. Thank you for posting. I hope to play with this tonight.
  9. I just finished my basement. It has its own zone for heat. I was looking at getting a zwave or insteon thermostat but they are pricey. My idea is to use the aeotec multisensor to monitor temp in the room. I would love to use the multisensor for occupancy as well. but that will come later. I will be controlling the zone using one of these $11 wifi relays. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LYYC4MW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have setup custom firmware on the wifi relay so I can use the ISY network resource and use a GET to turn on or off the relay. Now I am stuck on the the logic. I think I should make state variables for the Low and high temps. I would need a way to override (if the wife gets cold) Occupancy I see a lot of users using a multitude of things to detect occupancy. They seem to be using more than input to do this. Can you just do this with a motion sensor? My only other thought about this is the update frequency of the multisensor. On battery its 10mins.
  10. Bump
  11. Before we get in to that the isy is not a security system, I understand all the risks involved. I have taken all the precautions i can. The ISY is on battery backup and I run an enterprise firewall that has fail over to cellular connection. I know this is not perfect. But is better than nothing. I am tesinng the echo link motion sensor. I pick this one becuase it is pet ammune. I have a 15lb dachshund. I have setup several programs Arm Home (perimeter only) Arm Away (perimeter and motion) Disarm The problem is when the motion sensor is tripped it says tripped for 4 mins. If i try to arm within those 4 mins it sets the alarm off. Bellow I will post all my code. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks Mike Armed home Armed Home - [ID 0050][Parent 0028] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'Disarm' (Else Path) Wait 1 second Repeat 1 times Set Scene 'Inside / Alarms_Alerts / Scenes / Door_Alert' Beep Repeat 1 times $Alarm_Perim = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Alarm active(home) Home - [ID 000C][Parent 0028] If $Alarm_Perim is 1 And ( Status 'Inside / Hallway / Devices / HW_Basement-Door-Open' is On Or Status 'Inside / Kitchen / Devices / Kitchen Entry Door (Graage)' is On Or Status 'Inside / Living_Room / Devices / Front Door' is On Or Status 'Inside / Kitchen / Devices / Kitchen Slider' is On Or Status 'Garage / Devices / Garage Rear Door' is On ) Then Repeat 30 times Set Scene 'Inside / Alarms_Alerts / Scenes / Door_Alert' Beep Repeat 1 times Send Notification to 'Alarm' content 'Perimeter_Alarm_Open' $Alarm_Active = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Arm Away (perimeter and motion) Armed Away - [ID 0029][Parent 0028] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Run Program 'Disarm' (Else Path) Wait 1 second Repeat 30 times Set Scene 'Inside / Alarms_Alerts / Scenes / Door_Alert' Beep Repeat 1 times $Alarm_Away = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Alarm active(away) Away - [ID 0056][Parent 0028] If $Alarm_Away is 1 And ( Status 'Inside / Hallway / Devices / HW_Basement-Door-Open' is On Or Status 'Inside / Kitchen / Devices / Kitchen Entry Door (Graage)' is On Or Status 'Inside / Living_Room / Devices / Front Door' is On Or Status 'Inside / Kitchen / Devices / Kitchen Slider' is On Or Status 'Garage / Devices / Garage Rear Door' is On Or Status 'Inside / Living_Room / Devices / ZW 003 Binary Sensor' is Responding ) Then Repeat 30 times Set Scene 'Inside / Alarms_Alerts / Scenes / Door_Alert' Beep Repeat 1 times Send Notification to 'Alarm' content 'Perimeter_Alarm_Open' $Alarm_Active = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Disarm Disarm - [ID 0057][Parent 0028] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then $Alarm_Active = 0 $Alarm_Perim = 0 $Alarm_Away = 0 Run Program 'Armed Perm' (Else Path) Run Program 'Armed Away' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  12. Are you doing anything with automation?
  13. I would be interested I would assume this would work with the craftsmen as well.
  14. How are you using it?
  15. themlruts


    Has anyone looked in to this product? https://www.automatic.com
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