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Everything posted by Grizzy

  1. Grizzy

    Disable Device

    In the ISY what does the status of the motion sensor indicate when you have the off function disabled and there is no motion. Example: motion sensor detects motion, then motion sensor timer resets. Does ISY know status has changed from sensing motion to now none?
  2. Grizzy

    Disable Device

    Option 1: I have included this in the program such that the lights are turned off. My issue comes in MobiLinc where my dashboard icons provide a quick visual indication on all my sensors. When one does not clear the on status MobiLinc lndicates a false trigger. Option 2: Good suggestion, I will give it a try. Do you have an idea how MobiLinc will handle this ? Thanks Donald
  3. Grizzy

    Disable Device

    I have a motion sensor that is not 100% communicating. It will send a motion detected but the motion rest is not alway captured by the ISY, leaving some programs stuck. I have tried the query, write device updates and the only way I have found to reset the status indication was to disable and re-enable the device. I know the comm link cannot talk with the motion sensor unless it is placed in program mode locally. Due to its location that's just not feasible. I'm just hoping their is an easier way to force the ISY to toggle the motion sensor status to off. Someday I will have to improve the link path , but that is a ways off, so I'm hoping to find a quick fix. Any suggestions are much welcomed. Thanks
  4. Grizzy

    Disable Device

    Hello, Is there a way to disable a device inside a program ? I'm running v4.5.4 Thanks
  5. Grizzy

    PLM Died

    THANK YOU GARY ..........
  6. Grizzy

    PLM Died

    Hello, Well my PLM bit the dust at a little over 2 years. I have seen somewhere a post with the Digi-Key part numbers of all the replacement caps. Looking in the catalog makes me cross eyed at all the different possibilities. Naturally I cannot find the list now. I would appreciate is someone could give the part numbers or a link where I can find them. Many thanks Donald
  7. So glad you have taken the time and effort to take this on. I do have a couple questions prior to purchase. Does it matter which model PLM I have ? Are the caps the correct physical size so that I will not have to make modifications ? Are the caps rated at the higher temps as noted throughout this discussion ? Again Thanks
  8. Hello, Can anyone give me good / bad feedback on the Insteon 2993-222 Diagnostics Keypad. Thanks Don
  9. Are the older versions still available ? Where ? From reports UI has a good record on new releases, so I feel good there. I kinda believe if it's not broke don,t fix it. I'm sort of slow to jump at every new thing that emerges from a rapid changing technology. Gee I still use a DOS & win95 not to mention the TRS80 MOD III Although I,m really excited and waiting to see the release of version 5. ( hint, hint ) I see you point and agree. Don
  10. Hi Teken, I cleared the cache and it deleted the ISY Icon on my desktop. Is this expected ? I reloaded the admin Console from the file I used on the original install. (Darn, can't remember where I got it, but at least I saved it after the install) Every thing has returned to normal ) Checked UI version and nothing changed there, so I'm not sure what happened or caused the problem .. gremlins ? Thank You All for your help. Don
  11. Hi Michel, I tried the above link. It caused Java to do an upgrade to v8.40 Afterwards it was slower to load from the above link. Loading from the desktop icon still displays Java and a progress bar and it still slow to start the admin console (now The Java Logo is blue, before it was a red logo) Don
  12. No
  13. I did not have Java prior to buying the ISY. After reading install procedure, I installed Java 8 and then installed the admin console and everything was working fine. I did the original install about 6 months ago. I am using win7. I have not seen anything else unusual with my computer. Don
  14. Since I installed the admin console , updated Java 6 months ago it has functioned without a problem. I have always started it from an desktop icon on windows 7 Yesterday it began acting strange, after clicking the icon there was a delay, then the JAVA logo appeared and a progress bar started running. After about 15 sec. the admin console finally came up. This happens now every time I run the admin console. I have not changed anything or done any updates to explain the possible cause. I have rebooted win7 several times with same results. Although it still works, the delay is getting very frustrating. I would appreciate any suggestions on how I can get my admin console back the way it was. Thanks Everyone Don
  15. How can I wait to set the variable until each sensor actually reports an on or off ?
  16. Ok that makes sense, when the program that sets the variable does see a null, the results maybe unpredictable but the main controlling program always sees a real number and can follow a determined path and not get lost in a loop. Am I thinking correctly ?
  17. Xathros, I tried using control in place of status earlier and if I remember I had problem with it triggering the program and when I changed it to status it worked. This has been awhile back when I first wrote it so I not sure, I just remember I had used control. I am rewriting the code using variables as Jimbo suggested. I do not understand why it will help because the same status program sets a variable rather than running the program ? I would appreciate if someone can explain why the difference and what is actually happening when the program evaluates a NULL. It seems like the command "if Status xxx = On" would evaluate false on a null value ?? I will try using the "Command" rather than "Status" again and see what happens. Thanks all for your ideas. Don
  18. Hello, I had everything running smooth until I had a power loss to my isy. After reset several of my programs using the hidden door sensors were erratic and unpredictable. I suspect the cause was a null value in the sensor field for each door sensor. Once each and every door was opened and closed one time every thing was again ok. Because each sensor was pre-tested they all had either an on / off value, such that when entered in a program they worked fine. Doing a query will not work on the battery device. So how can I write the program to deal with the null condition until the sensor reports to the isy the first time. Here is a partial part of the program as I have it now. If ( Status 'Door 1 Sen (2C.73.62)' is Off Or Status 'Door 2 Sen (32.8E.CE)' is Off Or X10 'A12/On (3)' is Received ) And $i_Alarms_On is not 3 Then Wait 3 seconds Run Program 'Alarm Audible' (Else Path) Disable Program 'Garage M1 Motion' Disable Program 'Garage M2 Motion' Disable Program 'LT Bldg M1 Motion' Disable Program 'Front Driveway Sensor' $i_Alarms_On = 3 $s_Alarms_On = 3 Send Notification to 'Donald' content 'Alarm Disarmed' Set 'X10 Devices / A12 Disarmed' On Set 'X10 Devices / A11 Silence Delayed' Off Set 'X10 Devices / A10 Arm' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Thanks Don
  19. Thank you, Excellent addition to ISY. I think it would be an easy upgrade for the design engineers at UDI. Have you entered a suggestion ? If not please do so, I would add my penny's worth. Don
  20. Thanks, I have the same fear. 20 years ago an "EMP" would not have taken down our power grid and generating stations. Today I personally can guarantee there is no way to run our new and upgraded power plants manually with a complete loss of the computer system! Sad, we old timers tried to maintain a parallel path for automation, BUT, due to cost and profit minded management, WE LOST. Think about it, when did you. first hear the term "BROWN OUT" ... That's a prelude to "Critical Mass" Don
  21. Hi, I'm running v4.2.15 and should upgrade to v4.2.18 Is it better to Manually or Automatically perform the upgrade ? Why ? I only have about 12 devices installed, 20 programs and 1 scene. Thanks Don
  22. Well you are fortunate !! My ISP required a commercial account to assign me a static IP. That would have been about $45/month more. Now if that's peanuts to you, again you are fortunate, but for me on SS retirement that is a significant sum of money. I did not appreciate your "CHEAP" comment. If can not be constructive keep your comments to yourself. Don
  23. I had same issue with DYNDNS ... So I also started use my home IP ... But same problem my ISP changes my IP now and then and I won't pay for a static IP ... So I have a device send me a daily email ... Look in the header and you will find your new IP ... I think you could have the ISY do it , you may have to set the ISY to use your SMTP. I have not checked the header using the UD server, it may still contain your home IP. Takes a few seconds yo look through the header, BUT saves me a bunch of money over buying a static IP. Works for me when I'm away from home, might be an idea for you. Don
  24. No need to be sorry: I can find there is something interesting and always something to gain by listening and welcoming any and all input. A persons background many times defines their thought process, after all that's how we spent a big part of our life. Thanks for your "soap box comments" As I mentioned I read your posts and value information you share. You once mentioned doing all the work for ???? WELL I can tell you there are many of us that appreciate the time and effort you spend to evaluate and provide us with factual information. For every programmer there is a different way to accomplish the same thing. Guess What They are all right, all good, and each of can learn from the other if we just open our minds. Thanks, I appreciate ALL the feedback I get. Sometimes it may take 3 teachers to get a point across, but when you see that light bulb go on it was worth every bit of the effort expended !! Keep up the work !! Don
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