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  1. CandC

    Java issues

    @xlurkr I never used the Insteon link protocol like you do. I simple have a different style using home automation. Devices are either automatic or I use google home voice commands and google home voice routines, like :"Good Night" and several devices all at once respond... thanks for sharing, I still have my old Insteon devices and now I am not too eager to get rid of them...
  2. CandC

    Java issues

    I found the Insteon mesh network more reliable than the zwave or zigbee mesh networks (more interference). Most reliable devices are the Tasmota devices, they are wifi devices. One of the main reason for quitting ISY is that there is no native support for Tasmota and MQTT. And I kind of liked the challenge of setting up HA, there is more control over the programing... google home integration can be setup without a third party service, plus https security (free Cloudflare) and two factor authentication.... I think the future will be with Zigbee and Thread and perhaps Matter. It seems to me that EISY is covering the same issues but ISY is showing its age and limitations...
  3. CandC

    Java issues

    @xlurkr I have a Aeon Labs Keyfob scene controller: I could never make it work in isy994 but for HA someone posted a Blueprint and simply installing this Blueprint enabled the Keyfob scene controller in HA. There might be a HA Blueprint available for what you want to do in HA...
  4. CandC

    Java issues

    I am not sure I understand: Certainly scenes can be created with one device action being the trigger for an entire scene which runs while HA is active. For a scene to work when HA is off line or shut off, the individual device setups still allow direct interaction with other same devices: those features are independent of the controller and are native to the particular devices. But I only responded to the issue of using Insteon on controllers other than isy994. The easiest way to go is EISY, the cheapest is to build your own HA system. In order to add Insteon to HA, just add the Insteon HA integration, choose the PLM instead of the Insteon hub and set the plm device path as /dev/ttyUSB0
  5. CandC

    Java issues

    @slimypizza: Much of programing in the newest HA versions can be done in the visual editor instead of code editor (YAML script)
  6. CandC

    Java issues

    No, HA does not require the Insteon Hub but it does require the Insteon PLM and the usb/serial adapter cable. Beyond that, only additional software addons and integrations. In a sense, Insteon runs on HA as virtually native integration, the insteon devices are integrated as all other devices like zigbee, zwave and Tasmota. Hardest part is to integrate the PLM with the right driver and connected to the appropriate port... I think it is similar to EISY, except not an automated migration...
  7. CandC

    Java issues

    I ran the 994 for several years without a problem: A very stable device, virtually plug and play, programming intuitive. But I got rid of all my insteon devices and migrated to Home Assistant installed on a cheap mini-itx industrial motherboard (no fan, eSata ssd, low power, $75 total, used ebay) Home assistant works with insteon but there is a steep learning curve. I am using zwave, zigbee, and tasmota devices: no problems but a steep learning curve! @aaronw better off sticking with your 994...
  8. actually whitelisting isy.io resolved the problem
  9. I can work around it by disabling two of my blocklists: debl (fail2ban IP blocklist) and doh (public DoH-Provider)
  10. Test is successful but the individual status indicators are missing: I can still query the device and control the device from that panel but status icon is still missing or unresponsive. This condition is true for WIFI and cell phone connection
  11. I am using an IP blocklist on my edge router. When the list is active and I am using my Android phone at home over WIFI, UD mobile does not connect properly. Before trashing my IP blocklist, can you provide an IP whitelist I might try?
  12. this morning came back online by itself
  13. I changed my modem and ud mobile is offline My isy portal status is green but the google home connectivity is not online Otherwise my network works perfectly, my domain name resolves correctly and all other apps connect without problem
  14. I was also hoping that a future update would fix it: I thought I was the only one who had this problem and I tried many things to fix it... The devices come online when GH is refreshed manually but become offline again after some use
  15. I have the same thing: now the devices show the offline status, but before that the device statuses were shown as simply "off" even when they were in fact not. I posted on this issue before but no solution and I have given up using GH and only use UD Mobil display...
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