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Everything posted by kowaj

  1. I keep getting "Updating Neighbors for 'xxx' failed to start. Is anyone else experiencing this when trying to update Z-wave neighbors? I am running 5.3.3.
  2. It was not saving setting it to 70%. I just got it working again. I did a full restore to all my insteon devices still did not work. I just now rebooted after doing the full restore and it appears to be functioning normal again.
  3. I am controlling directly from the ISY. The odd thing is there is nothing shows up in even viewer when I click on for any of my switches/keypads. in the screen shot attached I circled a fast on fast off, and then shows nothing for on.
  4. Ok this looks like none of my insteon devices respond to On anymore. I tried doing restore with no effect.
  5. for some reason all devices in my basement stopped functioning properly. When I go through the ISY I can turn them of or Fast On. Regular on does not work and nothing even goes in the log when I click it. This started when I added a new Sony TV to my Alexa group. Don't see how that would effect my ISY. Thanks for any input. Forgot to add I upgraded to 5.2 as well.
  6. Hello I have a LampLinc V.43 set up for some cabinet lights. For some reason this works perfectly fine with ISY commands and with keypads but does not respond to alexa commands. I have two in this setup and the other works fine. This started when I update the the V3 skill a while back. Any ideas on how to fix this? The only thing I have not tried yet was deleted from ISY and re-add. I have forgotten the device on alexa and rediscovered already.
  7. I forced stop cleared data/cache then uninstalled. Shut down phone started it back up and installed mobilinc. Put all the right settings in and it says that it is synced with MY isy. My isy shows it is configured for portal and in the portal under my profile its shows my ISY address as my preferred ISY. And for good measure I rebooted my ISY as well. I can send on/off commands just see no status on either Insteon, Z-wave devices, and no weather information either in Mobilinc.
  8. I have already done this several times.
  9. Make sure you using the latest admin console. http://isy.universal...3.26/admin.jnlp - Java application
  10. MobiLinc is now sync'd with the ISY
  11. Android 2.0.7 nothing happens with refresh.
  12. No but I can still send on/off commands without issue. I just can't see status.
  13. The uuid of my isy.
  14. Yes ISY shows Online and registered under portals.
  15. Is there any settings I need to put into my router?
  16. Tried all the above still not showing status and I don't see weather information either.
  17. I am still not getting status updates but can send commands. I tried wiping mobilinc and starting from scratch but that did not work. It's my only isy and it is set to preferred.
  18. Is this something that will be fixed soon?
  19. Hello all. I purchased the portal today and switched Mobilinc over to the portal address so I don't have to use Mobilinc Connect. I can control devices with the app but device status is no longer displaying. Is anyone else experiencing this?
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