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Everything posted by GaryK4

  1. OK, I got that to work. Had to tweak the environment variables a little. Thank, I am good to go.
  2. That is Java 8! Java is up to version 18. I do some software development and some features require the later versions. I don't know if I can have the old and new on the same computer.
  3. From what i understand newer versions of java does not include javaws.exe. IcedTeaWeb added it back. What am I missing.
  4. Some time ago, the console would not load. I had to install IcedTea.web on windows 11. That kind of worked. It went directly into the console without using the Finder. The finder did not work with IcedTea. Now when I try to load the console an error message appears (XML Parse Error http://isy:80/desc. I did upgrade my java from 8 to OpenLogic-OpenJDK Build jdk17u). I don't go to the console often, but that may be the problem. After upgrading Java, I did not do anything with IcedTea. I tried manually loading the IoX finder and selecting the pull down menu Admin Console (LAN), but that did nothing (wheel spun, then closed). There must be a better way to run the console. Need third part software like IcedTea, every java update seems to break something. I don't make many changes, so it is always a pain to figure out how to get it running again. Side notes: I use Home assistant with ISY and many other devices and love it. I have Debian Linux running on a VM within Proxmox. Is it better to run ISY from there? It has OpenJDK 17.0.9 installed. IcedTea web is NOT installed and I don't know hot to install it yet or if it will work with OpenJDK and ISY. When I bring up the web app on Linux and select Admin Console, Java 2+ Required is diplayed. Will the new EISY have the same console startup issues?
  5. Interesting, I found a program called IcedTea-Web 1.8.8. It did not work with start.jnpl. Did not find Iox. However, with admin.jnpl, it worked and brought me to the login. So now I can use Win11 or my VM.
  6. You must have read my mind. I have a Win10 VM running on Proxmox where I installed jre 8 and that works.
  7. The new versions do not have a control panel, so you can't clear the cache. Other programs require newer versions of Java. So, my isy console is basically dead? ☹️
  8. I upgraded from Java 8 to OpenJava 17. There is no javaws.exe file in this version. How do I get the console to startup? I don't want to have the old version installed.
  9. You are my hero! That fixed the problem. Home Assistant is also working. Thanks so much.
  10. Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?
  11. I have (2) garage doors using the IOLinc (2450) v.41. The doors open and close properly. However the sensor is not updating. If I query the sensor in the admin console, it updates. However these updates do not get passed to the Home Assistant. I rebooted the ISY, Home Assistant computer. Unplugged the IOLinc. Still ISY is not reporting the correct status. All other devices appear to be working properly. I don't se anything in the system logs. I am at a loss what to do next!
  12. I found and modified that code and it seems to work. type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.pool_pump Then I have a single automation that watches for any switches that I want to be momentary to turn on, and switch them off after .5sec, like this, in automation.yaml alias: Momentary switch description: 'Turn any switch into a momentary switch' trigger: - platform: state entity_id: switch.pool_pump, switch.rain_delay2 from: 'off' to: 'on' for: '00:00:00.5' condition: [] action: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} entity_id: switch.pool_pump, switch.rain_delay2 mode: single
  13. My garage doors use the IOLinc (Relay and Sensor). Has anyone implemented this with Home Assistant? I created a simple card, but the only option I see is a button. That toggles between on and off. However the IO link just want to see an ON every time. In the ISY console, I can start door movement by pressing ON and stop the motion by pressing ON. I can double click the icon in HA, but that is the wrong way to implement it. How are others handling this?
  14. No insult taken! I am (thought) using the full string. However, I saw that your string was MUCH longer than mine. Somehow when coping the code it was only giving me 43 characters. I create a new key and triple clicked and got the full string. Not quite sure about the double / triple click. In any event, the new full length key WORKS !!! I knew it had to be something simple. I am glad you showed the longer string. Old string: 0aOBp9subDiwWj5qFNo8kyNIpc05hurMT5SMmdiWsAs Thanks for all your help. I have plenty to test now.
  15. C:\Users\gkahr>curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer LONGANNOYINGTOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -vv http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/states Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred. * Trying fe80::bfa6:f085:6c82:aae1:8123... * Connected to homeassistant.local (fe80::bfa6:f085:6c82:aae1) port 8123 (#0) > GET /api/states HTTP/1.1 > Host: homeassistant.local:8123 > User-Agent: curl/7.83.1 > Accept: */* > Authorization: Bearer LONGANNOYINGTOKEN > Content-Type: application/json > * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 < Content-Length: 17 < Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 21:22:46 GMT < Server: Python/3.10 aiohttp/3.8.1 < 401: Unauthorized* Connection #0 to host homeassistant.local left intact
  16. I don't have customization in configuration.yaml I don't see any default_config. Where is this located? restrictions under `http:` ??? Where would this be? I am running the script on other computers. Windows 11 or another Pi. Both have the same error.
  17. We must be running a different version. When I click on your #3 link, if just brings up HA with Settings hi-lite. I have to go to Settings, people, select myself. There, I see admin for me. Currently, I am the only user. My Version. Home Assistant 2022.8.6Supervisor 2022.08.3Operating System 8.4Frontend 20220802.0 - latest The script may be helpful going forward. I just got into 3D printing as well. I have a Prusa i3 MK3s+ for about a month. Love it.
  18. OK, I created a LLAT, Restarted the server and still fails. Putting in the IP did not help. What is the significance of the LLAT name when it is not user?
  19. I am running HA OS on a Rpi 3+ not the Docker version. Does that matter?
  20. I am using HTTP. I took your command and placed my token in to it. Then pasted it in to a windows command window. I get 401: Unauthorized I pasted http://homeassistant.local:8123 on my PC's Chrome browser and it did display HA. Do I need to create a new Token?
  21. I have HA OS up and running on a Pi3+ with all ISY devices working well. I couple of years ago, I created a Pi display of major ISY devices with led alerts if the garage is open. (2) Insteon LED lights are dead and I replaced then with Kasa smart bulbs. They work fine in HA. To date, I can not figure out how to get REST to work and I am not getting help from the HA forum. From the display PI, I need to: Check the status of the Kasa bulbs (on, off). Sent a command to HA to turn the bulb on or off. I have tried commands like the following from my PC to the HA, but it failed (get 401: Unauthorized) curl -X GET -H “Authorization: Bearer ABCDEFGH”-H “Content-Type: application/json” http://localhost:8123/api/states I tried both REST and curl. This must be something basic. So once I get one working, I will have a model to go forward.
  22. OK, This probably belongs on a HA forum. I got a keypad button to turn on a light (eventually a LIFX light). However there does not appear to be an else in YAML. Therefore, the off condition does not work. If I make (2) automations (on, off) than everything works and I am ready for the next step. Is there no else in YAMP? Would the choose function work for this? I need to join a HA forum next. alias: Switch Test description: "" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - switch.rear_led_test condition: - condition: state entity_id: switch.rear_led_test state: 'on' action: - type: turn_on device_id: 8dc687a1719ad96a0edecb00bd1d8bb3 entity_id: light.rear_led domain: light condition: - condition: state entity_id: switch.rear_led_test state: 'off' action: - type: turn_off device_id: 8dc687a1719ad96a0edecb00bd1d8bb3 entity_id: light.rear_led domain: light mode: single
  23. Sound better. I need to learn the HA side. I just started today. The new test scene appeared after rebooting the PI. I will let you know if I need more help. Thanks
  24. My Insteon light bulbs have died. I have been looking at replacement bulbs. Hue and Lifx. I am also playing with HA. Is there a simple way to get either of these bulbs working with the ISY994i? Can it be done without Polyglot? Is there a get started guide for light bulbs? I only need to add a few bulbs. Something like the kitchen, I installed a switch. I want it to work with a keypad.
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