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Everything posted by pmhgeneral

  1. I will take a look at IFTTT for sure Paul thank you for bring that to my attention I will check when I get home later and keep you posted.
  2. ISY 994i/IR Pro using MobiLinc X is there a way to control a GE smart AC unit instead of using the GE stand alone App, it works off of WiFi?
  3. Okay, now I understand better, but isn’t the port 443 for HTTPS or does that not matter at this point? And one other question should I now go into my modem and clean up (delete) the port forwarding I have that didn’t work for me to login remotely? Again Thank You for your Help!
  4. simplextech, A big Thank You Sir, this is just what I needed I can now login remotely wasn't sure if it should have been saved as HTTPS or HTTP or if it matters? still not sure how the work around works with the portal and would be interesting to know. this way of login would it also work with other iPhone ISY apps or only if they are setup for the portal? Again Thank You.
  5. Hello All, New Portal user just purchase, and preordered my Polisy Pro and i'm in need of a little understanding of how do I now login to my ISY 994ipro using my iPhone app remotely to turn lights On/Off. I have the portal setup with my ISY, Account Created, Verified, Module approved, and so on as per instructions. what I don't understand is I have the app Ekeypad Pro but was never able to use for remote access because of port forwarding problems, so my question is how? what else do I need like setting up the ports in the app is it 443? HTTPS? which IP address do use? and login and pw, sorry if this is stupid I just need to be pointed in the right direction this is the part I don't understand. Thank You in Advance! pmhgeneral.
  6. Question for you, when you said you might want to move your PLM I got thinking why would I want to do that since it has been there for about 2 years like all my devices same locations never moved. I don't know if the PLM and devices work off of RF but I do remember 1 of my devices had a hard time getting a signal were I had to move it back when I set them up originally. So were am I going with this is my darling wife decided to move furniture around in her sewing room and put a free standing coat rack totally blocking the PLM I mean suffocating it. So If you didn't mention moving the PLM and today at work I thought about that coat rack came home moved it login to the console did a reboot and guess what yes problem solved lesson learned. Thank You.
  7. the three devices are (2( lamp device and (1) led bulb device that I was running 1 scene and a few programs, do you feel any of this could be I am not running the current version of the firmware or could one of the devices gone bad that causes the programing to do what it wants?
  8. Hi Brian, Yes the green led is on, the PLM says its connected, and the PLM links table if I did it right I hit the start and waited for it to finish shows 7 . I been running 3 devices. also got error message (can not communicate with device check connection) my system is about 1-1/2 to 2 years old.
  9. History ) ISY 994i PRO had the same programs running over a year now and same devices made no changes to anything including my programing, I have not yet updated to your newest update, I am running windows 10 on my computer if this matters which was just updated . Problem ) Seems like it took on a mine of its own I can't turn on or off a device in the console or using my windows phone app snap switch. in the console status shows nothing, I have tried to do a reboot from the console, tried a restore devices, seems like nothing work if I did it right. I also tried to unplug the ISY & PLP and plug the PLP back in first than the ISY that did not help? any help would be great. Thanks.
  10. hi Michel, All good I set the computer time to sync to the same servicer "pool.ntp.org". As the isy, than changed my phone to the same time and all is great. thank you all for the help.
  11. Dennis, sorry it is a typo what you have is what I have. I didn't know if that is what should be in there. Any suggestions about keeping the clock time matching the computer time. Posted with my Nokia Lumia 822 using Tapatalk.
  12. Hi Michel. ntp servicer is enable, and in the box next to it is (pool,ntp.org) is this correct ? the difference between the computer time and ntp time is over 2 minuets.and were do you add the city name there is no place to write it in Scranton.
  13. So can any one please explain if this was solved and how because I also have the same problem as Wingsy above when I put in my city "Scranton" and PA is the state. One other problem I am having is the clock is gaining time every day and I want it to stay sync with the computers clock which is sync with my cell phone and all the programs run by. I have to keep sync this every day or all will run at wrong times.
  14. I also purchased the app and it works great, I'm using with a Lumia 822 and snap switch has a very nice layout and buttons an is quick to start up. Please keep up the good work with updates and new features.
  15. yes, it a great app and you can run a path from a program and it works fine, I could pick if-then-else, or just then, or just else. I think when I learn the difference from a scenes, programs, and how they work together I will be better off. As to the program I think I got this figured out but I want to add one more device into the mix, using the same programs I just want to have the program turn on two different lights at the same times, and same for turning them off. do I just add another device to the programs I already have or create another program for that that device or is this what scenes are for? perry
  16. yes, the device is a plug in dimmable module that I have the lamp plugged into it. I will manually turn it on using my windows phone app (snap switch) Also how would I do just a on and off program for same the same light that won't effect the above program (Paulbates) or the above programs won't take over just the on or off at 100% Need a suggestion on a IPHONE app for my wife's phone just for turning on and off devices, no programing or fancy features needed she is not in to it . Again thanks to you and Paul for your help. I'm starting to understand the sense behind all of this.
  17. Hi all I am new to the ISY994i/ir pro and how to program, So I have a night lite that I would like to do this and don't under stand how to make my program #2 happen with out effecting program #1 ? program #1 (good night) I will turn on the night light, I want it to dim to 35%, stay on for 4 minute's, than turn off. program #2 (wake-up) I want it to turn on at 4:20am, I want it to dim to 35%, stay on for 2 minute's than turn off OR (turn off at4:22am) with out effecting the other program. also one other thing I don't under stand is when you make a program using this night light I loose the ability of just having a night lite with only on and off or am I doing something wrong or missing it. Any help would be great, Thanks Perry.
  18. Thanks LeeG, After speaking to universal devices also about this I know that smart home has sent me the wrong item # ISY and I will deal with them to exchange it for the right one. thanks again for your help.
  19. Hi LeeG, This is what it reads: Firmware -insteon_ud994 v 994i (1120) open ADR (21010) So is this a ISY 994I/R- PRO ?
  20. Thanks Michel, Ok so I have all set back up and running again after reset, I really need help setting up the internet access/port forwarding.. But 1st off I just purchased this ISY994IR pro from smart home and the receipt says it is but how do I know its a IR-PRO because no were on the isy does it read IR-PRO or does it need to be updated? Then if some one could please help me walk threw this internet access would be great, my modem is a netgear B99755044 (7550) I am also using snap switch for windows phone and works great when at home on my network but also want to access when away from the house. I have tried reading all the info available but now I'm more confuse than ever. my time is best after 7>00pm I could do a little each night. thanks for any help you can do. Perry..
  21. Ok I'm new and I have a big problem don't know what to do now? I got my ISY hooked up ok on local computer and also have the snap switch app for windows phone set up and working, I also have set up 1 device so far and it works fine on/off I will work on learning programing later. So everything works while 0n the home network but I now want to get the remote internet access? port forwarding? set up and I have tried but Failed Big Time. some how I can't even get back into the console to make changes. I think the problem came when I set both port# to 500 which I thought I had to from 80 / 443. when I type in my browser the ip address the java box comes up but just spins? I really need someone to help walk me threw this mess I made and then help me with setting up this port forwarding please. Thanks Perry.
  22. Thank you both for the quick answer, I'm out of town on business but when I get home it's jump right in to set-up. Thanks again.
  23. I'm new to the ISY994i. I order a ISY994i/IR Pro and just received it. My question is on the back of the controller it only shows ISY994i how do I know this is the right model # it doesn't say / IR Pro. The invoice shows it is correct, wanted to know before I start setting it up.
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