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    kansas city

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Community Answers

  1. @rick.curl have pushover but I’m not sure how to use it to send me a button (or link). How would I do that? @Guy Lavoie do you (or does anyone) know where there is a tutorial that shows how to make a “get” http message? I think it’ll need a password and I think I recall that browsers often block those.
  2. I'd like to have my IoX (Polisy) send me a text message that I can click on the link in it (or a button would be more slick) to accomplish something. how could I do that? I was thinking the old REST system might accomplish this but I'm not sure if it still works as I haven't used it or heard mention of it for years.
  3. what would you suggest I change the polling numbers to? I think the most important data points, at least for me, are: battery charge percentage, if homelink is nearby, and the interior / exterior temperatures.
  4. @CoolToys I appreciate your efforts to help me. How many retries worked best for you?
  5. @CoolToys the reason they are all "not enabled" is that I call them from other programs. I find switches "on" according to the console when they aren't fairly often. I guess I have a noisy land-line. when I notice a light is off when it should be on, I'll look in the admin console and it will say that it is on. I will then query it and it will switch to off in the console.
  6. I am noticing that my data stops updating after some period of time, maybe a week or so, after I "authenticate" the nodeserver in the PG3x console. once the data gets frozen, in the debug file, it says "Token Expired", and re-authenticating it fixes the problem. any suggestion as to how to avoid having to re-authenticate it routinely?
  7. someguy

    Trouble setting up

    have you tried restarting the nodeserver in the PG3x panel? also: try restarting your admin console, maybe even need to delete your java cache.
  8. @Techman I appreciate the help. The second article says to use a keypadlinc to watch for flashes with insteon traffic. are there other devices that will flash with traffic? @others: I appreciate the frank assistance. you are right. I need to solve the problem and stop the armchair "solution" attempts. Thank you!!
  9. I have a few insteon devices that are pretty mediocre at communicating, for reasons I've intermittently looked into for years and haven't been able to solve, so I came up with a workaround a while back. the problem I'll have is that a light (usually an outdoor light that is turned on by a program) is not on when it is supposed to be and the admin console says that it is on when it isn't. my solution is three programs: malibu stubborn ON - [ID 003A][Parent 017D][Not Enabled] If 'Outside / Malibu-Garage' Status is On Or 'Outside / Malibu-NE Corner' Status is On Or 'Outside / Outdoor Fountain Light' Status is On Then Set 'Outside / Malibu-Garage' Query Set 'Outside / Malibu-NE Corner' Query Set 'Outside / Outdoor Fountain Light' Query Wait 1 minute Run Program 'malibu stubborn ON 2' (If) malibu stubborn ON 2 - [ID 003B][Parent 017D][Not Enabled] If 'Outside / Malibu-Garage' Status is not On Or 'Outside / Malibu-NE Corner' Status is not On Or 'Outside / Outdoor Fountain Light' Status is not On Then Run Program 'malibu stubborn ON 3' (Then Path) malibu stubborn ON 3 - [ID 0188][Parent 017D][Not Enabled] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Stop program 'malibu stubborn OFF' Stop program 'malibu stubborn OFF 2' Stop program 'malibu stubborn OFF 3' Set 'Outside / Malibu-Garage' On Set 'Outside / Malibu-NE Corner' On Set 'Outside / Outdoor Fountain Light' On Set '.Scenes / Malibu Lights' On Wait 5 seconds Run Program 'malibu stubborn ON' (Then Path) does anyone have any better suggestions?
  10. @apostolakisl: I had a similar problem recently where none of my data was updating. I was able to fix it by using the "autheticate" button in PG3x and this fixed the issue.
  11. I am going to be getting a Lucid automobile sometime in the coming months. a Lucid noderserver/plug-in would be great!
  12. I have found, a few times lately, that different Nodes have Data in the PG3x but all of the data is blank in the Admin Console. I've tried rebooting and reinstalling the plugin to no avail. is there a simple way to just delete the node inside the Admin Console and then somehow nudge it to reload the Load to get a working connection? (for reference, this is now happening with the "Land Rover" plugin.)
  13. I will try that now. I also considered deleting the nodeserver in the admin console, but wasn't sure what command to use to get the node to reincarnate itself in the admin console.
  14. somehow the data stopped showing up in my admin console, even though it is all in the Nodeserver. any suggestions as to how to diagnose and fix this?
  15. for no apparent reason, and when all was working well previously, my data in the admin console for the Weatherflow nodeserver is blank. when I look in the PG3X, the data is there. any suggestions? I appreciate any help!!
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