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  1. someguy's post in New Elk user, can't get ISY to control Elk was marked as the answer   
    okay.  I figured out one problem.  I had the "access" box checked and this was blocking it...  
    but with that fixed, I can use the isy to arm or disarm the system.  I also cannot use it to change the chime mode.  it is as though there is only information coming from the Elk to Polisy, but Polisy cannot tell Elk anything.
    yes, I'm using the non-secure port.  
    yes, I believe my configuration is set up correctly in PG3(x)... because it does receive data from Elk.
    I will attach my error log, if I can. 
    -don't check the "access" box for the user code that PG3(x) uses.
    -you must have the RP2 software "disconnected" for PG3(s) to connect to it. 
  2. someguy's post in Simple programming help? Specific status change of node was marked as the answer   
    The problem with the above solution was that “program 2” will run every time that the device goes from “unknown” to “away” which is fairly often. 
    I decided to abort this part, although I did work it out, and use my geofence setting from my HD mobile app to indicate when I leave the house. 
    Thank you for the help and time. 
  3. someguy's post in "This Version of the Admin Console is not compatible with the installed version of the ISY firmware" v. 5.4.3 was marked as the answer   
    I found the solution here and IT WORKED!
    Thank you again @larryllix!!! 
    And for anyone else with this problem, the files that I deleted were in the C drive  Program Files/Java
    Thank you and sorry to bother anyone. 
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