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  1. Upgraded eisy, and the upgrade appeared to complete. But, after the upgrade, I cannot add any new devices. I'm getting the error message "cannot determine device link table address." I've tried a mini remote, an outlet linc, and a lamplinc, and none of them will add. I had no problem adding devices today, before the upgrade. Thoughts? I've tried to reset the devices, and I've tried to reboot the eisy and the powercycled the PLM.
  2. Thanks, I'll try to do the backup from the polisy again and start fresh with the eisy after a reset. I thought I had done the zwave backup the first time, but not positive. With regard to the Zmatter board, the one in the polisy is internal, and the one with the eisy is an external dongle, and so they're separate boards.
  3. So I'm guessing maybe there was nothing to migrate? But, if that's the case, is there any way to transfer the zwave devices from the polisy to the eisy?
  4. Thanks. It was the internal zmatter board for the polisy.
  5. Thanks to both of you for your suggestions. I tried to do the migration to eisy, but it was a complete bust. Nothing worked. I may have the wrong cable for my PLM - I tried a console cable (USB to RJ45) as I had that, but I have ordered a cable from UD. If anyone knows if a regular USB-RJ45 console cable should work, however, that would be nice to know. With regard to z-wave, the "migrate" button described in the eisy documentation is NOT on the polisy that I'm migrating from, and I'm running the most current version of the admin console. Given that, I'm guessing that the backup was not a migration backup. But, if the button is not on the screen, I'm not sure how I would have created a migration backup. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  6. I currently have two separate UD deployments - a large (150+ device) deployment running on polisy at our home and a smaller (30+ device) deployment running on an ISY at our lake house. I just purchased an eisy. The easiest thing to do would be to just replace the isy with the eisy and call it done. But, if the eisy is a more powerful device than the polisy, I'm thinking I may be better off migrating the polisy to the eisy and then moving the polisy to the lake house. I have two questions - first, is that the right choice (i.e., to have the eisy powering the larger installation)? Second, and if so, can I migrate from polisy to eisy and maintain my z-wave devices? I don't want to have to redo those if I can avoid it. But, there is no "migration" option on the admin console configuration tab (as I migrated to z-matter, I think, when I first setup the polisy a year ago). The polisy is running v 5.6.4. Thanks!
  7. Thanks - the ticket submission issue was definitely a "font thing." Thanks for that, and I just submitted a ticket for the flickering. Now, if I could just fix that
  8. Every time I write to a device from the admin console, or a program writes to a device (e.g., to turn a light on or off), certain other devices start to flicker. Any thoughts? BTW, I tried to submit a ticket, but the "submit a new ticket" button appears to be gone from the UI. Any thoughts? Thanks! BTW, I'm running on Polisy with 5.5.3.
  9. Ahhhh... I thought the migration tool was ready. That's what I was trying to do, and that's what I thought the "5.5.2 is ready" announcement said/meant (see the first sentence of the linked page below ). These are all clearly first world problems - at least for me - so not the end of the world if UD doesn't respond to my ticket immediately. That said, the migration tool pretty clearly isn't ready or stable, so if you're trying to migrate as contemplated in the announcement link above, it may not work. I really do appreciate the level of effort and commitment from UD support, however - they are truly unique in that way. Thanks for all the hard work, and I'm sure we'll get it working eventually Happy New Year!
  10. So, I've upgraded to 5.5.2 (no problems), and then I restored from my ISY backup, and I saw all the Z-Wave nodes. But, other than that, the restore was completely useless, as none of the 80+ Z-Wave nodes appear to be working and none of the Z-Wave UIs for each of the 80+ nodes appear to populate at all. Thus, I would consider the migration to be a complete failure so far, at least for me. I'll file a ticket.
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