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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. Ahhh the good old days of music...
  2. I understand Inovelli switches/dimmers should work as basic devices, but I'm curious if there is any support for the Red Series features: Energy consumption Scene control (trigger program) with double tap, triple tap, etc Control of the built in status LED bar via a program
  3. Got the scoop. The 2441ZTH is fine. Your 2441TH you have however has an older version of firmware and needs to be swapped out. I suppose it's a non issue until you added the zth - and only with older units, and only with Celcius Did you buy the 2441TH from us? We can swap it out for you and that should fix your issue.
  4. Yes we have sold lots of 2441TH and 2441ZTH regularly starting in 2012. I seem to recall some C vs V issue in the original units back in 2012 but haven't had anyone complain recently so I have to assume it's the combination of devices. We aren't aware of any current issues nor has Instoen confirmed that they were aware of your specific issue but we're in touch with them now to get their feedback from customer service and engineering. I'm going to email you privately through our support desk asking if you had a specific name from Insteon who confirmed they were aware of this specific issue as it might help.
  5. Hello, After seeing your post (and email to our support desk) we've been reaching out to Insteon support and our contacts there to try to get some clarity on the issue you're facing. Still waiting for confirmation but I heard they may have fixed the issue you're describing a quite a while back but I'm waiting for confirmation. Obviously it's an issue if it's not working as it should! If I'm understanding your case you are using the 2441TH as master and 2441ZTH as remote. What if you don't link them but use the 2441ZTH as a sensor to report to ISY and use that as a trigger? Eg. if the temp differential is too high, trigger heat or AC. I'm not sure why we haven't had more reports of the issue but maybe it's in your version of firmware, or has to do with how it's used. Or others use F instead? Or maybe it's a combination of your version of 2441TH and 2441ZTH ? We'll keep in touch in the support ticket and perhaps one of us can report the outcome back here as well. Thanks for your patience!
  6. Hallelujah! Except 5.x seems a long way off from 4.2. It seems like a basic need so I do hope it will be addressed.
  7. The ISY is an amazing platform but I'm surprised there is still no way to create programs around dates. It's a recurring request over the years and so useful for programming to handle Christmas, Sabbath, Summer and vacation schedules for example. Yes I know there are 'workaround' programs to accomplish this but they are crazy complicated, prone to failure if the device loses power (I think), and way to much for the average person to have to digest. I would humbly request that UDI consider adding this function to allow its users to create programs around months and days of the month rather than just days of the week. And then as a side note, perhaps a way to disable a device or folder based on a program that checks date. Why? Does anyone have Christmas lights that need to turn on and off but the modules are only plugged in at Christmas? I do. Thanks
  8. You're right, although I had previously closed my browser(s), cleared java cache, etc with no luck. But a reboot of my notebook and status is reporting again. However still cannot launch the admin console or dashboard java apps. the applet runs Ok. Wondering if it's a security setting of some sort with the recent security issues.
  9. Java updated to Version7 Update 11 as of today. I've noticed in the java applet admin console, 'current state' of devices all seem blank. Also I cannot access the admin and dashboard java jnlp apps.. I've tried running from the udi site, saving, running from my isy, saving from my isy. All result in a big application error 'Unable to launch the application'. Clicking details shows: com.sun.deploy.net.FailedDownloadException: Unable to load resource: http://isy.universal-devices.com/99i/3. ... board.jnlp at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.actionDownload(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine._downloadCacheEntry(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.updateFinalLaunchDesc(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.access$000(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  10. I'm on 2.7.6 but I thought it was supposed to be a right click on the motion sensor. I missed the options button at the bottom of the main pane. Thanks for the guidance.
  11. I can't seem to find where to adjust the 2420M settings through the ISY administrative console.. this one is marked 0909 REV 1.1 - is it possible the option isn't showing up because it's an older sensor? Thanks in advance
  12. Yes it is a limitation of the switch. A keypad can reread the values without a reset. If you use the ISY to fine tune the local levels and rates on your switches a quicker way to reset many switches is to cycle the circuit breaker(s) instead of pulling each set button. Rand For me it was an issue of wanting my bathroom light to come on to a lower level at night and full bright during the day, for example... what I do now is set it to a lower level and use the isy to set it to turn it full bright when it turns on during the day.
  13. No, only the levels and rates in scenes the ISY controls can be changed in programs. When you change the local level a switch requires a reset before it takes effect. Rand Thanks for the explanation. Is that a limitation of the switch when programmed remotely? I don't need to reset it when I change those levels at the switch.
  14. Can I change the local on level and/or ramp rate for a single 2476D by a program? I've tried having the single switch in its own scene but can't seem to make it work. Or does it only work when the scene contains a controller and responder? It would be great to be able to change a single switch's local settings based on a program. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong?
  15. I'm posting this message to get some feedback from other Blackberry users out there. I have my ISY99 set up for remote internet access via https and it works fine from my pc using firefox On my Blackberry Bold (on Rogers in Canada) using the default browser, I found that for some reason I can access all the links EXCEPT the link for 'Security System' to access my M1 Gold. When I try, I get 'HTTP Error 0: An error occurred while communicating with the origin server. Please try again.' I've reinstalled the self-signed ssl certificate, and have increase the http and https timeouts with no improvement. So out of curiosity I downloaded Opera Mini and found that it worked perfectly. Unfortunately I'm not a fan of how it scrolls on my blackbery and it never prompts for a password -- it must have saved it somehow. I'd prefer to use the default blackberry browser. Is anyone out there successfully using this combination with the default browser including accessing their alarm panel?
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