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  1. Maybe I've missed it somewhere, but: can you have multiple admin console's open at same time? I feel like I'd like to have the main tab showing state of devices open at the same time as the programs tab to better follow program states. possible? thanks
  2. As is case many times for me: operator error. I kept reading these forums and needed to remember that the PIN being asked for is written inside the lock, it's not something you get to make up for yourself. having retried the first two locks, they're now communicating properly and showing up in ISY tree. Thanks again to all who contribute here.
  3. similar issue with Schlage locks. I removed all z-wave devices from 994, thinking I could rebuild z-wave network on eisy after transitioning all Insteon stuff over. I could add the 9 or so aerotec sirens that form the main mesh without issue. The first 2 Schlage locks give do not show as nodes in the tree. When I use my Z-wave toolbox, they DO show as being seen by the eisy. (the wave toolbox reads from the eisy what devices are there the table of neighbors. so back to the @Chris Jahncomment on another thread that they ISY node is not created. selecting S0 or S2 security seems to have no change in outcome. same with removing before adding. other thoughts?
  4. I saw that, but the next line has Zwave prereq's. this is where I read into it that I needed to switch, etc. I see now those critical words "if not," thank you for the clarification. Appreciate the fast response.
  5. I have 5.0.16B and thinking to go to C. am I reading this right that I need to shift my zwave stuff to another controller, upgrade ISY, and then shift back? so I need a second controller or I lose all zwave devices and programs?
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