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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Because once the ISY "sees" you press the button, it knows and keeps track of the status. There's just no way for the ISY to poll a KPL secondary and find out what it's current status is. If it somehow changes status without the ISY knowing it (say the button is on, you cut the power on it, power it back up, and now the button is off - the ISY would still think it was ON).
  2. I don't believe there is any way to query the status of a KPL secondary button. The ISY watches and sees its status, as you found it, only when it is pressed.
  3. In our home, we have a large great room above our garage (our 'theater' room) where we typically entertain and watch movies/sports. The room has a large opening with a flight of stairs that lead down into our kitchen. We wanted to have an easy way to turn our main kitchen lights on or off from the great room. So, I setup one of our great room KPL's secondary buttons to control our main kitchen lights (I made it a controller in my KitchenMain scene). This worked great, but we often found times when we left a light on in the kitchen OTHER than the main lights, say the table or bar light, but wanted the ability to turn it off from the great room. The KPL secondary button is called 'TheaterControls1B'. I made it a responder in a 'status' scene called 'KitchenTheaterStatus'. Also, as I mentioned above, it is a controller of our 'KitchenMain' scene. I created the following programs to add the desired functionality: If Status 'TheaterControls1B' is Off And ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenSink1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off ) Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenTheaterStatus' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The above program checks to see if any of my kitchen lights are on. If they are on, it turns my great room's KPL secondary 'kitchen' button ON. If Status 'TheaterControls1B' is not Off And ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is Off And Status 'KitchenMain1' is Off And Status 'KitchenSink1' is Off And Status 'KitchenTable1' is Off ) Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenTheaterStatus' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The above program checks to see if all of my kitchen lights are off. If they are off, it turns my great room's KPL secondary 'kitchen' button OFF. If Control 'TheaterControls1B' is switched Off And ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenSink1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off ) Then Set Scene 'KitchenAll' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The above program triggers when I press our KPL secondary 'Kitchen' button off. It checks to see if any of my secondary kitchen lights are on, and if they are it turns them all off. So, my final functionality is this: - my KPL secondary button is lit if ANY of my kitchen lights are left on - my KPL secondary button automatically turns off if ALL of my kitchen lights are off - if ALL kitchen lights are off, and I press the button, it turns my main kitchen lights ON - if ANY kitchen lights are on, and I press the button, it turns them all OFF Hope this helps someone who might be looking to do something similar.
  4. If you get the 'Please keep this window open' message from a remote location, the port forward is working. Are you trying to open the Administrative Console? Do you have the latest Java loaded on your remote PC?
  5. Hey Kevin - Good to see you on the forums!
  6. Glad to hear! Definitely an odd one...
  7. MikeB

    Log file

    Could you post the program you are using?
  8. Maybe someone else with more experience can chime in, but my understanding is that the clean up traffic will abort if another device sends out a command. The issue I was trying to avoid by adding my wait commands is that the KPL LED would flash, indicating a response was not received (probably because the clean up was aborted due to my 'status' program) - BUT the scene actually worked fine. Though everything actually worked OK, I just found the flashing annoying. Adding the wait command eliminated the flashing for me.
  9. After activating a scene with a lot of responders, there will be some traffic on the line (clean up). This shouldn't stop the scene from running, however - I have a scene controlling 70+ devices and they all respond immediately. BUT, if you have any programs that will run immediately AFTER the scene is triggered, they could run into all that clean up traffic and not run properly. For example, I have a Kitchen Breakfast scene that has 8 responders. When I activate this scene with a KPL secondary, I have a few programs that run to check the status of my lights & KPL, and update the KPL button accordingly. If I have that program run and update the KPL IMMEDIATELY after the status change, it sometimes runs into the cleanup traffic. I simply add a second or 2 delay to my status update program so it doesn't run into the clean up. Here's an example program: If Status 'KitchenControls1H' is not Off And ( Status 'KitchenBar1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not 50% Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not 60% ) Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KitchenDinnerStatus' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') BUT I don't think this is the case with your issue, because - unless I'm misunderstanding - your scene doesn't work at all and goes into some kind of on/off loop. That's why I thought maybe it was some program that runs AFTER you activate the scene that might be throwing the ISY into some kind of loop. Or, like Michel suggested, maybe the Elk is doing something. Good luck.
  10. Not sure I follow. So, you have a scene containing your 6 or 7 devices, with the KPL button as a controller. So, when you push that KPL it triggers the scene. How will adding a program create a delay for you? So, when you push this KPL, what goes wrong? The lights start flashing on/off?
  11. If it's a single scene you're executing with the ISY, where would you add the pause? Sounds like it's caught in some sort of loop. Do you have a program somewhere that triggers this scene?
  12. Absolutely just add a 2nd controller to your scene - saves time and links. So, you have a scene containing 2476D dimmers and a RemoteLinc as a controller, but hitting the RemoteLinc button ON does not turn on the 2476Ds? That should work. In the scene, click on the RemoteLinc controller button and make sure the on levels are set correctly.
  13. I haven't used the ToggleLincs, but even with SwitchLincs it takes some practice to get the timing right. You need to be about as quick as a standard mouse double-click.
  14. Sounds like you just need to create a scene, with both the KPL secondary and InlineLinc as responders. Unless I'm misunderstanding, in your scenario there are no true controllers - the ISY is the only controller. When the ISY turns on the scene, the KPL lights up and the InlineLinc goes on. When the ISY turns off the scene, both go off. You could also create a program on the ISY that checks the status of the KPL secondary and turns it back off if someone accidentally presses it.
  15. Yes - the ISY-99's current beta firmware (2.6.3) has an HTML interface.
  16. You can use the IP address of the ISY. Make sure you are running the latest firmware (beta 2.6.3).
  17. You can access the ISY through its HTML interface from the Nokia N800's web browser. As for Java on the N800, check out Jalimo. We have a front-end for the ISY coming out shortly specifically written for the Nokia N800. Check out the link in my sig.
  18. To apply the ramp rate/on level changes to a SwitchLinc all you need to do is pull the air gap out for 5-10 seconds, then pop it back in to its normal position - do not push and hold it fully in. You do not lose any existing links with the above described soft reboot.
  19. The only way would be to create a separate scene for each KPL secondary button you want to control. Call the scenes "KPL Button B", "KPL Button C", etc..
  20. I had access to an older Blackberry 7250 today, so thought I'd give it a try. I was able to control my lights OK, did about 10-12 ON/OFFs through the HTML interface and didn't experience a lockup. This is on an ISY-99/IR Pro running firmware 2.6.3. This was a Verizon Blackberry.
  21. Anyone heading down this week?
  22. Definitely try closing and restarting your browser, also clear out your Java cache.
  23. My opinion - factory reset each device and recreate your links. You'll be sure to have a clean system. The ISY makes it so easy to recreate your scenes, you'll be back up and running in no time..
  24. MikeB

    Installing 99i/ir

    Do you have the latest Java installed on your PC? http://www.java.com
  25. True, but then if my son has his lamps on when I hit my '2nd floor off' button, his lamps will go off but his KPL secondaries will not. Unless of course I keep my 'fix' programs, which will have to run every time I use my '2nd floor off' button and his lamps are on. So, I think I will keep my KPL secondaries in the scene, and my 'fix' program will only run of someone accidentally presses my '2nd floor off' button ON (which really should never happen). Here is what I'm running. I tested it a bit last night, and it seems good. I'm going to adjust my WAIT values a bit, but wanted to start a bit high: FLOOR 2 STATUS If Status 'AndyBedCloset1' is not Off Or Status 'AndyBedControls1C' is not Off Or Status 'AndyBedControls1D' is not Off Or Status 'AndyBedLamp1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom2ndMain1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom2ndMirror1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom2ndVent1' is not Off Or Status 'MikeyBedCloset1' is not Off Or Status 'MikeyBedLamp1' is not Off Or Status 'SpareBedCloset1' is not Off Or Status 'SpareBedLamp1' is not Off Or Status 'Stairway1' is not Off Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 2 STATUS OFF If Status 'MasterBedControls1H' is not Off And Program 'Floor 2 Status' is False Then Wait 4 seconds Set Scene 'Floor2StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 2 STATUS ON If Status 'MasterBedControls1H' is Off And Program 'Floor 2 Status' is True Then Wait 4 seconds Set Scene 'Floor2StatusLight' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ANDYBEDLAMPB FIX If Status 'AndyBedLampModule2' is Off And Status 'AndyBedControls1C' is not Off Then Wait 1 second Set Scene 'AndyBedLampB' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ANDYBEDLAMPC FIX If Status 'AndyBedLampModule3' is Off And Status 'AndyBedControls1D' is not Off Then Wait 1 second Set Scene 'AndyBedLampC' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Thanks again Joe!
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