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    Seattle, WA

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  1. The second month into my "Away Mode" and "Home Mode" programs running my natural gas bill is down 33%(!). That is huge! Year over year it was bit warmer this year but the difference is still remarkable. Bernhard
  2. After upgrading to .12 my Insteon Motion Sensors did not work any more. When I checked for the potential problem, I found the sensors flagged as "Unsuppoerted Device: 16.0". I unlinked ALL THREE links per sensor and linked again and the sensors work again. Random background information on what can happen when motion sensors quit resonding: We are going through a real bad cold spell up here in the Pacific Northwest and after I upgraded the ISY remotely from the office the sensors not working resulted in a really cold child coming home from school and the house not warming up due to the sensor in the garage not triggering the "Home Mode" Needless to say that I have received complaints from my most important user in the house
  3. So in the interest of clarity can I please get the exact list of components required from BrulTech to get energy monitorng to work with ISY. This is a great feature and I would really like to make it work. In addition, where can I find an overview over the functionality the module provides in ISY. Thanks! Bernhard
  4. I have the first Green results from using my ISY. Here is what I did: I use the ISY to control what I call "Away Mode" for my home. The goal is to keep energy usage to a minimum while nobody is at home. I have a 3,800 sqf house and I live here with my youngest daugher (highschool senior). I use the ISY to program the thermostat to cool the house down while I am at work and my daughter is in school, I also have a KPL button to manually set the house to "Away Mode". A motion detector in the garage senses one of us coming home and switches off the Away mode and heats up the house. I also control my modes over the internet connection to my ISY. In addition I have a "Bedtime" mode that colls the house down a little when I retire to my bedroom and watch TV there. Now, the first numbers are in! Compared to last year (same month, same avg. outside temp), I reduced my average THRM use per day from 4.1 to 3.3, which is more than 20%! Costwise the difference is approx. $35 for that month. I attribute that to the flexibility of programming the ISY over a simple 7 day programmable thermostat.
  5. Got the same error. I just tried it again without doing anything else and it worked at the second attempt. Bernhard
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