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  1. Have you tried rebooting ISY? Just remove power for 10 seconds (generally by unplugging the PLM) and then repower. After the lights on the ISY settle down, restart the admin console.
  2. Hi Darrell- Thanks for replying. I had tried rebooting last night by unplugging the PLM from power. After rebooting, the power, RX, and MEM lights stayed ON steady. I was pretty tired, so I gave up at that point, thinking my ISY was bricked. This morning I saw your post and unplugged the PLM again to check the version. I could see no specific version #, but it was labeled Rev. 2.9 and the numbers 0823 were below the model number. To my great surprise, when I plugged the PLM back in, it appeared to reboot normally! I then logged on to Admin Console and was delighted to see my lighting system in its full glory. I verified that I was running 2.6.9. I then attempted to add my Motion Sensor, which worked on the first try. Bottom line: Everything appears to be back to normal and running fine. Thanks so much to you and Michel for all your help. Regards, Lou
  3. Michel- I see power, RX, and MEM on steady after reboot. I am using http://www.universal-devices.com/99i. Lou
  4. Michel- I tried to upgrade to 2.6.9, but after clearing my Java cache and attempting to reopen My ISY, all I get is an empty Admin Console. It never asks me for my user name and password. Any suggestions?
  5. Michel- The topology does not include my motion sensor's address. I wonder if whatever caused the MS to change from Motion Sensor to Unrecognized Device in the Admin Console is the same thing now causing the MS not to link with ISY? What could go bad either in the MS or ISY that would cause an MS that had worked for several days suddenly to become Unrecognized out of the blue? I can manually link this MS to other Insteon devices and control them. The MS seems to behave normally, except that it will not link with ISY. Regards, Lou
  6. Hi Michel- Thanks for the help. Yes, I am explicitly choosing the Motion Sensor. I have tried holding the set button for 5 seconds, with and without a subsequent tap. Neither works. When the initialization process ends, ISY briefly states "All Remaining Devices Added", but the motion sensor does not appear under My Lighting. This makes me think that when I removed the motion sensor from ISY, ISY may not have removed all records of it from its database. Perhaps ISY sees a record of this particular device and is refusing to let me add it again. Is this a possible new ISY bug? Regards, Lou
  7. Well, I decided to remove my motion sensor from ISY, do a factory reset on it, and then add it back. Unfortunately, I have been unable to add the motion sensor back. At the end of the initialization part of the installation process, the process stops abruptly, and the motion sensor icons do not appear under My Lighting. I now think the motion sensor may be defective, unless anyone has any other suggestions. ETA- I tried manually linking my motion sensor to an ApplianceLinc, and it could control it; so I guess it's not totally defective, but it still won't link through ISY.
  8. Yes, the motion sensor is the only device not recognized by Admin Console. I have had it for about two weeks, and it has been operating fine until now. The address shown in the Admin Console for the motion sensor is correct; it just does not recognize the device any longer.
  9. Java sent out a new update today, which I downloaded and installed: Java Version 6 Update 11. Now the Admin Console does not recognize my motion detector (Unsupported Device: 16.0). I tried restarting the computer, as well as clearing the Java cache. No workee. Any suggestions? ETA- I uninstalled Update 11, restarted my computer, cleared the Java cache, and the problem persists. I verified that I am running Java Version 6, Update 7. I am beginning to wonder if the Java update had nothing to do with this problem.
  10. Status triggers an enabled program whenever the Status changes. For example, If Status of Light 1 is NOT OFF starts a program, and the program then turns Light 1 OFF, the program will restart and run the Else clause if it encounters a Wait. Control triggers an enabled program at the instant the specified Control event occurs. Control does NOT restart the program when the "opposite" Control event occurs. For example, If Control Switch 1 is switched ON starts a program, and the program turns OFF the light controlled by Switch 1, the program will continue to completion through any Waits. Even manually switching Switch 1 OFF will not restart the program! Only switching Switch 1 OFF and then back ON will restart the program.
  11. Suggest you look at the UDI How-To Guide. http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:How-To_Guide This question is answered under the Program Commands section.
  12. Steve- Sorry, I just noticed that you said you have set the motion sensor to send ON only. If your motion sensor works like mine, you definitely do NOT want to do that. Setting mine to only send ON makes it switch from OFF to ON the first time it senses motion and to stay ON forever thereafter, rendering the motion detector virtually useless. I had thought that setting it to send only ON would make it send ON whenever it detected motion and then immediately switch back OFF. Mine does not work that way, but simply stays ON. If yours works the way I had thought it would, then perhaps mine is defective. Please let me know which way yours works.
  13. Steve- I agree with Ulrick65. I wanted to do something similar with my motion detector. Here is what I did that works. Please ignore the extra X10 stuff and the extra status conditions. The following program turns on my outside lights if motion is detected on the lanai after we have gone to bed. Note that everything executes well before the motion detector switches off after 1 minute. If Status 'LLDIM-FAM ROOM TRACK' is Off And Status '*KPDIM-KITCHEN LIGHTS' is Off And Control 'LANAI MOTION SENSOR' is switched On Then Set Scene 'OUTSIDE LIGHTS' Fast On Wait 1 second Send X10 'N9/On (3)' Run Program 'MOTION SENSOR TIMER' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The following program (MOTION SENSOR TIMER) turns my outside lights off after 5 minutes. This program is NOT enabled. It will not run unless called by another program. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'OUTSIDE LIGHTS' Fast Off Wait 1 second Send X10 'N9/Off (11)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Hope this helps.
  14. I think I know what’s causing my sunset programs not to run reliably. It appears that the Next Scheduled Run (NSR) time is handled incorrectly during a reboot of the ISY. If I have only a single sunset program in the ISY, a reboot adds one day and 33 seconds to the NSR time, thus skipping today‘s scheduled events. If I add a second “dummy†sunset program (If Time is Sunset--No Actions), a reboot then adds 56 seconds to the NSR time of the first sunset program and adds one day and 33 seconds to the NSR time of the dummy sunset program. (Don‘t ask me why this happens--I discovered it completely by accident.) The 56 seconds added to the first program makes it run 56 seconds late, but (surprisingly) does not make its Status False, so adding the dummy sunset program is a temporary work-around for the problem. I was having communication issues, which caused me to move the PLM around to several different outlets. The brief power interruptions triggered the reboots. If UD would like to replicate the sunset problem, just set up a sunset program, note the NSR time and date, reboot the ISY, and note the new NSR time and date. Hope this helps. Happy Thanksgiving!
  15. Michel, my sunset program with all seven days checked failed to run yesterday, so I guess something else (e.g., timing or a race condition?) is causing the problem. I have not changed my location (Miami) since first setting up my ISY. How long after sunset does "Time is Sunset" stay true? I have changed the program to see if a longer window helps, as below. This problem is hard to test, since it only happens once every few days. Stay tuned. If From Sunset - 20 minutes To Sunset - 19 minutes (same day) Then Set Scene 'NIGHT TIME' On Run Program 'NIGHT KITCHEN-SUNSET' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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