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  1. Okay, makes sense. Yeah, a Not() would be great here. A separate program will get me by though. I'll know tomorrow if the way I set it up works. Thanks for the help.
  2. So I programmed this up, and now that it's October, it is keeping the lights off for the entire month, instead of just on the 31st. I'm not sure what I did wrong, seems to be the nested AND should make it respond to month and day both. What am I doing wrong?
  3. That would work too, but personally I don't like to create programs I know are going to stop working at some point, when I could spend slightly more time and have them be more robust. Especially because I like to set up my stuff and forget it for many years. That's the main reason I went with the isy, because the reliability is amazing and I don't have to ever mess with it. It just works, unlike my Asus router, which I have to reboot on a monthly basis, and am therefore going to replace it with a much more expensive setup from Ubiquiti, all because I want to set it and forget it. It wasn't so bad before I had kids, but now it's tough to find 15 minutes to configure anything without kids climbing all over me and pushing buttons on my keyboard. That's why it took me 2 months from when I posted this question to finally implement the 10 minute solution.
  4. I got it working by just setting a variable for month and another for day, then in my program that turns front lights on at sunset, i just have it not run if both of those variables are 10 and 31. What I was missing previously was the little play button that changes the things you can set variables to. Didn't know about that. And I just figure if I'm home, I'll turn on the lights when I'm ready for trick-or-treaters, which will likely be before sunset anyway. I just don't like when I'm away trick-or-treating with my own kids and realize my front lights came on an hour ago and people are probably lining up at my house. Thanks everyone!
  5. I have the latest version of the isy firmware, 5.0.16A. Thanks, I'll look into these methods when I have a sec.
  6. I'm looking for a way to set an annual date on Oct31 to keep the front porch lights from coming on at sunset. There doesn't seem to be a way to set one day per year, regardless of the year. I have it working for the next 5 years by using a bunch of "or" arguments, but that is messy. Is there a way to have an action based on one day per year, without having to set the year?
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