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Everything posted by theojt

  1. I was in the same boat. I made a cable adapter, which is very easy to do and I kept my existing 2413S. I did have some problems using instructions listed elsewhere on the forum, but reversing the Tx and Rx wires took care of it. If you have any doubts about your ability to fashion such a cable, UDI sells a premade one for a nominal fee. At some point down the road, I'll probably get a USB PLM but I'm in no rush. Also, have a whole home surge suppressor and highly recommend getting one - not just for eisy, but many minor intermittent issues were resolved by adding it.
  2. I used an IOLInk and a light sensor - as you have pointed out, daylight and dusk change year round - and sometimes during storms it also gets REALLY dark - a light sensor addresses that issue. There are various sensors - I made my own little sensor with a couple of components many years ago, but you can buy them also. The CAO Wireless tags (Light Sensor version) works well to trigger, and if you go that route you don't need the IOLink. Just hang the tag in an exposed window, then you create a small "KUMO" program (see wirelesstag.net) to upload the value to ISY with a REST statement. I use two ISY programs one for dusk one for dawn - similar to the described programs above. Works a treat and I never have to monitor/update for seasonal changes. You will however need to replace the battery in the tag every 9-12 months.
  3. theojt

    GET issue

    After a lot of testing, I came to the conclusion that this was not an ISY issues but a Tasker/network issue. Just re-installed Tasker, Restask, rebooted and I am functioning again - guess it was just one of those network burps!
  4. theojt

    GET issue

    Got the error log, but it doesn't state much. As you can see, I get updates from a different source ( that sets state variables. However, Tasker (running on just hangs. I don't even see any log entries from it. I'm wondering of Tasker isn't even seeing the GET command.
  5. theojt

    GET issue

    Yes, and I usually have it specified by Restask. I'd be happy however if I'd just start getting an error code back which I'd expect if I attempt an unauthorized request.
  6. theojt

    GET issue

    It appears that way in the picture but here is the full REST statement that I am attempting (look closely to validate): I thought this was valid? I get no error return, no nothing, it just hangs. Is there a way I can look at incoming statements (and perhaps handling) on the ISY side? Thanks again.
  7. theojt

    GET issue

    I've upgraded a number of things on my Windows 10 system including passwords, Java, and ISY to 4.3.26. My Tasker Actions have started failing and I cannot determine why. They seem to hang altogether without returning a completion code. I was using Restask and I've also tried a straight HTTP GET from Tasker. It looks to me like Java is hosed but I can't tell why. I've rebooted my desktop where the ISY instance lives and my phone as well. Any ideas or suggestions on how to further troubleshoot? Warning: I am somewhat knowledgeable but by no means a programmer, keep that in mind please. Thanks much!
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