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Everything posted by GTCJ
Mine has worked flawlessly for years, but when I started researching this I see a lot of encouragement to using gmail account. I have so many email accounts now to keep track of I hate to add another, but perhaps that's the way to go. Thanks for the assistance.
The test message is an e-mail sent to a text address. The programs with notifications have been working for years and the only thing that has changed is the versions and the "mail server error". I only have 1 e-mail message and one destination. Not sure how that could be wrong in a program.
Ever since moving from 4.7.3 to 5.0.16C every time I start the admin console I receive an error message that says "Mail Server Error". For 7 years I have used the default SMTP settings and have a group that would send via e-mail a text message to an Android device. Was amazingly fast when it worked, but now I receive no notifications from programs. Test message works flawlessly and immediately. Any assistance in resolving this would be appreciated. Thank You
Prior to removing the unused devices from service, I put each in DISABLE mode. To ensure my understanding, they should stay in DISABLE when I hit DELETE?
That count also includes a lot of inventory that was used seasonally in the PST but is sitting in bins. I think I will delete all of those devices to start with and reassess. I appreciate your help and insight. thanks again
When I run a topology report and copy into a spreadsheet it takes 357 lines. I noticed that keypads and other devices with sub devices have a line for each sub device. There are about 25 keypads, 20 motion detectors and 9 water sensors. That would account for about 230 of the lines. Am I wrong to assume each sub device counts towards the actual device total?
Actually, the link count I gave you was from the PLM. Sorry about that.
I'm thinking it doesn't ever get the Query All done. After your reply I ran it and at 3 minutes and 10 seconds, it showed 30% complete and then stopped. And my link count is 1057. Something has changed I think, I haven't really added anything other than a couple of remotes in several years. Last time I did the count it was under 500. Looks like I have some work to do.
I recently upgrade from 4.7.x to 5.0.16c. I have noticed that if I query all from top of tree it takes several minutes to go through the device list. Was considerably faster under older firmware. Is this normal.? Approximately 300 devices in system. Second question. Have searched extensively but cannot find link capacity for ISY994i pro.
Thank you for the reply. I will look for that thread. Was hoping in the several years since I first saw it a cure would have been found.
Fairly large residential installation. If sub devices of keypads, motion detectors etc are included approximately 300 devices. Periodically, almost every device, lights, ceiling fans etc will turn on simultaneously to full fast on. This always happens when a motion detector is triggered. I removed the one I thought was offending, but then another picked up the behavior. None of the motion detectors are linked to devices. They all are used to trigger programs that trigger scenes. None of my programs or scenes encompass all devices and very few would result in a fast on, full brightness condition. Almost all ramp up to the 50 - 70% level. There is no X10 in the system and the transformer that serves the house is not shared with any other structures. The log will always show the devices changed state always preceded by a motion "on". (1st gen 2420M) devices. After 7 years of this, I am confident the source of the all on trigger are motion detectors. The suspect detectors had fresh alkaline batteries. I'm willing to upgrade the 20 motion detectors to the 2844-222. Has anyone had similar experience and were the newer motion detectors involved?
I haven't seen any other message, but will attempt again and watch closely. I am using the prescribed ISY Launcher.
When you say pay attention to all the errors are you referring to the two I listed above, or the error file in the ISY994? Interestingly, for every attempt there is a zip file in the backups folder.
In preparation to upgrade from 4.7.5 to 4.8.0 made several attempts to backup. Received two error messages when the back was at about 90%. "Could not create the zip file" & "Could not retrieve file". Reluctant to proceed with upgrade.
Yes I understand the wireless issues. There are about 20 motion sensors and a dozen water sensors in the system (lots of hardwood floors - water leaks can be very bad) And many of my programs are indeed controlled by motion sensors. I appreciate your insight
Thanks again. I too have programs using control in the "IF" where the device is a controller and I mostly but not always have delays between commands, but not always. Your comment on scenes is my preferred way to operate, mostly for consistency. Lot's of programs and scenes to review to get to the bottom of this.
Thank you for the help. I appreciate it. I'm confident that it is a data packet collision issue. Will continue to investigate.
Whole house Insteon system, about 200 devices installed about 5 years ago. Once or twice a year, for no apparent reason almost every device will go to full on status including lights and appliances. In the past two weeks this has happened 3 times. There is never any indication in the log that explains this or even indicates that it occurred. There are no "all on" scenes or programs in the system. Linked keypadlincs do not indicate the changed to on status of linked devices - nor does the ISY administrative console show the status as on. haven't found anything in the forums, looking for any insight on what may be causing this condition.
Some things are better forgotten, but as I get older a lot of things that shouldn't.....are.
Thank you all for taking the time to read and respond. Initially when I was having the problems, I disabled all of the related programs, and I normally hit save after doing anything with programs but it is possible I missed the step. But I believe the actual culprit was forgotten links between the motion sensor and the switch. The links were not visible in the device displays but took the sensor and switches back to factory and what I thought were the programs running - stopped. So I don't think it was a program but a scene from the long past. Problem (scene) has probably been there for a long time, just wasn't apparent because it essentially mimicked a set of programs. I still don't understand why the log would register program triggered. Great suggestion on logging the program numbers in the log. Thanks again.
I will run restore but the log continues to indicate it is a program initiated event.
I had a series of programs that controlled the lighting in a specific room based on control or status of a motion sensor. The motion sensor is not linked to any device other than the ISY994i. The programs merely I attempted to change some aspects of those programs and was unable to achieve desired / expected results. I deleted all of the programs with the intention of starting over. The programs still run. I have looked at all programs and scenes and cannot find a program or scene that would be controlling the lighting. Rebooted the ISY994i and upon restoration, the programs continued to run. The log indicates the affected devices are responding to a program. Large system. Many years of operation. Have never had a more elusive problem.