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Everything posted by GTCJ

  1. GTCJ

    Beeping 2477D

    Momentary beep (once) with each press. I have done the factory reset procedure 4 times to the point of receiving the double beep at the end. No change. Prior to using ISY994I pro I used Homeseer and was able to turn the beep on and off through the software. Through the ISY994 key beep is included in the device options to turn it on or off on the KeypadLincs. But not the 2477D.
  2. GTCJ

    Beeping 2477D

    Following a power failure, two 2477Ds beep whenever turned on or off locally. On / Off / Dim / Bright all work properly. Local and ISY994 control normal. Have factory reset the two switches and updated and restored devices but the beep remains. Both v41, new in 2013. There are many other 2477D (and other models) in house that did not start beeping after the power failure. Firmware and UI both 4.6.2. Device options include program lock, LED on TX and No LED but nothing about beep. Hate to replace switches that are otherwise working normally to get rid of the beep.
  3. Good Morning IndyMike: I think the only way I could get a good count would be to disable a lot of programs and make sure no one is home during the test. I have about 19 motion / photo cell detectors that trigger lots of scenes from programs. I did factory reset the PLM on Friday. I did not do a restore but did re-link all of the motion detectors and wireless remotes. I can see, query and run all of the hardwired devices. I was concerned that running a restore would basically restore the excess links, a few hundred of which I deleted on Thursday. No doubt I am approaching or at the limit.
  4. Three more PLM table reads. 75, 74, 74. Ordering a spare PLM. System seems to be working properly but failure may be imminent.
  5. Thank You. Probably time to get a spare PLM ordered.
  6. Thank you. I hadn't seen that. I did reset the PLM earlier today and now it only list 61 links.
  7. After deleting a few hundred links associated with scenes, I decided to re-run to PLM links table this morning. It is up to 5000 and still counting. I have cleared the cache. It is possible that the links are not being removed from the PLM when a scene is deleted or they are somehow duplicating themselves. I have had to stop the count - there is no way it could be legit.
  8. Thanks to all for the help, questions and suggestions. I spent some time today inventorying devices, links and scenes. Have been able to dissolve many and may be able to get to a reasonable number. Stusviews discussed adding a second ISY and PLM. Interesting idea. I'm trying to imagine how I would do that. Two level home. 1 per level? I assume one cannot reference the other in terms of programs and scenes.
  9. Well I think you are on to something here. First pass running the PLM links table shows a count of 2665. Second was 938. Third 2158.
  10. UI and firmware both 4.6.2. The failure to turn the affected devices on occurs with and without a load. If a load is attached it is obvious. If no load is attached and an "ON" command is sent from ISY, it shows as "ON". But if you query, it shows "OFF." When i said typical what I am describing is a group of Dept 56 Christmas Village structures that are illuminated with a C7 incandescent light bulbs.. They are clustered in groups of 6 - 8 structures so a load of 40 - 60 watts incandescent for each cluster. My outdoor stuff is all LED and controlled with hardwired insteon on/off receptacles. Have never had any issues with that. The loads I am attempting to control with my "seasonal" (Thanksgiving - New Years) lamplincs, work fine with lamplincs that are in service year round. Over 300 devices in this house, system is otherwise reliable.
  11. The loads are typical Christmas decorations and lighting. 75 watts or less incandescent or LED equivalents. Same loads as the last 10 years. I don't understand the "does the UI match the firmware version" question. Same ISY994I for the last 4 years.
  12. As far as the factory reset I unplugged them from the receptacle, then plugged back in while holding the set button on the side for 10 seconds. These are old enough that they do not beep, buzz or give any audible indication of action. There are 19 lamplincs that I used at Christmas last year, stored them until last week and all have the same lack of functionality. I do not believe that the modules all failed simultaneously. The rest of the system is working fine. I have over 300 devices in the system - only the seasonals are problematic.
  13. Ramp rate is 4.5 seconds on all of these modules. There are 19 modules that were stored since last Christmas and this year not one works. Remainder of system is working fine, just not my seasonals.
  14. Have done factory reset, deleted and re-linked 7 of about 20 lamplincs. None seem to work although they are all visible to ISY. Same symptoms, "ON" appears to be on, query finds it to be off.
  15. Yes they were disabled and I have done factory reset on about 10 without any improvement. I also just noticed that if I "fast on" and the device turns on and the press "ON", the device turns off. I haven't tried delete and re add but will do so now.
  16. Also, none of these devices are in any scenes yet and the on levels are typically set for 80 or 50%
  17. Whole house Insteon installation with ISY994i v.4.6.2. House and all wire devices were new in 2013. I have a box of older lamplincs (all version 4.X) that come out at Christmas time for indoor decorations. This year, none of the lamplincs will respond to an "ON" command. Most will respond to a "FAST ON" and all will respond to off. After sending an "ON", from admin console current state will appear to be on, but if you query, it will be off. Seems odd that they would all fail at the same time.
  18. GTCJ

    LampLinc Dimmer Issue

    Well that appears to have been the answer. Now I know why you are "advanced." Thank you very much!
  19. GTCJ

    LampLinc Dimmer Issue

    The KeypadLinc, the SwitchLinc Dimmer and wireless remote all turn the one lamp on instantly. Yes, the lamps are linked as scenes. The three lamps are included in the scene for the instant on lamp.
  20. I have a room with 3 table lamps. All use LampLinc 2456D3 plug in lamp module dimmers. All are set up as controllers. In addition a KeyPadLinc, a wall mounted SwitchLinc Dimmer, and an old Controlinc table top controller can control these lights. All bulbs are incandescent. Each lamp is on the same branch circuit. There is no manual linking involved. There are scenes for which all of the above are included to control through ISY994I. One of the table lamps always turns on instantly although each scene is programmed for 4.5 second ramp to 80%. I have tried 3 different lamplincs on the problematic lamp so I don't believe it to be a module problem and suspect I have missed something basic.
  21. GTCJ

    Scenes - Controllers

    Thank you for the help. Some reconfiguring to do.
  22. GTCJ

    Scenes - Controllers

    Thank You When I right click and select add to scene, it goes directly to a drop down of scenes. After I select a scene I get the question that says it is already a controller in another scene and do I want to make it a responder.
  23. New user of ISY994I. I have searched the forum but haven't found the answer. I am having trouble creating scenes with controllers. It appears the default when importing a device to a scene is responder (blue). A dialogue box appears that states "Device is already a controller for scene 108. Would you like to make it a responder?" This is a new or different scene. If I click yes, it goes in as a responder. If I click no, nothing seems to happen. I know I could rename the original scene 108, but it doesn't have all of the devices and if I try to add to 108, I seem to only be able to make everything a responder. Thank You
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