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Everything posted by memmo

  1. So basically, if I understand correctly, in say my "Previews" scene, I'd add the Keypad A button as controller to trigger the scene and add the main Keypad as a responder to do the dimming? I think I tried this but didn't get anything to work.
  2. Tried a bit more last night and ran into a message saying that the buttons couldn't DIM -- only turn on and off. Perhaps I'll try to find someone willing to spend a few minutes on Skype to help me out -- I'm happy to pay for a short consult
  3. And in this instance, the KeypadLinc can't be both a controller AND a responder correct? For instance: 1. Hit the ON button, triggers the "All on Scene" which turns all the lights in the theater on to 100% including the 4 lights directly connected to the KeypadLinc. 2. Hit the A button, triggers the "Previews Scene" which say sets all lights to 10%. With the single KeypadLinc, the A button would be the controller, but I'd need another device to DIM the lights? Seems like an awkward setup unless I am missing something. I guess the fundamental flaw in my wiring is that I have the KeypadLinc wired directly to a load?
  4. I don't follow.. are you suggesting I would need to add an additional inlinelinc somewhere that would control the load on the 4 lights that are connected to the KeypadLinc? I can't imagine how that would be wired. hmm...
  5. That makes sense.. I guess I couldn't figure out how to get the button(s) to control the scenes(s). In the scenes other than the "All ON" - the load attached to the KeypadLinc needs to be dimmed -- for example -- the "Previews" scene -- Ideally I'd like KeyPadLinc button A to trigger that scene which would mean dim everything in the scene (essentially the InlineLincs) and the load attached to the KeypadLinc itself.
  6. Hello folks, Just got an ISY994i and am starting to program some scenes for a dedicated home theater. Setup: 1 x 8 button Keypadlinc -- wired directly to 4 recessed lights 1 x InlineLinc - wired directly to 2 more recessed lights 1 x InlineLinc - wired to 3 recessed lights for the screen wall 1 x InlineLinc - wired to 2 lights in my rear riser/seating platform 1 x InlineLinc - wired to 2 wall sconces I have everything added and and just running into a few weird things happening. 1. I created an "Entrance" scene where all the ceiling lights are set to 40% and the front screen wall lights are 100%. This works nicely. I then created a second scene called "Previews" -- where I want to dim everything to 0% over 4.5 seconds. So on the scene page, I set everything up how I'd like it, and set 4.5 seconds for the ramp rate on all devices. What happens however is the front stage lights take 4.5 seconds to dim as expected, but all of the ceiling lights dim much quicker (probably about 2 seconds). I can't for the life of me figure out what is causing this. 2. In addition to the 2 scenes mentioned above, I have a couple more -- my intention was to have the On/Off on the KeypadLinc be the All ON/All Off scene which is what is happening. I'm wondering now how to go about making the other buttons on the KeypadLinc initiate the other scenes? I can't recall what was happening exactly, but I think when I tried to set it up with one of the sub-buttons, it told me the KeypadLinc was already in use as a controller and asked me if i wanted to use it as a responder. Sorta got lost at that point. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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