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Everything posted by Guitartexan

  1. Absolutely right Xathros. I had a brain ****. Of course the Cooper z-wave dimmer switch has full dimming and on off locally AS WELL as remotely. The tree was in the way of the forest =:~/ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Hello all. My question pertains to my wife's desire to have local dimming ability in conjunction with my desire to have remote and scene control over said circuit. WAF will ultimately win here, but why could I not install an Aeotek (or other) z-wave micro dimmer relay switch onto an Insteon (or Cooper or Leviton) z-wave dimmer switch? This would, in my mind anyway, give remote control and have local dimming ability for the Mrs. The only possible problem I can see would possibly be interruption of the scene by the manual override, which really doesn't bother me. Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. You do not want to "dim" the transformer. You want to dim the lighting coming from the transformer. You attach the dimmer line to the load side of the transformer and the red load wire from the dimmer to the load which is the lights. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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