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  1. @DennisCYes, you're right. I haven't provided enough info and am probably unfairly tarnishing Java. I'll post more info tonight with my particulars, but from what I recall, these are my general issues: First off, I only use the admin console about 3 times a year when I need to make a change. In the intervening months I've completely forgotten which particular yoga pose is required to connect to the 994. Double clicking start.jnlp really seems to want to start an instance of Internet Explorer and leave a window open. But IE is deprecated and Chrome support for Java seems lacking. At some point I found a "IE extension" for Chrome which seemed to work, but its still iffy and seems to require a particular harsh facial expression and foul language. As I recall, my typical experience is to run start.jnlp, and when it does run, it doesn't find the ISY device. I think I'd much prefer the ISY device just have it's own web interface and once you know the IP address of your device, you're good to go.
  2. Using Java to connect to devices just seems to be such a chore. Sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn't. Is there another way to program the ISY? I'm using the 994 but would be willing to move on to the EISY if I could be assured I wouldn't need Java anymore.
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