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Everything posted by jon102034050

  1. ahhhhh - I believe this is exactly what I was looking for! Will test this out later when I'm home.
  2. Sorry, I should have been more clear: yes, it is wired to the switch, so physically pressing the switch off does turn the switch off, but it doesnt cancel the running event. Take the following scenario: walk outside at 22:00:00. Light turns on with a timer of 10 minutes before its scheduled shutdown. Dog drops a load and is back in in 2 minutes. I walk in and press the switch off at 22:02:30. Dog forgets that it needs to go number 1 and asks to go back outside at 22:09:45. I walk outside and the light proceeds to turn on again for us, but, is the original run of the 10 minute timer still going? Or, in other words, is the light going to turn off on us 15 seconds after we go out the second time?
  3. This is the closest that I've come to getting this to work. When the door opens, the light turns on, and when the door closes, it doesn't turn off anymore. However, it doesn't take into account if I want to cancel the wait early by pressing the switch manually, which should turn off the lights and cancel the wait. Here's what it looks like: Deck 1 - [ID 0008][Parent 0004] If Elk Zone 'Deck Door' is Violated Then Run Program 'Deck 2' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Deck 2 - [ID 0009][Parent 0004][Not Enabled] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' On Wait 20 seconds Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. I'm not sure I totally follow, but I can test things out tomorrow AM though. I'll report back then.
  5. ^ this helps me quite a bit.... I was struggling to understand the diff between control and status. Let me just reiterate this: I am a complete noob when it comes to programming the ISY, please don't take my rules to mean anything.... lol. Here is my goal: Door is opened at night - turn on deck lights for 10 minutes OR until the off switch is pressed. If the switch isn't pressed (off), then the lights will just go off as planned in 10 minutes from original opening. Please feel free to re-write the rule completely if you think it can be achieved in a different way.
  6. The purpose of the wait (shortened to 20 seconds for testing, would be 10 minutes when in place for real) is to keep the light on for 10 minutes while the dog is out. After that, turn it off. Again, here is what I want to achieve: Door is opened at night - turn on deck lights for 10 minutes OR until the off switch is pressed.
  7. Status is reporting correctly in the console. When the program turns it on, it shows on immediately (and vice versa).
  8. Hm, sunset - sunrise works just fine, it's the 'switch off' that is messing with this. When I pull the 'switch off' out in the 'if', the light turns on when the door opens, and turns off when it closes. Obviously, this isn't the functionality I am looking for. Here's what it looks like: If Elk Zone 'Deck Door' is Violated And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' On Wait 20 seconds Else Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' Off Run Then and Run Else works to turn on and off the light.
  9. Hm, maybe I'm missing something here, but this isn't working at all. The light doesn't turn on at all - thoughts? If Elk Zone 'Deck Door' is Violated And 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' is switched Off And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' On Wait 10 minutes Else Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' Off
  10. Derp.... That would probably help. Tbh though, it's kinda starting from scratch because it doesn't really work at all yet. I think I maybe need to use 2 programs.... If Elk Zone 'Deck Door' is Violated And $dog_outside is 0 And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then $dog_timer Init To 0 Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' On Repeat While $dog_timer >= 600 $dog_timer += 1 Wait 1 second Repeat 1 times Set 'ZW 003 Multilevel Switch' Off $dog_timer = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  11. I'm having some issues moving my rules from HomeSeer to ISY. Here's the basic gist of the rule i had in HS: open deck door at night, turn on deck lights for 10 minutes OR until the off switch is pressed. For whatever reason, i simply cannot get this rule to translate over to my ISY.... FWIW, I'm using ISY 5.0.11c with the Elk module and an HS-WS100+ for a switch. Any assistance is greatly appreciated! Here are the 2 events in HS that I use to accomplish this
  12. Dang! Missed it!
  13. Subscribing to this thread to monitor its development. I'm considering pickup up a screen as I do have a spare Pi just hanging around I've been looking to build a project on. Thanks for your hard work! Looks awesome so far.
  14. Great explanation! Thanks for going into further detail, something that ISY owners should be keeping on the front of their minds
  15. heads up - looks like you have to be logged in to view this. I get your point here, but others who maybe aren't sure what shodan.io is, might be nice to explain it a bit
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