I have replaced my Smartlabs 2414 USB PowerLinc V2 and "InHomeFre" Windows PC software with my new ISY-994i and cannot get my Smartlabs RemoteLinc #2440 to link with my ISY-994i.
I have put new batteries into the RemoteLinc and placed the RemoteLinc near the AccessPoint for each of the two legs of power in my house and also near a dual-band LampLinc.
The RemoteLinc DOES still control the Insteon devices originally linked - one scene of four devices and three individual devices. The RemoteLinc controls these devices at all locations in my house.
When I enter the data in the "Link a RemoteLinc" window, put my RemoteLinc into linking mode by pressing the first button (Scene A) for 10 seconds until the LED blinks and then click on the "OK" button in the "Link a Remotelinc" window, I end up getting a message "The following devices could not be added: OA.38.OE (2440) RemoteLinc v.00 - cannot determine Insteon Engine"
The label inside the battery compartment of my Remote Linc reads
1208 Rev1.0
Is there some way I can link my remote or must I buy some type of new remote control and throw away my operational RemoteLinc?
Thanks in advance - I'm really puzzled.