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Everything posted by bluerogueman

  1. Add me to the list of people who resurected their PLM V1.B. Great success! Had to order the parts from Mouser because Digikey in Canada had a minimum order quantity. ? Took a while to receive my order in Quebec, but still much cheaper than buying a new unit. In the meantime, I had ordered a new PLM anyway from Aartech. They were on back order. Ironically, received the new PLM (rev. 2.6 unit) and the parts from Mouser on the same day. Will likely keep the PLM, just in case.
  2. Hi Bob, Polyglot complains about having insufficient date from OpenWeatherMap. I suspect there's a coding error somewhere. It's now Wednesday, but Forecast 0 wrongly equals to Sunday and Forecast 1 and 2 correctly equal to Thursday and Friday. Any ideas? Patrick
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