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    Naperville, IL

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  1. I'm going to throw out another idea to everyone that don't want to necessarily upgrade to a 500 series board. I've got 3 ISY99's, 2 of which with the old series 3 board, that I went and upgraded to 5.2.0 and left the old zwave board in, disabled. Why would I do this? Because earlier this year I moved all of my Z-Wave network over to OpenZWave on Home Assistant on a RPI4. Im not going to lie, MIchel has done an excellent job over the years of building one of the greatest insteon controllers out there, period. While I decided not to go the polygot route, because I have so many other things that integrated so nicely, into Home Assistant --- I don't regret my decision going in that direction. The ISY99 has excellent HA support thanks to a few developers out there who a few months ago spent days and days of time building to the API's. Now my insteaon and zwave networks continue to operate as one, using automations under HA, rather than the ISY. And response time is as fast as if I were doing this all on the ISY. I admit, MIchel was so ahead of his time, that it's only recently that the automations system in HA can rival the ISY today. If you decide to do this, look at the ISY as your insteon management system platform and HA as your state machine and build around that, I think you'll be pleased in what you find. Oh, and if you do want to keep Z-Wave managed by the ISY, HA will easily recognize the ISY Z-Wave devices correctly as well. Brian
  2. I've been using HA (Home Assistant) for a couple months now, and ISY's for 10 years. A few people here have spent a lot of time getting the ISY99 integration updated and working as of HA .110 and it works extremely well. I've moved most of my ISY automations over to Node Red and treat Home Assistant like a big state machine. Been running stable for over a month now on hass.io under a ESXI image on a lightweight x86 system. There is a new 2.0beta of the ISY plug in that uses asyncIO (Installed on HACS) that promises to be faster, but so far, all my automations are just as fast as they were running on the ISY itself. I'm now just using the ISY to build scene's that are controlled by node-red. Couldn't be happier with this combination setup.
  3. Just bought a Gen 3 Starter Color Kit. Colors are great, never had the other 2 gen's.... But I've done a lot of LED color lighting for DMX controls and these are very good next to my DMX pro stuff. I thought the hub had WiFi built in --- it does not, you need a LAN connection to support it's LAN-->ZIGBEE network, even though there is a WIFI logo on the bottom -- no idea why. It does default to a warm white light when turned on, does not remember color when turned off. Not sure what others did, but it always defaults to warm white 100% when turned on. Hope to work with ISY and get the bulbs working with my Insteon switches for scene control. Right now they are just a fun "toy". I don't plan to spend $50/bulb outfitting the house when I already have 60+ insteon switches, although I can see how this technology is taking off, since it really is that easy to deploy and it does work well with apple home kit, first time I've used such an interface and really like it.
  4. Hi Michel, I'm having the same issues here with LED brightness, I have a 2486D V.2D and when I did the relink, now the LED brightness does not show up... When it did and I selected it, I got a "Request Failed" right away. I've got 3 of the Keypadlinc's that all do the same thing. Brian
  5. I've got a slighly different problem.... I've been running .13 for a while now and recently, I've had several ICON and Swlitchlinc's die or need to be replaced.. I finally got around to replacing them with recent RMA units from SH, and the new switches were some new version I don't have anywhere else. After about the 3rd new Swtchlinc, all of the sudden I'm having all sorts of unrealiable communication issues. Some switches will not report status to the ISY unless I manually query them, even though I've done a "restore" on that device....just very odd network behavior. I'm about ready to rip out the new switches to see if communication returns to normal.... I've never had communication problems like this in the two years I've been running Insteon until now. Even though my wife's patience was tested a long time ago, mine is starting to get there --- does it ever end? Brian
  6. Hi Michel, I've tested 2.6.13 and so far, cannot duplicate any problems with ramp rates, trying local control, status seems fine in this version. I'll let it run throughout the day and see what heppens, but so far so good. I'm really impressed with the service level at UDI! Brian
  7. However, I would assume that even though the folder conditions are False, when you right click on the folder in Program Summary, and select "Run Then" which would bypass the condition and "Allow all programs in this folder to run", it should run all programs in that folder.... as long as there are no "If" conditions on those programs within that folder as well.... That would seem logical to me... Brian
  8. I just got my 99i/IR and updated to 2.6.11, after spending 12 hours converting my Homeseer installation to ISY I ran into the Scene bug here described today. Luckly I managed to check back and see 2.6.12 up and grabbed that. Scene bug gone, but I had to delete my scenes created with 2.6.11 and rebuild them under 2.6.12 to make them work. What I'm running into now is a program bug (or feature??). I was trying to find a way to group programs based on how I did it in Homeseer. Create a folder for Midnight, Sunrise, Sunset, etc.... Create some programs in each folder. If you manually try to run them while in the folder, they won't run, no matter what you do. If you yank them out of the folder and put them on the root one, they run fine. I'm not quite sure what to make of that. I'm using the Homeseer ISY program that will read the ISY and create all the devices on the fly in Homeseer. So far, so good --- and I'm able to run my programs out of homeseer, but would rather do it directly on the ISY. Other then that, great product! Look forward to all the updates. Brian
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