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Everything posted by roblombardo

  1. I have lost the ability to update state variables via location services on Mobilinc about the time I updated to 5.6.0. Not sure if these are related, anyone else having this issue? H I’d hate to run UD mobile in the background just for geofencing.
  2. @Illusion Did that solve your Mobilinc problem?
  3. @Illusion Yes, working great. I always used Mobilinc Pro in the distant past when I used ISY portal as well. Are you confident you have your configuration in the app and ISY admin console correct?
  4. @ lilyoyo1 My suggestion was not to replace the circuit breaker with the Insteon device, but rather to use these downline from the breaker to control your desired load. Very easy to integrate into an existing Insteon control schema. Electrical integration may be slightly more work than a smart breaker however. Just another option. Also an Insteon DIN rail on/off module carries a 15A contact rating which could also be used alone or as a pilot relay for a relay with a larger rating. I use one of these with a starter for my pool pump.
  5. @Illusion, I've made the transition back to ISY portal. I feel fortunate that I exported my configuration before I switched to Mobilinc Connect. It is my understanding that if you want to do IoP, you have to use ISY portal. I find the ISY portal method of configuring Alexa spokens slightly less elegant than Mobilinc Connect, but on the plus side, ISY portal is much cheaper and significantly faster to execute.
  6. Almost all breakers are switch rated now. But, there’s got to be a more elegant solution. Perhaps these, they have to be secured on the secondary market currently. https://www.insteon.com/on-off-in-linelinc
  7. I submitted a ticket. I guess the main thing I'm unclear on is do I need to move back to ISY portal to begin this migration and upgrade?
  8. I have a very well-built out system on ISY994i primarily using Insteon devices, extensive network resources and some Zwave devices. I use mobilinc connect for my Alexa spokens, and mobilinc pro as my iOS interface. In the distant past I did use ISY portal and did export my spokens at that time as a .CSV file. In order to migrate to IoP, it's looking like I need to get rid of mobilinc connect and get back on ISY portal. This is going to be a good bit of work to get all these spokens updated and running on ISY portal again. My polisy is also over two years old, it looks like it will need to be updated in some fashion?
  9. Correct, semantics...
  10. I'm reading you 5x5. I went back to v.2 for this reason and the ridiculous auto thermostat logic. As far as this routine issue goes, we are assuming it is a bug, but who knows with Amazon? I can't see any solution either, except to recreate separate programs using "then" statements only to control your most critical open/close items. This is what I did before reverting to v.2. I did not want to spend the time to recreate all the programs initially, just to hedge my bet that this is a bug and will be corrected eventually.
  11. Where I live, we could be on heat and AC in the same day. My setpoints are directed from the ISY multiple times daily. Sure, mode changes could also be directed multiple times a day, I just don't see the advantage of the V3 thermostat auto logic.
  12. I went back to V2. That auto thermostat logic is terrible. Also, the programs appearing in "Devices" works better for now in V2 because you can select on or off for routines. With V3, programs appear in "Scenes", and currently can only be turned on. (this however may be an Alexa app bug). The added features in V3 are not important to me, and in the things that are important to me, V3 took a step backward.
  13. I'm having a problem with the thermostat now. The behavior I'm experiencing is as follows: when the temperature is 65, and I say "Alexa set thermostat to 67°, she says "Auto's keeping the temperature between 65 and 70". She does not however change the current setpoint as requested. Before, if the house was 65 degrees, auto setpoints at 65 & 70, and you made that command, the heat setpoint would be raised appropriately, and the house would rise to the requested temperature. Currently V3 seems broken. Am I missing something? Is there an updated Wiki for V3? This was working perfectly on V2.
  14. I have upgraded to V3. As I begin to rebuild routine actions, I'm finding that programs are now listed under "scenes" and there is no "scene off" action? I was using routines to call then or else portions of programs where then was on and else was off. Verbal commands to Echo seem to work fine, It's just routines where off is not available. Any suggestions? This is a significant problem, because routines were the only way to address the garage open close issue. I suppose, a separate program could be written for each on or off routine, but that just seems ridiculous.
  15. Just installed it!
  16. In order to mitigate the security risk an open command presents, I've set one of my program conditions as I must be inside the home geofence.
  17. The program must remain in the portal if it is to be used by a routine. What I'm unsure about, is what to do with the spokens in the portal that may be in conflict with the spokens in the routines? This may be moot anyway, because the only way the portal's spoken will come into play is if someone says turn on the garage door or turn off the garage door. That's not likely to happen. Edit: The portal spoken is required. So, it must be given an obscure name. Otherwise, the open/close command will result in Alexa saying "garage door doesn't support that"
  18. I am encouraged by this as the previously functional open/close commands have not been functional for some time. Obviously, the program would remain in the portal, but what to do about the listed spokens that may be in conflict with the routine now? Maybe just leave the program but delete all spokens in the portal if that is even possible?
  19. I changed the spoken word to "garage" and that is not supported either. I can however open my kitchen lights just fine, and turn on my garage door. Ugggh...
  20. Like you webminster, I use program unique to the echo interface, that contains conditions. I also use a program to reset the I/O module to off even though I have it configured locally as momentary. I've found that while the contacts do change state, that change of state does is not announced on the insteon network. By commanding the I/O module off after a time delay, I ensure that that the ISY is aware of the true state. So, lets see what happens with this...
  21. Sometime in the last week or two, Alexa has lost the ability to control the garage door with an open or close command. These worked flawlessly prior, and she is still able to control the garage door via either the on or off command. Anyone notice this change in behavior recently? Not sure where to go with this, kind of dumb to have to say "turn on the garage door"...
  22. I'm having similar issues, the last 2 weeks.
  23. This will work. I do the same thing, I would recommend making sure the IR Linc is not plugged into a surge suppressor or power conditioner of any kind. I use a URC 850 RF to its base station that then sends IR to the IR Linc, that then does many things on the ISY. Some of these things include setting variables via remote macros indicating current viewing modes, which then modifies house Sonos start ups etc. It can be quite convoluted, but it works flawlessly.
  24. I'm, using Illuminous EV-12V-1000-12D drivers with the Insteon micro dimmers. They work very well.
  25. Here is a set of (4) programs I use for a similar function in a multi-control situation. These further limit the total on time available to 60min. This can all be changed to suit your needs however. You would need to establish the variable too. Barn Lights Check - This initiates the decrement program when the lights are turned on via Mobilinc or admin console. If Status 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 1' is On And Status 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 2' is On And $Barn_Light_Minutes is 0 Then Wait 5 seconds Run Program 'Barn Lights Increment' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Barn Lights Decrement If $Barn_Light_Minutes > 0 Then Wait 1 minute $Barn_Light_Minutes -= 1 Wait 1 second Run Program 'Barn Lights Decrement' (If) Else Set Scene 'Barn / Barn Lights' Off Wait 1 second $Barn_Light_Minutes = 0 $Barn_Light_Minutes Init To 0 Stop program 'Barn Lights Decrement' Barn Lights Increment If ( Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 1' is switched On Or Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 1' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 2' is switched On Or Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 2' is switched Fast On ) And $Barn_Light_Minutes <= 30 Then Set Scene 'Barn / Barn Lights' On $Barn_Light_Minutes += 30 Wait 1 second Run Program 'Barn Lights Decrement' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Barn Lights Off If Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 1' is switched Off Or Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 1' is switched Fast Off Or Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 2' is switched Off Or Control 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 2' is switched Fast Off Or Status 'Barn / Barn Overhead Lights 1' is Off Then Set Scene 'Barn / Barn Lights' Off Stop program 'Barn Lights Decrement' $Barn_Light_Minutes = 0 $Barn_Light_Minutes Init To 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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