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  1. Geddy & DennisC, Thank you for the responses. Clearing the java cache & doing a web search for 'IoX launcher Universal Devices' got me a new start.jnlp file. Issue is fixed. Steve
  2. Hello, I received a 'It's time to upgrade to 5.7.0' email for my EISY. I followed the link to 'instructions' & completed them. After 30 minutes. I closed the Admin Console window & used IoX finder to sign into the EISY. A 'Error' window displayed along with a 'Version' window… Admin Console v.5.6.3 ISY Firmware v.5.7.0 Please use a version of the Admin Console that is the same as or newer than ISY firmware. I'm no longer able to sign into the EISY. How do I recover from this? Thanks, Steve EISY_Fail_Upgrade.pdf
  3. Thanks!
  4. Thanks, What does the solid green icon mean? see .jpg What does a solid red icon mean?
  5. Hi, Searched the forum, ISY User Guide, wiki for 'detail status icon' with no success. What do the colors & color location represent when you enable detail status icons via on the Detail tab > right-click a program > Status Icons > Detail ? I thought green left part of icon might signify the program status is true but I have 2 programs with a green left part of icon with one program status = ture & another with status = false. Thanks, Steve
  6. I understand using scenes permits Broadcast mesages which in turn reduce Insteion PL traffic. But since the ISY updates its status table based on the broadcast commands it issued & assumes to be implementd. * Would the ISY have better data if you called out devices in programs, when possible, rather than scenes? * When devices report back there status, how is that used by the ISY? * How many device status tables are there in an ISY & PLM network?
  7. Thanks very much! I'll use .txt files in future to facilitate easier responses. I shall read the http://cache.insteon.com/pdf/insteondetails.pdf document.
  8. Thanks for the ideas. Since programs had been working ok for a week. My thinking was taking me down the path of the ISY status table being out of sync with the device status. Your suggestions are pointing me in a different direction. Thanks! Based on your comments the likely issue is AC line noise being generated from the low voltage transformers I'm trying to control. Makes sense that's why they turned on but not off. Only puzzle is why they worked ok for a week & then misbehaved. Real issue could be something else causing line noise. I tried Manually doing a 'run then' on the first two programs. This failed to work consistently. So I've relocated the 2 Access points & 1 Range Extender. The PLM (dual-band) really can't be relocated. Next move is get some additional FilterLincs FilterLinc between transformers & on/off outdoor module for Front Lights scene. Easy to do; transformers & module are inside out of weather. FilterLinc between transformers (in weather proof box) & OutletLinc dual-mode recepticle (in small weather proof box) for the Rear Lights scene. Difficult to do because of weather considerations. If I can't get the original (simpler programs) to work then I work on the more complex programs.
  9. When Event Viewer is set to display level '3 Device communications events', the Wiki indicates that the 4th column is titled 'Bracketd Insteon Address' . Is that the best description for the values displayed? When I do a 'Run Then' and turn off my Rear Lights program I get command-like phrases not address in that column. see attached .pdf What does '[iNST-TX-I1]' mean? Is that ISY Transmitting or it the PLM? What does INST-ACK mean? Is that a device acknowledging receipt or is it the PLM? What does D2D Event mean? Is that a device reporting a Status change? Whats uom=0, prec=-1 mean? What's D2D-CMP 0013 mean? Please expand the 'Using the Event Viewer' wiki to more fully explain the information ISY is providing. Thanks, Steve 2015-06-30_14-11-47.pdf
  10. I'm a new user. I've created programs to control my exterior lights. They worked great for last week. However, last night we had lighting & rain storm in the evening and the programs failed to shut off the lights. The off programs ran & ISY changed the device status to off which was incorrect. A few minutes later I manually turned the scene/devices off. see attached pdf of log file. Front Lights ON - [iD 0005][Parent 0004] If Time is Sunset + 20 minutes Then Set Scene 'Front Low Volt Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Front Lights OFF - [iD 0006][Parent 0004] If Time is Sunset + 1 hour and 5 minutes Then Set Scene 'Front Low Volt Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') My questions are: 1. Was the 'didn't shut off failure' cause by my program code or something else? 2. Since this could happen again when I'm not at home, how can I expand the code to verify the lights are truely off. I've added some device status checking (via query) code to the programs. I now have 5 programs as follows. Will this work? How can I test it? 1 Rear Lights ON Sunset - [iD 0007][Parent 0003] If Time is Sunset + 10 minutes Then Set Scene 'Rear Low Volt Lights' On $iRearLightsShouldBeOff = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 2 Rear Lights OFF Sunset - [iD 0008][Parent 0003] If Time is Sunset + 18 minutes Then Set Scene 'Rear Low Volt Lights' Off $iRearLightsShouldBeOff = 1 Wait 15 seconds Run Program '3 Query Rear Lights' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') To minimize network traffic, it's best to avoid shutting rear lights off at same time that front lights are turning on/off. This program failed to turn off the lights ao an integer variable and device query programs were added. 3 Query Rear Lights - [iD 000E][Parent 0003] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Outlet03.1 On-Off Top' Query Set 'Outlet03.2 On-Off Bot' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program performs a device query to determine status. Apparently there is no scene query available. ISY's device table is updated with actual device status. 4 Rear Lights Check After Query - [iD 0013][Parent 0003] If Status 'Outlet03.1 On-Off Top' is On Or Status 'Outlet03.2 On-Off Bot' is On And $iRearLightsShouldBeOff is 1 Then Run Program '5 Rear Lights Scene Off' (If) Wait 1 minute Run Program '3 Query Rear Lights' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program tests for inconsistency between device status and an integer variable set to one/true in the Lights OFF program. If inconsistency is found, a Lights OFF program is run. Followed by a wait. Then a query to verify lights are out. 5 Rear Lights Scene Off - [iD 000D][Parent 0003] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set Scene 'Rear Low Volt Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program turns off the Rear Light scene 2015-06-28_11-53-43.pdf
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