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  1. I didn't like that feature, either. It was on the list a while ago; dunno if it's not fixable or what...
  2. To clarify, would this also work if the lamp is turned on locally (or off/on, as is usually the case) to trigger the LampLinc to ON?
  3. hehehe... not that any of us HA folks would ever go too far... but that was funny to point out. I was thinking "man, you've got to get the trigger for it to be 100% accurate"; but, really... it's just the drapes.
  4. Traditore, you're stating it correctly. See if stating it differently helps: - All three grounds nutted together; - All three commons nutted together; - Hot from power side to SL black; - Hot from load side (female of extension cord) to SL red. BTW, just want to be sure in your previous post that you're not thinking of using a LampLinc on that heater. That'd be bad. While we're on the topic of how to solve this, though... you don't say whether you're concerned about the little ones turning this thing ON or OFF more. If you're worried it'll be left on, you can query the AL every hour or whatever. If you're worried they'll push the set button on the AL, then I'm not sure we're helping much by putting a bunch of more obvious and accessible buttons out for the kiddos. Perhaps an OutletLinc would help with less to push (the button's pretty hard to get to when something's plugged in). There's always the problem that on an AL or LL, turning the load off and on turns the AL/LL on - in case you weren't aware; from my testing, the OLs don't seem to do this.
  5. gregoryx

    By Pass Logn

    Bravo, tazal and MikeB, on the well formed responses regarding IP addressing, routing, and the internet connectivity methods! I wouldn't have taken so much time. Thank you! FTR, pretty much ALL attacks start with scans: ping sweep, protocol / port sweep, then trigger follow-ups based on the responses. Oh... and like the ping sweep, low-hanging fruit first - so standard ports after ping sweep, non-standard ports last. Some advanced security devices can block on sweep, pretty much fixing the problems from all but the MOST determined attackers. Since these sweeps are entirely automated, everything gets hit eventually. It's not chance; it's continuous. The reward of the break is the key to what to break into: if you have boring content, you're not a likely candidate. If you have boring content with moderate security, again, not a likely candidate. So cameras that are like everyone else's are not a great candidate for much effort if they have a decent password. No password and they'll get on some list pretty quick. Effort to reward thing. ISY seems like it could end up a decent security target if someone stumbles on it in a scan: messing with someone's lights is an attractively fun thing to do; if you have cameras and I can WATCH the lights and YOU getting pissed off about it, there's no measure to how much effort that'd be worth to break in. Again, I'm pleased to see MikeB and tazal representing the IP network envrionment accurately. tazal, nice set up. We've been connecting businesses and ISPs to the internet since 1992 or something like that; I/we designed and built products for securing and protecting networks; I'm currently in non-technical role in security and communication services. I run two links into my house: a /29 on SDSL for VoIP and inbound; and cable for cheap and fast data and browsing. I run business class firewalls (whatever model / brand our resident experts are using of late) and load balance / fail-over all traffic to the 'net and VPNs to our offices. smileyw, I agree. Set addresses for no security would be a decent option. But since control doesn't require it and one can build their own web interface with any amount of control desired - and only the admin requires login - it doesn't seem a big deal.
  6. gregoryx

    Master - Slave

    Some of the Pronto units have (had?) an RF interface option. I use it. No IR leaves the Pronto - it goes to the RF/IR unit, which is cabled into my IR repeater network.
  7. gregoryx

    System Busy

    I'll restart the browser next time I see it, Michel. I'll post back when that happens.
  8. gregoryx

    System Busy

    Sitting here now having just finished adding a button to a scene... and it's finished adding according to the even viewer, but not according to the "Confirm Add" window - and we're "System Busy" with not one program running. Check this out:
  9. gregoryx

    System Busy

    Huh... looking at it right now: System Busy. No programs running. Level 3 event viewer shows nothing. The UI is a bit sluggish. Weird. Ideas?
  10. gregoryx

    By Pass Logn

    ... which implies that you have your ISY on a public IP address (probably not) or have a one-to-one NAT drilled to the ISY's private address through your router or firewall or whatever you want to call it. Just FTR, having an unsecured device with private IP addresses is not exposing it to the world. Oh... or that you don't HAVE a router / firewall in your control... in which case, this should be the least of your concerns.
  11. gregoryx

    System Busy

    Good call. I'll look for that next time it happens. It's not regular, so it must not be a constant loop.
  12. I would look for those loose connections and try to eliminate them. However.
  13. If they have different hots, they could be on different circuits / breakers with different noise / signal characteristics. At least that might explain what otherwise seems like it should work fine. It's possible that the hots all go the same place but are not nutted together but the commons are, in which case it's the same circuit. I will not suggest that you move to the same hot; I don't know what your wiring situation is. I can say that I have boxes with one set of hot/common/ground coming in with four loads leaving the box, so I know that is something that is done (and I've had that in other houses I've owned)(. In those cases, I've got four switches' hot nutted to one hot in with the load wires each going to the load. I hope that makes sense.
  14. gregoryx

    By Pass Logn

    Most browsers can cache / store the first user/pass combo (I use IE, Firefox, and Opera and they all work); but the admin one is Java and the only way I found in the past (with other Java stuff) was to use an external program to keystroke it in.
  15. MikeB, would an alternative be to go to "on only" mode, have it trigger the light on, then use the ISY for the off only?
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