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Brian H

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About Brian H

  • Birthday 07/09/1946

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    South East Connecticut

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Community Answers

  1. Restore or the replace PLM? If you did not use the replace function. All the old PLM links are in the modules and the new PLM will not see the messages sent to the old PLM. Paulbates tests will give you much needed information. If the information shows many links look at the back of the old PLM for its ID and see if the old PLM ID is in the displayed information.
  2. You have two PLM's. One on the ISY994i and the other one is used on the EZIO8SA. The one on the EZIO8SA is probably a 2412S PLM or their equivalent. It would be power line only communications.
  3. I3 is too different than the other keypads. If replace with does not work. Then what Guy has pointed out will have to be done.
  4. Not as easy as Start Linking but if it does not work. Manually link it to a module. Then do a link list of that module then a compare. The link address not known by the ISY Administrative Console. Is the remotes six digit Insteon ID.
  5. The modules have a Category and Subcategory ID assigned to each model Insteon module. Some may have more than one Subcategory. For revisions. Like software versions and features. Like original I1,I2 or I2CS. My thoughts are they check the ID of the module you are trying to install and found it was an ApplianceLinc not a LampLinc.
  6. I have not seen one but it maybe possible. I know by trying. Replacement of a 2456S3 Appliancelinc with a 2635-222 Dual Band On/Off module did not work. On my ISY994i. My thoughts are since the new module is Dual Band. Has extra features that just exchange it would not work correctly. The 2456S3 is a responder only while the 2635-222 can also be a controller. While an Icon 2856S3 or the X10AM466 ( was made during the X10 bankruptcy by the old Smarthome and was really a 2856S3 labelled )can be used in place of a 2456S3.
  7. I had similar feeling on my ISY26 and then my ISY99i. I definitely agree UDI has exceptional support. I still have some X10 in my setup. My Insteon modules are old enough to also have an optional X10 primary address in them. So my HR12A palm pad can still control them.
  8. Not too sure if this will be what you need. https://developer.isy.io/blog/NVMe/
  9. I have used the loX Finder (start.jnlp) on my ISY994i with the last firmware for it. On a Windows 10 setup. And it works fine. With the Java it has installed.
  10. The 2456S3 has local control sensing and the later Rev 4.0 have a snubber network across the relay. Both will cause flashing or dim glow when off. Putting a small incandescent load or old wall wart. On the string with a outlet tap. May times will correct the issue. The disabling the load sensing does not turn off the sensor voltage. Just the 2456S3 ignores the load changing. So the small current is always there. Even when disabled. The 118 volts is through a high resistance and most meters with a high impedance will see the voltage but the low resistance of the bulb will load it down and the meter will be close to 0 or 0 on the meter. Do they click with no load? Not too often seen but maybe the load is sucking up the power line signals.
  11. I have also see some openers manufactures say they had some brand LED bulbs cause their openers to get very touchy. Not surprised the power supplies caused issue. They also have caused many X10 issues over the years. I saw an X10 tutorial where a cell phone charger. Spewed out noise on the X10 power line frequency. The I/OLinc is also power line only so line issues can effect its operation. Some have added a dual band module on the same circuit. I personalty have an extra 2457D2 Lamplinc just doing dual band functions with no load. I did open a Range Extender and it was a 2457D2 with the dimmer parts removed. I/OLinc also has a switching supply so capacitors can also be considered. I have seen the old Smarthome try different capacitors as the revision levels changed.
  12. I actually saw a condo. Fed from three phase. With each unit using two of the three phase leads and common. To help balance the power line feed. Each unit had 120VAC neutral to each line and 208 line to line. I believe the high voltage appliances where made for 208 or wired for 208. 120 degree phase separation.
  13. 2413U Revision 2.6 is recent. Date Code 1223 is December 2023. It should have the latest hardware caps in it.
  14. Your PLM information. Indicates it is fairly old. Also with only two links. I would suspect the PLM is failing. As two links is way to low.
  15. I don't think that it listens when in power saving mode and not woken up to see commands. It may not even have an RF receiver in it.
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