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Everything posted by skunkiechris

  1. Wow, lots of great info there -- thanks for the link!
  2. That did it! Thanks for all of your help!
  3. Yes, basically I'm trying to capture the total rainfall for the day so that I can determine whether to let the sprinklers run the following morning. So I'm running a bunch of programs to determine the rainfall -- 0 - .1", .1 - .2", etc. I only want those programs to run just before midnight (when the total rainfall resets.) I'm assuming now that should limit the folder to, say, 11:58 for 2 minutes, put all those programs in the folder, and then put an additional program in the folder that does something like 'If Time = 11:59:00 then Run (If)" and add every program I want to evaluate to store the rainfall. Sound correct? Thanks again!
  4. Well that would explain the behavior, thank you! So I should have a program in that folder that is called during those three minutes that runs all of the other programs?
  5. Well I have several of those programs covering various rainfalls. But no, that's my point -- the last run time for all of them is yesterday afternoon when I had the times off the folder for testing. None of the rain or high temp programs in that folder ran at all last night. I just tried updating the time to a few minutes away, then watched -- still no run. When I have no folder restrictions at all, the rainfall programs only seem to run when there is an actual change to the 'rainfall today' item -- not each time the weather updates (every 75 seconds in my case.) Weird?
  6. Well, that didn't work either. The folder condition is: Folder Conditions for 'Daily Checks' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run If From 11:57:00PM For 2 minutes and 50 seconds Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. None of programs ran at all last night. It almost seems like they will only run when the condition they are checking changes? Since I'm checking "Rain Today" and it did not change during those three minutes, they programs didn't run. If that's indeed how it's working, it doesn't seem like it makes the most sense... Any ideas?[/code]
  7. Ahhh, well that makes sense. That also explains why I was having trouble isolating the problem. I was making changes (using temperature to test since it changes frequently), and it would appear to work correctly - not running. Then the next day, it didn't seem to anymore. I was messing with the folder program as well, so now it makes sense -- when it was new everything looked correct, but then the next day it had passed the "activation" time, and was allowing things to run. I changed it as you suggested, I'll see what happens in the morning. Thanks for your help, I would have been driving myself nuts over that one!
  8. Thanks, I'll give that a try. Using the "Time is" folder condition, why would it allow it to run when it is not that time?
  9. If power is fed in at the light fixture, each three-way switch must have a total of three wires running to it from that fixture (one power and two load). The other option is to choose one of the switches, and re-purpose one of the load wires as a neutral. (The other two remain power and load.) You would need to change the connections at the fixture, and of course you should mark the wire you change so it's clear in the future. The second switch would not use the third wire, and would simply control the first switch. One less device to purchase, and it eliminates trying to get the inlinelinc to fit nicely into the ceiling junction box...
  10. Okay, well that didn't work either. Even though the folder only ran at 11:59 last night, the programs are still running whenever there is a change in the climate conditions I'm checking. I don't understand why the programs are running inside the folder when the folder conditions aren't met. Despite the folder limitation, the 'Last Run' for this program shows at 5:22 AM today. How do I make this work?? Help! Here is an example: Folder code: Folder Conditions for 'Daily Checks' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If Time is 11:59:00PM Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. Program in that folder: If Module 'Climate' Rain Today >= 0.1 " And Module 'Climate' Rain Today < 0.2 " Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  11. I think I answered myself... it wasn't actually running late. I had both the time & climate conditions in the same "If" clause. I didn't realize that would cause it to be evaluated each time the climate condition changed. I moved those programs into a folder that has a time condition on it, and now each program only has its specific climate condition to check. That should fix it I think? Thanks!
  12. I have a few programs that I've written to check weather conditions. Basically, they're all scheduled to run at 11:59:00, and are very simple -- things such as 'If time is 11:59:00 and total rainfall is >.1"', 'If time is 11:59:00 and high temperature is > 70 degrees', etc. I use these to check the true/false status the next day for making determinations on whether to run the sprinklers and for how long. My question is this: Yesterday is the first day that I've had rain since I set these up. I checked this morning, expecting to see one of them true, but they were all still false. Looking further, all of the weather related programs ran at 12:00:57. (They show a next run time tonight at 11:59:00.) I looked through my list of programs, and all of the others show a last run of exactly their scheduled time. Why would these have started almost two minutes late? In this case it makes them worthless, since they pick up the weather conditions for the wrong day... Thanks!
  13. Okay, I think I got this right. I created the following WeekendOn program: If On Fri From 4:00:00PM To 4:00:00PM (2 days later) Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I then created an "EveningLights" folder with the following condition: Folder Conditions for 'EveningLights' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If From Sunset To 11:00:00PM (same day) And Program 'WeekendOn' is False Or ( From Sunset To 4:00:00AM (next day) And Program 'WeekendOn' is True ) Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. In that folder I have two programs. The first is "MotionOn": If Control 'Front Porch Motion - Sensor' is switched On And From Sunrise To Sunset (next day) Then Set Scene 'Front Light 80%' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The second is "BackTo40": If Control 'Front Porch Motion - Sensor' is switched Off And Control 'Front Porch Motion - Sensor' is not switched On Then Wait 1 minute Set Scene 'Front Light 40%' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I then created a second folder, "NightLights": Folder Conditions for 'NightLights' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If From 11:01:00PM To Sunrise (next day) And Program 'WeekendOn' is False Or ( From 4:01:00AM To Sunrise (same day) And Program 'WeekendOn' is True ) Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. This folder has the same programs in it, except "BackTo40" has a set scene 'Front Light 40%' off (instead of on.) *phew* Does that look correct? Also, just wondering the reason for using two motion sensor lines - switched off AND not switched on. I copied since that's how your example is, I'm just not sure why. Thank you!!
  14. Well, sadly that only worked until 1AM this morning. I sent you an email back on it. Weird...
  15. Wouldn't the restore network (or whatever the exact wording is) accomplish this?
  16. I have a front light that is on 40% for several early evening hours at sunset each night, then is off. I would like to add a motion detector, that behaves as follows: If it is daytime, nothing happens. If it is night and the light is on at the 40% level, fade up to 80% over 2 seconds. After no motion is received for 1 minute, fade back to the 40% level. If it is night at the light is off, it should fade up to 80% over 2 seconds. After no motion is received for 1 minute, fade back to off. I have a general sense of how to do this, but I'm not certain the best way, and I'm not certain I've thought through all the possible scenarios that might affect this. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks! Edit: Sorry if this should have been in the Q&A Forum, mods feel free to move...
  17. Well I gave the unit static IP settings tonight, and it seems to have fixed the problem. *shrug*
  18. Email sent -- it's the Aquatic Field Station/BSC College, 14222. Although it doesn't seem to matter, even if I try to change it it still doesn't update. On the DHCP thing, I was just responding to the earlier post surrounding that. I assume the suggestion was that the ISY wasn't getting a valid DNS server as part of its DHCP settings...but I know that can't be the case (for the reasons I specified.) Thanks!
  19. I tried disabling and re-enabling it one more time before bed last night, and it started updating fine. This morning, back to nothing. It syncs time okay, notifications work fine, it is able to query the list of available weather stations with no problem... I have 10+ devices (computers, etc.) with DHCP leases that all have no problem, so I really don't think that's it. I'm running 2.7.3 if that helps at all. Thanks!
  20. I installed the climate module yesterday, selected a local station, and it immediately populated with data. I noticed today that the data had never changed from the initial data. I tried changing stations to several different ones, but none had any effect on the data. I rebooted the ISY, and now the climate module shows no data for any field. I've tried multiple stations, all of which show data fine on the weatherbug website. I've also tried disabling and re-enabling it, with no effect. I'm not sure what else to do... Help! Edit: I just got the following message: [-140000] HTTP client DNS error [datafeed.weatherbug.com] I haven't changed any settings, the ISY is set for DHCP.
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