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  1. The procedure you describe will not work. The Replace Modem (PLM) will update all the devices with the Insteon address of the new ISY PLM. Since the devices no longer aware of the old PLM Control4 will not be able to function using old PLM. Maintaining two PLMs, one for ISY and one for another Product (Control4) is difficult. The ISY is not aware of the other PLM so things like Restore Device, management of ISY Scenes, etc will logically damage the devices link database. It is possible but it takes lots of work or a frozen Insteon network.
  2. "My understanding is that APS retransmit the signals on house wiring and and via 915 Mhz band. " Correct. "When I setup my 2 APs I had to make sure that they are on opposite phases so that they can act as phase couplers. It seems that they also test that APs are on different phases." Correct. The 4 tap Set button test verifies the APs are in RF range and whether they are on opposite 120v legs. It is a test only, nothing is established in the APs as a result of the test. "so, does 2413S PLM retransmits the signals to other APs? " The 2413S PLM sends/receives on RF as well as the powerline. If a Dual Band device receives the RF signal it will repeat it on the powerline. If the Dual Band device receives a powerline message it will re-transmit on RF. All of this is automatic in an Insteon Mesh Network. The ISY has no control or knowledge of what each device is doing.
  3. Access Points are not linked together regardless of controller. The 4 tap Set button test verifies that they are on opposite 120v legs but does NOT actually link the two devices.
  4. I think that will be fine so long as there is no overlap. Two devices putting Insteon messages on the Insteon network could create issues but I would not think the SmartLinc is going to be doing much with the ApplianceLincs
  5. Add each device to the ISY with the "remove existing links" option.
  6. Do you get a popup window when clicking Start Linking? If not then look at the AV. Products such as Avast, Kasperky and others will block data from being pushed from the ISY to the Admin Console. Also note that Start Linking does not display devices independently. It is necessary to click the Set button on a device for it to appear under Start Linking.
  7. Will I then need to do a "Restore PLM" so it rewrites all the links in all my devices? Yes.
  8. A right click on My Programs allows Find/Replace to be selected which will change the Programs. The Save has to be done separately.
  9. "So is there no way to tell for sure if the new PLM is working or not?" Only by evaluating the results. There is no hidden wrap test or some other internal PLM test that can be run. If you have the test equipment the powerline signal can be viewed on a Scope for signal strength. Before concluding the new PLM has a problem the environment the PLM is operating in should be closely checked. Is the PLM plugged directly into an Outlet. Are the other electronics powered from the same circuit such as UPS, PCs, AV equipment, etc that are not on a FilterLinc Are surge suppressing power strips used on the PLM circuit. If there are other devices on the PLM circuit temporarily unplug all but the PLM see if communication improves. It is possible to have gotten a defective PLM but with two PLMs seeming to have problems I would look at the environment rather than a PLM issue.
  10. Thanks for the trace data. The ICON NAKed the On to 100% request. This is not a powerline communications problem. What type of load is plugged into the ICON, incandescent or other? If not incandescent try a conventional bulb and make sure the device is switched On so the ICON can sense the load.
  11. Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at Level 3. Issue the On or Off command and post the trace. EDIT: include a Query in the trace after the On or Off command failure.
  12. Unfortunately no. The Pro version does allow all the RF updates to be queued but in the end each RF device, one at a time, has to be manually awakened by pressing the Set button to establish linking mode, right click the node and select Write Updates to Device. When that device is complete move to the next.
  13. Michel Thanks for that clarification about Deltas. Now I am wondering why my test Restore Modem (PLM) I did a month or so ago just to see what happens referenced so many devices the first time. Might try that again just to see what happens. Lee
  14. Illusion Yes except devices might be accessed even when the PLM has not been changed. The ISY knows the PLM Insteon address from the initial connect with it over the serial interface. A Restore PLM involving PLM information that no longer matches the active PLM address results in all the affected device links being replaced. Individual devices are not used to determine the PLM change. I don't know the exact rules but I believe a Restore PLM (with no change in PLM address) can result in access of individual device link database. This is not to determine the PLM address has changed. I did a Restore PLM and individual device link databases were accessed. A later Restore PLM did not result in individual device link databases being accessed. First restore took much longer than the second and it had nothing to do with the time to write the physical PLM records. Products like HouseLinc2 keep track of the link database Delta number. If the Delta number in the device does not match what HL2 has stored for the device the entire link database is accessed. HL2 actually generates trace messages showing both Delta numbers (current in device and what HL2 has stored for the device). Do not know if the ISY does the same as I have not seen any messages to that effect. Insteon devices maintain the Delta number so that an entire link database does not have to be accessed to determine if changes have been made. Not sure if the ISY keeps track of the Delta number but I suspect it does. Something caused my first Restore PLM to run a very long time accessing various devices where as the 2nd Restore PLM ran much faster and did not access device link databases. No change in PLM for either case. Lee
  15. Factory default max Zone run time is 30 minutes. The ISY Admin Console supports setting the max Zone run time to the device limit of 255 minutes per Zone. Each Zone has its own max value. Lee
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