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Everything posted by LeeG

  1. This looks like a File | Delete Modem (PLM) was issued, Garage Door Sensor Device Links: 0 : 0FF8 : A2 00 00.00.00 FF 1F 01 1 : 0FF0 : E2 01 1C.FC.B2 FF 1F 01 2 : 0FE8 : A2 00 1C.FC.B2 00 00 00 3 : 0FE0 : A2 00 34.E6.05 00 00 00 4 : 0FD8 : 00 00 00.00.00 00 00 00 Garage Door Sensor ISY Links: 0 : 0FF8 : 00 00 00.00.00 00 00 00 As Paul has already indicated a Restore of the ISY taken before the PLM was replaced is required. The I/O Linc Sensor must have a Controller link (starts with E2 01 xx.yy.zz ......) pointing to the new PLM address. xx.yy.zz
  2. LeeG

    EZIO8SA Newb

    The EZIO8SA/PLM combination is added to the ISY as any other Insteon device. All linking is done under the ISY. The first 4 Inputs are opto isolated which can be operated with 3-30v DC or switch such as a magnetic contact. The 8 Outputs operate 24v DC, 3A loads. I have a few EZIO8SA devices. The only issue has been operating a combination of Outputs at the same time with a Scene. No issues operating individual Outputs. Smartenit offers a free utility (Simplehomenet Utility Suite) for custom control of EZIO8SA features. This requires an additional PLM (or shutdown ISY and use that PLM) for the Utility to communicate with the EZIO8SA/PLM.
  3. There actually is no difference from Insteon perspective as an Insteon Scene is specified. In this example ISY Scene xxxx Device1 - Controller Device2 - Controller Device3 - Responder There are three Insteon Scenes. Scene xxxx (PLM is Controller) represents Insteon Scene 1. Device1 is a Controller of Insteon Scene 2 Device2 is a Controller of Insteon Scene 3. The Adjust Scene action requires an Insteon Scene Controller in the first parameter (In Scene). This parameter provides the Insteon address of the Scene Controller. This Insteon address identifies the link record in the Responder device being changed by the Adjust Scene statement. The second parameter identifies the Scene Responder device that contains the link database being adjusted. In Scene 'Device1' Set 'Device3' 50% (On Level) In Scene 'xxxx' Set 'Device3' 20% (On Level) It makes more sense when the Insteon technology is understood and that three Scenes are actually defined.
  4. jgcharlotte That is odd since the Bulb Scene On Level and Scene Ramp Rate are values stored in the Bulb, not the RemoteLinc2. Did you click on the ISY Scene name or the RemoteLinc2 Red Controller name below the ISY Scene name to access the Bulb On Level and Bulb Ramp Rate?
  5. The setting of Heartbeat node during ISY startup is not from communicating with the Leak Sensor because battery devices cannot be queried. The Heartbeat node issues an On or Off command every 24 hours approx, Leak Sensor time. Could be 15 minutes after rebooting ISY or 24 hours. Again, it is the 24 hours the Leak Sensor is keeping track of, not the ISY. Can you post your Program being used? Could be the Leak Sensor is not in good range of a Dual Band device or the coupling of the 120v legs has an issue. The check of Heartbeat node is done with "If Control" so getting two of the same command does not matter. Using "If Status" would have that problem.
  6. Go to this link for 4.4.2 and follow instructions in post #1. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17732-release-442-beta-is-now-available/page-1 After installing ISY Firmware for 4.4.2 AND also UI (Admin Console) for 4.4.2, use File | Themes | Font size
  7. Device 22.35.79 is repeatedly sending a Fast Off, over and over again. Only the first message in a normal Fast Off message sequence is sent. The event trace shows no outbound commands. Suggest pulling Set button on device to shut it down. Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 22.35.79 00.4A.01 CF 14 01 LTOFF-F(01) Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [std-Group ] 22.35.79-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [22 35 79 1] [DFOF] [1] uom=0 prec=-1 Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [ 22 35 79 1] DFOF 1 Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 22.35.79 00.4B.01 CF 14 01 LTOFF-F(01) Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [std-Group ] 22.35.79-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [22 35 79 1] [DFOF] [1] uom=0 prec=-1 Fri 01/22/2016 08:19:51 PM : [ 22 35 79 1] DFOF 1
  8. I cannot get Start Linking to work with battery device. Deleted a Motion Sensor and 8 button RemoteLinc 2. Could not get either to register under Start Linking. Added them back under New INSTEON Device. Someone else will have to pursue this. Sorry.
  9. I would not bother but there is no harm in issuing Restore Devices besides the time and effort, particularly with battery devices that must be updated on at a time. You can spot check a few device link databases. Run a Show Device Links Table for a KPL, a SwitchLinc and see if any of the link records have the old PLM address.
  10. The format of a Responder link record is not unique to a SwitchLinc A2 01 13 EF AC 7F 1D 01 A2 - Responder link record -- E2 Controller link record 01 - Group number of Controller - Motion Sensor - Sensor node Group number = 01 13 EF AC - Insteon address of Controller - Motion Sensor Insteon address 7F - On Level - 00 - FF - 0x7F (dec 127) = 50% 1D - Ramp Rate - 00 - 1F - 01 = slowest Ramp Rate 8 minutes - 1F = Fastest Ramp Rate 01 - Group number of Responder - 8 button KPL has 8 Group numbers 01 = button A - 08 = button H The Ramp Rate has evolved. Very old devices - 00 is slowest ramp rate 9 minutes; now 00 = 0.2 second ramp rate
  11. keribi That post is for the Hidden Door Sensor, not the Open/Close Sensor. Different devices.
  12. " When the first parameter is the Controller (the Motion Sensor - Sensor in this case) it changes the On Level or Ramp Rate for the particular controller/responder combination. From that point on this combination will be used whenever the scene is switched to on by either MS motion detection or an ISY program command. " NO. When using the ISY Scene in a Program Then Set Scene 'xxxx' On the PLM is the Controller. Using an Adjust Scene to set the On Level and Ramp Rate for the PLM is a different Responder link record in SwitchLinc than the Responder link record the Motion Sensor -,Sensor uses. If you were using the ISY Scene in a Program it would take 2 Adjust Scene statements to set the SwitchLinc Responder link record On Level and Ramp Rate the PLM uses. This would have no affect on what the Motion Sensor - Sensor does as there is a separate Responder link record in the SwitchLinc for the Motion Sensor - Sensor. ISY Scene - PLM is Controller - SwitchLinc has Responder link record for PLM Motion Sensor - Sensor - Controller - SwitchLinc has Responder link record for Motion Sensor - Sensor
  13. I cannot explain what Indigo is doing with certainty. At this point not sure how Indigo would keep device awake. The Broadcast message that provided KPL device type and firmware information also has the KPL Insteon address so that Indigo having motion sensor address is expected.
  14. NEVER Delete Modem. The issues you have now will be nothing to those if PLM is Deleted. If the Restore Modem (PLM) did not resolve after going through power off, power on, in Wiki instructions, the next step would be a File | Restore Devices. However, what actual symptom do you have.
  15. The ISY does not any Option capability for 2843-222 at this time. Hoping the option to support both Open and Close nodes will come in the future. This was not needed until SmartLabs removed the single jumper in the newest device.
  16. The Hub is not linking devices. It has no logic to create Scenes (don't have one but that is what I get from the Smarthome forum). The devices are doing what native Insteon devices do when the Set button is pressed. The internal PLM in Hub is put into linking mode as if PLM Set button was pressed as the ISY PLM does by the ISY.
  17. Here is what the Event Trace at LEVEL 3 should show when Set button tapped on 120v device. The Start Linking should put the PLM into linking mode. The LED on PLM should be blinking. Thu 01/21/2016 09:59:15 AM : Start Insteon Device Linking Mode Thu 01/21/2016 09:59:15 AM : [LNK-BGN ] 02 64 01 00 06 When the Set button on 120v device is tapped it sending a message to the PLM. The PLM comes out of linking mode for a split second which may not be visible before the ISY puts PLM back into linking mode waiting for next device or click on Finish button on Start Linking popup. Thu 01/21/2016 09:59:29 AM : [LNK-STAT ] 02 53 M(01) gid=00 22.8B.E0 011C 41 -,tap of KPL Set button Thu 01/21/2016 09:59:29 AM : [22.8B.E0 00] Linked device type=01.1C fw=41 Thu 01/21/2016 09:59:29 AM : [22 8B E0 0 ] Added to list of devices to link to ISY Thu 01/21/2016 09:59:29 AM : [LNK-BGN ] 02 64 01 00 06 EDIT: Okay, ignore this post.
  18. rccoleman This originally was battery devices. Are you now experiencing 120v powered devices that Start Linking does not see?
  19. Stu How are the battery devices kept awake?
  20. The UDI Wiki has some information on Adjust Scene. It does describe using a Controller. Scroll down to Adjust Scene info http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Action
  21. Sending the Insteon address to Start Linking does not keep the battery device awake, unfortunately. Works fine for 120v powered devices but not battery devices that go to sleep to save battery power. As you say, adding a device to ISY is normally only done once,
  22. Start Linking is not used to add battery device. Put Motion Sensor into linking mode. Use New INSTEON Device Enter Insteon address of Motion Sensor Name of choice Use Auto Discover and Erase existing links Click Ok The ISY does not work like Hub (Hub does not create link records as ISY does) or other applications. Thanks for the node name update
  23. I'll have to do some searching to find where this is spelled out. The first parameter is the Controller which is the Motion Sensor - Sensor in this case. This device is not altered. It provides the Insteon address of the Controller which is used to identify the Responder link record to be changed. If the ISY Scene was used in a Program then an In Scene statement with the ISY Scene name would be required. This actually provides the PLM Insteon address as the Controller which would be used to identify the Responder link record. The second parameter identifies the Responder device where the Responder link record is located. The In Scene statement uses the Controller Insteon address from first parameter to locate Responder link record where the On Level and/or Ramp Rate value is changed.
  24. The first parameter of In Scene must be Motion Sensor - Sensor. The second parameter is the SwitchLinc On Level setting or SwitchLinc Ramp Rate setting
  25. Go to this link, Scroll down to section for replacing PLM. There are specific power off, power on, and actions required to replace PLM http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu
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