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  1. I think I have found the answers to my questions is this excellent post of @Bumbershoot
  2. @gviliunas I have read the various posts from you surrounding the LIFX firmware v3.90. I am a little confused and would like some clarification. In your post it looks like you are saying you should use the serial number of the bulb when setting up the devlist. But elsewhere you say that you should use the MAC address of the bulb. Since you used the documented serial number in the devlist which stopped working with the change that started with the firmware update, it seems like you should be using the MAC address. Am I correct? @xKing when you set up the devlist, what are you looking for? the serial number of the bulb or the MAC address of the bulb? Thanks Leon
  3. Thanks for all the good input... I started down the road to figure this all out and then got pulled into a project at work that has consumed all my time. I have not looked at anything HA related and my wife has been creating a backlog of things to be fixed. Starting today I have some time available and I will go back and setup the devlist.txt. I already assign ip addresses to the lights so that the ip addresses do not change. Thank you @gviliunas and @bigDvette.
  4. @Michel Kohanim When i restart the node server I see the following error: 2024-02-01 16:49:05,629 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Profile installation finished 2024-02-01 16:49:10,719 Thread-4 udi_interface ERROR lifx-poly:_discovery_process: discovery Error: WorkflowException: Did not receive [<class 'lifxlan.msgtypes.StateVersion'>] from d0:73:d5:39:e8:51 (Name: None) in response to <class 'lifxlan.msgtypes.GetVersion'> Once I get this error none of the LIFX bulbs are discovered and none of the controls work. I have added a devlist.yaml and when I do that it looks like the bulbs are discovered until the last few lines when I get a a series of messages that manual discovery failed. I have now removed the devlist.yaml I am opening a ticket... thanks
  5. Have you found any solution to this. Lifx was working for me until about a week ago... and then it stopped. I have the same errors in my logs and was considering using the devlist.yml but if that does not work... Where t now?
  6. What happens if you only have the eisy? How do i setup the Python dev environment on eisy. Obviously I am missing it in the docs. Thanks
  7. Yes the devices it is complaining about are 4 light bulbs and the switch is off. I can grab a trace with the switch on if it will help.
  8. I have updated IoX to the latest and then restarted the eisy. After that I updated the Kasa module to v3.1.4.. I now am getting an error during startup that discovery is not working. Eventhough the devices are displayed in the ac it is not working. I have tried to update across the board twice and am still seeing the same issue. Kasa_12-21-2023_34154_PM.zip
  9. Thanks @firstone this makes a lot more sense. Now that I understand the intent I see many possibilities on how to use this.
  10. Thanks for all the replies. i have used other ways to set dates around holidays to turn lights on but they all seem to use multiple lines of code. Seeing the Holidays node sever I thought I could simplify things but reading the instructions did not make sense to me. I also looked at the HolidaysGoogle node server but it currently has an issue with connecting the node server to Google. @tlightneThanks this is what I was looking for.. I still have questions how to setup rules and define new holidays but it is a step in the right direction.
  11. Obviously I am missing something but how does this node server work? I would like to use this to do something like the following If 2 weeks before Christmas then Turn on xmas lights But I do not see the holidays mapped. How is this suppose to work?
  12. Yes seeing the same behavior. Can upload logs but you already have 2 sets
  13. Thanks. Let me know if you need anything else from me to help speed up the resolution.
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