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  1. Well dang, that’s what I get for posting before coffee in the morning. Thanks for setting me straight!!
  2. I can't seem to access the dashboard on my polyglot cloud account. I just get the spinning loading symbol indefinitely. I use PGC for the Nest node server.. and it out of the blue stopped receiving data. I logged into PGC to see what I could see and couldn't get the dashboard to load. Also my ISYs aren't listed under the ISY drop down at the top right. Is anyone else having problems, or any suggestions? Thanks!
  3. I feel like Wesley in that scene in the princess bride with iocane powder. I surprisingly understand completely. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
  4. @Bumbershoot Thanks for this. I was getting close, but your program is a little more elegant and detailed than mine. I really appreciate you sharing. What reporting interval do you have your z-wave sensor set to? Thanks
  5. Would you mind sharing your program? I'm working on this right now and realized I'm not sure how to calculate the difference the difference to trigger. I got as far as creating integer variables to represent the two humidity levels... but where do you go from there? Thanks!
  6. @simplextech This just got me to thinking that I have plenty of other humidity sensors in the house. (either z-wave multi sensors, or nest thermostats) I can just compare the humidity in the bathroom to one of the other sensors in the house, and if the difference is greater than 20% switch on the fan. I actually have a CAO sensor in the bathroom currently that just triggers the fan once a certain threshold is hit. I'd like to get away from the cloud dependency for this, so I have an Aeotec multi 6 in the bathroom I can use to compare to another one in the house. Thanks for the inspiration.
  7. I've seen a few example programs lately that use 'if device a is on, and device a is not off' as the trigger statement. Could someone explain the reason for the two conditions? It seems like if the device is on.. then it's not off right? Am I missing something, or is there some advice on the matter? Thanks
  8. A while back I saw a member talk about a program they use to trigger an exhaust fan in a bathroom. Instead of using a set humidity point, it sounded like they were using change of humidity over a short time period as their trigger. This alleviated the potential for different humidities throughout the year triggering the program. On to my question.... does anyone have an example of this type of program they wouldn't mind sharing? I'd like to use the same change of humidity as a trigger, but can't put my finger on how to do it. Thanks in advance!
  9. It dawned on me after I posted there was probably an Alexa skill. Hopefully a GH is in the works.
  10. well shucks... how does that work? I just poked around a little but not sure how to make this work with GH. Can you set this up as a thermostat in Alexa?
  11. That little sucker is cool. I'd love to hear how it goes with the ISY!
  12. I’d never thought about utilizing pushover like this. I’m off to open the AC and see what trouble I can get in. Great idea, thanks!
  13. A little off topic, but I wanted to share a little trick I found in GH. I'll use my office as an example. I have an Insteon switch to control my main office lights. I have this setup as 'office lights' as the the spoken command, and in the office room in GH. I then have a lamp with a hue bulb in it. I don't control any of my hue stuff directly to the hue hub, all through the ISY. The spoken for the lamp is 'office lamp', but I have not placed this in the office room in GH, it is not in any room. What I wanted to achieve was to be able to say 'turn the lights on/off' while in the office(without having to say office lights) and only have the insteon controlled lights turn on and off, but also just be able to say turn the 'lamp on/off' while in the office(not office lamp) and have just the office lamp respond. I didn't want to control these together as I often turn the lights off and leave the lamp on. This would have happened had I added the office lamp to the office room in GH. I have plenty of other lamps throughout the house, but it only controls this one. I might not be doing the best job at explaining this... but I hope it helps. There is a bunch of nuances to the room awareness in GH, but also lots of ways to exploit it. This did not work when I had the hue hub connected directly to GH. When I would say lamp on/off without the room... it would turn all of my hue bulbs in the house (lots of them) on and off.
  14. Hughes net.... I’m sorry man. That was my life a few years ago until some rinky dink local outfit started beaming internet from across the lake, it was a true life changer!
  15. I think a tilt sensor and some programs would do the trick. Plenty of z wave options out there if you into that.
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