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  1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Merged. Thanks xKing.
  3. Sorry haven't had time to look at it. xKing you are more than welcome to send a pull request. Thanks!
  4. I would assume because it doesn't know where to find the config.ini because it isn't run from that local directory by NodeLink server. Someone else merged in that config.ini stuff, I never had much of a taste for it. You should be fine the way it is. xKing, I dug into fiddler and I get a totally different AppID from my ipad that what you had. Thought that was odd.
  5. Network module? Not sure what you are doing. Refresh my memory.
  6. Awesome, I spent a while trying to do it from the gui with wireshark but I couldn't get it. Glad the app was easier. I'll have to look into fiddler. You're the man.
  7. Ok. Updated. git pull xKing I borrowed some of your methods, thanks for figuring that out. Did you find a doc or just use Fiddler? I gave you credit in the source.
  8. Excellent, I'll get this myq script updated shortly. Thanks xKing.
  9. Welp. Looks like the 'unofficial API' caught up with us. MyQ has either removed or changed their API and blocked access to the one all of us we using. If anyone can find the new API documentation or if there is even an API at all please let me know. Until then this project is no longer viable. Please take a moment to thank Chamberlain and Liftmaster for their lack of community support.
  10. Interesting. This must have been either a new type or one I haven't seen used before. You are welcome to commit your changes to github and I will merge it.
  11. Can you send me the log or attach it here?
  12. Excellent. Sounds great. Thanks for the input and awesome idea dywicked!
  13. That's a good idea. Use what's already there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Yep, that's correct. Great, glad it is working. Now you just need to find a way to run the MYQ_STATUS command like once every couple of minutes from ISY. Or you can setup a crontab on the pi. Choices are the spice of life.
  15. Awesome. I think we got it resolved. Please get version 0.6 here. Found a compatibility issue between the XML responses of the state variable definitions between 4.3.26 and 5+. Should be resolved now. Also fixed that path direction issue we noticed on testing Isibarra. Thanks for being patient and helping me find that one. Wasn't easy to reproduce!
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