Can you please describe your Sonos/ISY set-up in more detail? I'm working on getting Echo/ISY going with the Alexa skill (sitting for too many minutes saying "Yes" every 10 seconds or so when devices are taking too long to refresh; I have ~ 150 devices found), and would like to integrate my ten Sonos zones as well. Do you think that's possible with your method?
I've splurged on Echos to place strategically around the house, but now have to figure out how to best name everything so Alexa will understand. If I fully understood what barrygordon was doing (yup, read all the pages, I think barrygordon is a godsend to us), I would implement the RPi2 I bought just for the HA Bridge approach, but I'm not a programmer and realized I too heavily need my hand held while setting up the appropriate file tree structure, and so on. I thought of just trying to run off my main PC, which is always on, that I think of it...maybe off my Synology NAS?.... Or, wait for Amazon/Michel to finally reach "agreement" on the connected home.