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Jim G

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Everything posted by Jim G

  1. Hi Michel, Thanks for the direction. I turned off the radio in the LinkSys WRT54GL/DD-WRT router to eliminate any interference to the access points. Still had the same problem. I can only add an MS with WB disabled or an AP plugged directly into the PLM. In my mind this ruled out the WiFi, so I began looking back on the power line side. I have a data collection unit that uses Netgear XE102 power line Ethernet bridges. I unplugged the units and the problem went away! I placed the AP back in it's original location, the MS as far away from an AP as I could get it, turned WiFi back on and was able to add the MS with no issues. Didn't matter if WB was enabled or disabled. I would think the Insteon APs and ISY-99i/PLM would be able to coexist with the Netgear power line devices. Still not sure why disabling the WB module allowed the add device to work or why only RF devices were affected when the interference was coming from the Netgear power line bridges. Thanks, Jim
  2. For anybody experiencing problems with RF devices failing to add and giving the errors described in this thread, here's what I found to work around the issue. -adding an AP plugged directly into the PLM and adding the device within range OR -disabling the WB climate module during the device add If I add an MS or TriggerLinc and the WB polls during the add it will fail. However if I disable the WB module I can add the device with no problems. Also if I plug an AP directly into the PLM and add the MS or TriggerLinc with the RF sensor with 10ft of the AP/PLM combo it will add successfully with the WB module enabled, even with polling set to 15sec. I haven't had any problems adding ToggleLincs, OutletLincs, ApplianceLincs or KPLs, only RF devices. Once the RF devices are added, I haven't had any issues. Only when they were in communications mode and being added to the ISY-99i/PLM. Since I can plug the AP directly into the PLM and add the devices I thought it was a power line noise issue, but being able to disable the WB and make it work anywhere in the house contradicts that idea. So I'm really not sure of the cause, just glad I have a work around. Jim
  3. Hi Michel, I just received 3 more 2420M sensors. All 3 MS units fail to add when the climate module is running. If I disable the modules or set polling so it does not occur during the add window, everything works fine. If the climate module polls during add it fails. Only thing common I noticed on the MS units is the 4 digits in front of the rev.1.1 are "0909". Are these the production code? Any ideas? Do you need me to send you one of the MS units? Thanks, Jim
  4. Hi Michel, I'm on ISY firmware 2.7.5 and the MS is rev1.1. I'm going to order another MS to try before sending this one back. Thanks, Jim
  5. Hi Michel, So then it looks like the MS could be defective? To confirm the problem, I just removed the MS and attempted to add it back. With WB enabled and polling set at the default 60sec, the MS failed when WB polled during the MS linking. I then set the WB polling to 300sec, initiated the add and the MS was added, since no WB polling occurred within the 1min 3sec it took to add the MS. Both times I made sure to set the MS in link mode just before starting the ISY link to stay within the 4min window. I appreciate the help. I'm in the learning stages with the ISY-99i and Insteon devices, so I welcome all the advice I can get! Thanks, Jim
  6. Hi, I just had a problem adding a new 2420M and kept getting the following errors: [-200000]Node not added-failed removing links[11 9F 17 1] [-200000]Failed writing the highwater mark[n/a] I just added a 2466SW ToggleLinc with no issues, so at first I thought I had a bad 2420M, but resolved the problem by disabling the climate module then adding the 2420M. Once the device was added I could enable the climate module and add the sensor to new scenes and programs with no further issues. Any ideas what is going wrong? Thanks, Jim Failed device add: ----------------------------- 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : ---- Initializing the linked devices ---- 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ---- 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : ---- Add remaining devices ---- 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [ 11 9F 17 1] Removing all links 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [11 9F 17 1] Querying engine version 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 0F 0D 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 0D 01 (01) 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [11 9F 17 1] Retrieved engine version is i2 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [11 9F 17 1] Calibrating engine version ensuring support for i2 2009/06/29 15:43:04 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:05 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:05 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 15:43:05 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 15:43:05 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 15:43:05 : [] Using engine version i2 2009/06/29 15:43:05 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:07 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:07 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 15:43:07 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 15:43:07 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 15:43:07 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:07 : CLI-WBug: Connecting to http://datafeed.weatherbug.com/GetXml.a ... UnitType=0 2009/06/29 15:43:07 : CLI-WBug: Successfully Processed WBug Response 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 1] 000F2AD0 Weather/Temperature = 99.4 °F 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 5] FFFFDCD8 Weather/Temperature Rate = -0.9 °F 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 7] 00000000 Weather/Humidity Rate = 0 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 10] 00099CF0 Weather/Dew Point = 63 °F 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 11] 00004E20 Weather/Wind Speed = 2 mph 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 13] 0000C350 Weather/Wind Direction = E 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 14] 0000C350 Weather/Wind Average Directi = E 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 18] 0000EE48 Weather/Light = 6.1 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [MOD 2 2 19] FFF82448 Weather/Light Rate = -51.5 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 15:43:08 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F FF 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:17 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F FF 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:26 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F FF 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 15:43:30 : [ 11 9F 17 1] ** Not added ** Remove Device Links failed 2009/06/29 15:43:30 : ---- All Remaining Device Added ---- ----------------------------- Successful device add: ----------------------------- 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : ---- Initializing the linked devices ---- 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ---- 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : ---- Add remaining devices ---- 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [ 11 9F 17 1] Removing all links 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [11 9F 17 1] Querying engine version 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 0F 0D 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 0D 01 (01) 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [11 9F 17 1] Retrieved engine version is i2 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [11 9F 17 1] Calibrating engine version ensuring support for i2 2009/06/29 16:40:58 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:40:59 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:40:59 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:40:59 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:40:59 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:40:59 : [] Using engine version i2 2009/06/29 16:40:59 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:00 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:00 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:00 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:41:00 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:41:00 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:01 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:01 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:01 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:41:01 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:41:01 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F FF 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:02 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:02 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:02 : [ 11 9F 17 1] Adding device to ISY t=10.01.0000 2009/06/29 16:41:02 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Start : Adding device to ISY 2009/06/29 16:41:02 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Finish : Adding device to ISY was Successful 2009/06/29 16:41:02 : [11 9F 17 1] Querying engine version 2009/06/29 16:41:02 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 0F 0D 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:03 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 0D 01 (01) 2009/06/29 16:41:03 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:03 : [11 9F 17 1] Retrieved engine version is i2 2009/06/29 16:41:03 : [11 9F 17 1] Calibrating engine version ensuring support for i2 2009/06/29 16:41:03 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:03 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:03 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Making PLM a Responder to group 1 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [MNG-LNK-RSP ] 02 6F 41 A2 01 11 9F 17 10 01 00 06 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Using engine version i2 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 12 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:41:04 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:05 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:05 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:05 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:41:05 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:41:05 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F FF 08 E2 01 0E D9 8A 00 00 01 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:06 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:06 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:06 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Making PLM a Responder to group 2 2009/06/29 16:41:06 : [MNG-LNK-RSP ] 02 6F 41 A2 02 11 9F 17 10 01 00 06 2009/06/29 16:41:06 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Using engine version i2 2009/06/29 16:41:06 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F F7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:08 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:08 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:08 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F F7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:41:08 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:41:08 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F F7 08 E2 02 0E D9 8A 00 00 01 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:09 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:09 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:09 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Making PLM a Responder to group 3 2009/06/29 16:41:09 : [MNG-LNK-RSP ] 02 6F 41 A2 03 11 9F 17 10 01 00 06 2009/06/29 16:41:09 : [11.9F.17-Sensor] Using engine version i2 2009/06/29 16:41:09 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F EF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:10 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:11 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:11 : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 11 9F 17 0E D9 8A 11 2F 00 00 01 0F EF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2009/06/29 16:41:11 : [Extended-Direct][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 2009/06/29 16:41:11 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.9F.17 1F 2F 00 00 02 0F EF 08 E2 03 0E D9 8A 00 00 01 00 06 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:11 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.9F.17 0E.D9.8A 27 2F 00 (00) 2009/06/29 16:41:12 : [standard-Direct Ack][11.9F.17-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 2009/06/29 16:41:12 : [11.9F.17-Dusk/Dawn] Start : Adding device to ISY 2009/06/29 16:41:12 : [11.9F.17-Dusk/Dawn] Finish : Adding device to ISY was Successful 2009/06/29 16:41:12 : [11.9F.17-Low Bat] Start : Adding device to ISY 2009/06/29 16:41:12 : [11.9F.17-Low Bat] Finish : Adding device to ISY was Successful 2009/06/29 16:41:13 : [ 11 9F 17 1] Device added to ISY 2009/06/29 16:41:13 : ---- All Remaining Device Added ----
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