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Everything posted by SLDL1

  1. I saw this in an old topic. I am having the same problem. The Administrator response was that the option would be available if ISY were the primary controller. I'm not sure what that means. I am using ISY994 with the Z-Wave dongle. Thanks for any help.
  2. Benoit. Thanks for your clear explanation. Right now, things are working exactly as I hoped they would. This is great.
  3. I had to use an old Windows machine running Explorer to be able to see the available modules under "Purchace Modules" in "Help" in the Console. It was an easy purchase from there. My Mac running Safari wouldn't respond to the request.
  4. These are the instructions Michael sent me. They worked fine. You can use MobiLinc if you follow the instructions below: Please: [if !supportLists]1. [endif]Login to https://my.isy.io , click on My Profile (top right) and make sure My Preferred ISY points to your ISY [if !supportLists]2. [endif]Open MobiLinc and go to Settings->Lighting Controller->Host Type and choose ISY [if !supportLists]3. [endif]Http URL: make sure it's blank [if !supportLists]4. [endif]Https URL: my.isy.io [if !supportLists]5. [endif]Https Port: 443 [if !supportLists]6. [endif]Credentials (Username/Password): the same that you use to login to https://my.isy.io If you have an Android Phone and still having trouble communicating: 1. Uninstall MobiLinc PRO (Force Stop Services) 2. Reboot your phone 3. Install MobiLinc PRO 4. Follow the same instructions as above Ignore all the endifs and support list bracketed stuff. I'm OSX/iOS if it makes a difference.
  5. Interesting. I could never get "bar" to work in izzy, but it works fine in connected home. Is there a different vocabulary in Connected Home?"
  6. This is great. Makes Alexa commands much simpler. Thanks for the effort and the excellent instructions. It was easy and seems to work flawlessly. I was also pleased to see that the 'tell izzy" command still works so devices/scenes can be experimented with without having to "discover" each alteration.
  7. SLDL1

    Device list

    I wasn't sure whether the long list in your earlier post were active or planned words. Thanks for your help -- and to UDI for getting this going!
  8. SLDL1

    Device list

    I have an ISY scene named "bar lights." I have been trying to get the spoken name "bar" to work with Alexa. She doesn't recognize it. (She sometimes hears "barn," or can't find a device - "What device?") Should "bar" work, or do I need to work on my enunciation? I also have scenes with names like "morning," bedtime." Any thought about adding this kind of words as device names? New to this, so I appreciate any help.
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