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About Silversop

  • Birthday April 2

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    South Lyon, MI

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  1. Thanks for the help. Looks like I just needed to look into the device specs more....
  2. Well I should have done more homework upfront. Thanks S
  3. Hello, I purchased a Zwave Plus Switch and for some reason, only one of the outlets (Bottom)"works" when turning the outlet on/off via the admin console. The other one remains on I have the Button1 object added to the scene that would control the function at the specified time. Thanks for any guidance. S
  4. Thank you for the help!
  5. Thank You for the help.
  6. Thanks @lilyoyo1 I use my ISY994i to manage all devices. I am just starting to use ZWave and really didn't use the Polisy for anything much yet. Rather than add the ZWave Board to my ISY, I bought the ZooZ Stick so I could add ZWave Devices to my Polisy. As per the screen shot, I was successful in adding the devices. I am not using any function of those zwave devices via the Polisy at this time. My question is, how can I add those devices to my ISY via the Polisy so I can add them to scenes that are on my ISY. And yes, I could go into the Polisy Console and turn off the zwave devices. That is not the issue.
  7. Yes, they are added, my issue is being able to control them via the ISY.
  8. Hi All, I successfully connected the ZooZ stick on my Polisy. I am also able to add ZWave Devices to the Polisy. How the heck do I get them to show up in my ISY so I can add them to my programs? I have searched all over.
  9. Appreciate the input, cost is not a factor... I just want to avoid having 20 different brands of devices.
  10. Roger that.
  11. I just ordered the Zwave Mod so will have it soon enough... so at this time, no ZWave devices. Only insteon dual band devices. FW is at 5.3.0
  12. Hi All, looked through the forum but was unsuccessful in finding a clear answer... Not sure if Insteon is dead or it's all just supply chain related but, does anyone have a solid (and one that's not going to go out of business) brand that they are using for wall outlets that work with the ISY? So many to choose from. S
  13. I was about to return the leak sensor because of this... I too in fact created a program to report if there is a lack of heartbeat... but since it does not show a status normally, I can not accomplish this... Furnace - Variable Control 2 - [iD 000A][Parent 0001] If Control 'Furnace Water-Heartbeat' is switched On Or Control 'Furnace Water-Heartbeat' is switched Off Then $sLeakFurnace = 1 Wait 25 hours $sLeakFurnace = 2 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Leak Sensor Problem - [iD 000E][Parent 0001] If ( Time is 9:00:00AM Or Time is 6:00:00PM ) And ( $sLeakSump is not 1 Or $sLeakFurnace is not 1 ) Then Send Notification to 'All' content 'Leak Sensor Problem' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') How can I force a heartbeat status? Regards, S
  14. Thanks Larryllix... Obviously I am new at this... Are you saying to create a variable ? Perhaps you can provide me with a little more detail. I am removing the fade up per your suggestion. I appreciate it, Regards, S
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