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About Silversop

  • Birthday April 2

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    South Lyon, MI

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  1. Thanks for the help. Looks like I just needed to look into the device specs more....
  2. Well I should have done more homework upfront. Thanks S
  3. Hello, I purchased a Zwave Plus Switch and for some reason, only one of the outlets (Bottom)"works" when turning the outlet on/off via the admin console. The other one remains on I have the Button1 object added to the scene that would control the function at the specified time. Thanks for any guidance. S
  4. Thanks @lilyoyo1 I use my ISY994i to manage all devices. I am just starting to use ZWave and really didn't use the Polisy for anything much yet. Rather than add the ZWave Board to my ISY, I bought the ZooZ Stick so I could add ZWave Devices to my Polisy. As per the screen shot, I was successful in adding the devices. I am not using any function of those zwave devices via the Polisy at this time. My question is, how can I add those devices to my ISY via the Polisy so I can add them to scenes that are on my ISY. And yes, I could go into the Polisy Console and turn off the zwave devices. That is not the issue.
  5. Yes, they are added, my issue is being able to control them via the ISY.
  6. Hi All, I successfully connected the ZooZ stick on my Polisy. I am also able to add ZWave Devices to the Polisy. How the heck do I get them to show up in my ISY so I can add them to my programs? I have searched all over.
  7. Thanks Larryllix... Obviously I am new at this... Are you saying to create a variable ? Perhaps you can provide me with a little more detail. I am removing the fade up per your suggestion. I appreciate it, Regards, S
  8. Thanks Oberkc but it does not seem to be the case.. program works great!... If I control the switches via the console or via the web it's fine and I can see the refresh happen... But if the program runs... there is no refresh... The program is simple but perhaps wrong? Outdoor Sunset - [iD 0004][Parent 0001] If Time is Sunset - 15 minutes Then Set 'Porch Lights' Fade Up Set 'Soffit Lights' Fade Up Set 'Garage Outdoor Lights' Fade Up Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. Hello all, Quick question.. .what is the best practice to show accurate status on a device after it is either triggered manually (at the device itself) or after a program runs... My thought would be to add a "query" to the program (IE: Sunset turn lights off) ... Ok that would take care of that however, not if I go up to the switch and turn it on.... Also, how the hell do you create a program to run a query? Regards, S
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