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Everything posted by IanSmith

  1. So the 99% trick works, as long as that doesn't scare the same people.
  2. I use a technique I saw here once... set the light at 99% on in the sensor programming and at 100% if the manual switch is triggered on. The sensors won't turn the light off if the light is at 100%. But upon reflection, I don't know why I didn't just use a variable to indicate whether they were turned on by the sensors or the switch.
  3. I had the same experience you did. I had read that the new guy heading up SmartLabs came from Universal. I was emcouraged. Not so much at this point.
  4. After a couple of months of being unable to access the admin console due to the above issues (failed on three Win10 systems and Server 2012, multiple browsers and multiple Java downloads etc.), the advice here got me running. Then I tried it on a Surface Pro 4. What a disaster! The combination of modest screen size and high resolution give me mostly empty screen with what looks to be about 4-point type. I can't read it with a magnifying glass! In case you think I am exaggerating, I'll attach a screen shot (if this blog supports that--apparently not)You guys need to find a way to scale the display. After the experience of the last few months, and now this, I am not at all convinced that a Java based IDE is the way to go. And, partially as a result, I'm not at all sure ISY is the way to go.
  5. Just got my answer. I had to remove the old device from its folder. Right-click then produces the Replace option.
  6. I had the same question, but this answer isn't working for me. I am replacing a 2456D3. Am I supposed o be on the Main tab of the admin console? I right-click on the old device and the choices I get are Query; Rename; Disable; Remove from Folder; Add to Scene; Move to Folder; Write Updates to Device; Restore Device; Notes; Diagnostics; Advanced. This is on v.4.3.26.
  7. Paul, I love your suggestions. I'll implement both of them.
  8. Thanks to both of you. Tonight, that event ran perfectly, and the log shows the details. The other day, the log showed nothing. The only communications errors that show up are two devices that have legitimate issues. Neither involves this event. Next time it screws up, I'll follow your advice in detail. I appreciate your suggestions.
  9. I seriously need help with my ISY. It is really being flakey. As an example, here is the program for my back yard at dusk: The only light that was on this evening was the patio center light. I manually ran the "then" section of the event. And nothing changed. Here is what the device status showed: But, as I said, the only thing on was the patio center light. Manually clicking On on the status display ultimately turned everything on. I'd show you what appeared in the log, but that came up empty. Wasn't aware that logging required configuring and haven't found any info about doing so. The PLM is plugged into the same outlet my HomeSeer USB PLM was, and it operated reliably. On top of that, manually switching on the devices screen seems to work, taking suspicion off the PLM and its location. What might I be doing wrong?
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