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  1. photogeek54's post in Getting limit reached messages every 5min was marked as the answer   
    So I upgraded to standard to fix the problem.
    FYI, what had me confused is that I didn't realize the "6249 Southridge greens event" was continuing to cause the "reached max daily message count" messages. In fact I had forgot I was the one causing those notifications to happen. I thought the 6249 messages had stopped and the max daily message count notifications were just stuck in a loop. I also didn't expect the limit on the free version to be so small (about 8 per day?). It's my lack of understanding and I'm sure that was obvious to you but not to me. 
    Thanks for taking the time to look at it.
  2. photogeek54's post in iPhone never shows as not online was marked as the answer   
    Solved the problem by restarting the unifpresence node server
  3. photogeek54's post in Issue with trying to upgrade solaredge NS was marked as the answer   
    v1.1.02 is now correctly published in the non-production store, fixed problem syncing to github.
    @Mecheng70's problem adding nodes due to an illegal character in the site name appears to also be fixed.
  4. photogeek54's post in unifipresence not working on 5.5.7 was marked as the answer   
    I reinstalled the node server and this is working again.
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