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Everything posted by rehills
I upgraded to V3 tonight, following the instructions and now, in the Amazon Echo app, I see at least two versions of every device. I see one that looks like this: Den Ceiling Light ISY Dimmable device address XX XX XX XX and den ceiling light Den Ceiling Light Is that the expected behavior? I assume the second one is for the spoken phrase but, what is the first one? I think Alexa is getting stumped by having various devices with the same name. Rick
I first noticed the issue because my Echo would not control any of my lights. I checked the ISY portal and it showed that my ISY was connected but, it couldn't display logs or show devices. I cycled the power on the ISY but that didn't help. Everything is working fine now.
I hesitated to say anything tonight because of my false alarm the other day.
Apologies for the false alarm. It appears to be a problem with my iPhone. None of the browsers or Mobilinc would connect to the ISY portal. MobiLinc was complaining about a connection issue. I did a hard reboot of the phone and all is well.
https://my.isy.iois not responding.
Can't connect to the portal.
I have had great success using the ISY and Network Resources to control my Insteon (Foscam) cameras. For instance, when I say "Alexa, Set Home On" all of the cameras stop roaming and point to the ceiling. When I say "Alexa, Set Away On", the cameras point to their preset positions. Example: Point to ceiling (predefined Foscam camera position #8 POST /decoder_control.cgi?command=45&user=xxxxx&pwd=xxxxx HTTP/1.1 See stuviews Foscam IP Camerca CGI Guide above for more details. Example: http://<IP_CAM>/decoder_control.cgi?command=30&user=<user>&pwd=<pass> = Set the preset 0 command values: 0 up 1 Stop up 2 down 3 Stop down 4 left 5 Stop left 6 right 7 Stop right ... Reserved 25 center 26 Vertical patrol 27 Stop vertical patrol 28 Horizon patrol 29 Stop horizon patrol 30 Set preset 0 31 Go preset 0 32 Set preset 1 33 Go preset 1 34 Set preset 2 35 Go preset 2 .... 62 Set preset 16 63 Go preset 16 And the list goes further until preset 16 94 IO output high 95 IO output low
There are a couple threads in the portal forum talking about overnight portal issues. A quick ISY reboot solved the problem for me.
Thank you, Scott. That made my morning.
Turn the TV up louder.
I voted. I'd love to have a choice. For me, half the fun of owning an Echo is the human like interaction. That's part of the wow factor when you show it to someone for the first time. I can't be the only one who dreamed of having my own HAL9000. HAL, turn off the kitchen lights. I'm sorry Rick, I'm afraid I can't do that.
As long as it doesn't interfere with an Amazon drone bringing me my wine.
Couldn't agree more.
In my mind, they were NTP updates but, I don't want to lead you astray. I wish I would have taken a screen shot before I rebooted the ISY. I don't think it was a program loop because I only have a couple programs and they are extremely simple - turning on devices - with no looping or programs calling other programs. I will try switching to 1.us.pool.ntp.org. Rick
Hey folks. I saw something strange this past weekend and I wanted to run it by everyone to see if it was a known issue. I was playing around with my ISY, writing new programs and using the ISY portal to add spoken nodes and devices to the Echo. I started noticing severe performance issues with the portal. When I would click the device or program button, it would take 1-2 minutes for the dialog box to pop up. I wrote it off as a comm issue between the portal and Amazon but, shortly after, I realized that my ISY was responding very slow to anything I did in the Administration Console. Switching tabs in the console would take 60 seconds or more. Performance was rapidly deteriorating and the response time was getting exponentially worse. For some reason, I had the foresight to open the event viewer. What I saw was what appeared to be an endless stream of incoming time update messages. I wish I would have had the brains to capture a screen shot or save the log but I was in a panic. I rebooted the ISY and quickly went into the System tab and unchecked the "enable NTP check every 24 hours" option. It's been fine ever since but, I am no longer updating time. I was using pool.ntp.org My firmware and UI are both v.4.3.26 Anyone seen this before? Rick
Ordered my Dot. I was on the verge of ordering a second Echo so this saves me a bit of money. I'll make up for the savings by buying some more Insteon switches. Edit: do you think this announcement means that Amazon has addressed the multiple Echo issues?
Thank you for taking the time to post your solution zerop. I give that a try. Michel, looking forward to 5.x. Rick
For that reason, I chose Night Time as my phrase to shut the house down for the night.
Benoit, Thank you for the quick response. Everything is working fine now.
Dredging up an old topic. I am writing a program to monitor wind speed and I has hoping to store the climate module's wind and wind gust speeds in a variable. I want to send an SMS warning when wind or gusts are >= 15 MPH. I then want to avoid sending the sms message again until the climate module's wind or wind gust speed is greater than the last reported high value (stored in a variable). Is this feature coming soon? Here is the start of my program without waits and variable checking: Weather - High Winds - [iD 0014][Parent 000D] If Module 'Climate' Wind Speed >= 15 mph Or Module 'Climate' Gust Wind Speed >= 15 mph Then Send Notification to 'Rick's Phone SMS' content 'Weather Alert - High Wind Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
This is happening to me too. There is definitely something wrong today. I can not add any programs. I selected a black (non installed program) from the drop down list, added my spoken term, and clicked save. It looked like it saved but, it does not show up on the list of installed programs, and it is still black in the drop down list. Further, if I try to install the program a second time, I get the "Device already has spoken": message. This happens with all programs. EDIT: The problem does not seem to affect devices or scenes. Just programs.
Fry frog, thanks for the tip. I will try that today.
Hello everyone. I am a long time Home Control Assistant (HCA) user who is migrating to an ISY-994i Pro. HCA is a Windows based home automation program with a lot of programming power and flexibility but I've decided to abandon using a stand alone PC for home automation in favor of an ISY. This weekend I reprogrammed all of my Insteon devices and got them working with the ISY. To my surprise, it was a piece of cake. The last remaining task is to redevelop all of my control programs. HCA had a very easy to use scheduling program to schedule tasks, programs, and on/off events based on time of day, home vs away, etc. It looks like I can accomplish everything with the ISY but, it requires some manual effort. Before I write a ton of programs, I wanted to find out how you all were handling home vs away, weekday vs weekend, awake vs asleep, etc. I was thinking about leveraging folders like shown in the photo below. The plan is to set variables and check state at the Home and Away folder levels. Is that how you folks approached this topic?
Thanks. I am testing that option now but, MobiLinc has spent the last 15 minutes trying to sync with my ISY. It just sits there saying Retrieving Configuration. I am following thse instructions from the WIKI: Open MobiLinc and go to My Settings->Lighting Controller Settings Set Host Type to ISY Set Username and Password to the email address and password with which you are registered in ISY Portal Set Local - http://: make blank Set Local port: Leave as is Set Secure - https://: my.isy.io Set Secure Port: 443 EDIT: It finally completed but I had to retry it almost a dozen times.
I choose the ISY Portal. I'll send an email now. How can we use the ISY Portal, Echo, and have an iOS app to control scenes and devices?