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  1. yup! Same here.
  2. On the desktop.
  3. I had put the start.jnlp on my desktop so location was C:\Users\"username"\OneDrive\Desktop\start.jnlp
  4. FINALLY got it to work...for some odd reason...when I ran it manually in cmd it worked right away. Just typed the following command: javasw "JNLP file location".
  5. Sorry, didn't use the right terminology, that is what I meant by install, that it would add the IoX launcher. I think I'm honing in on the issue. I uninstalled JAVA using the recommended software as you indicated and the start.jnlp still has the JAVA logo and I still have an option in my "open with" to launch it with JAVA which I would have expected it to be gone. It seem I have leftover files of some sort that I need to remove before installing JAVA again.
  6. I did pull the file from the download folder "start.jnlp" to my desktop. Not sure if you are referring to something else. I'm going to try and do a bit of research on .jnlp not running since it seems to be pointing to an issue with java which I've always found to be flaky even on a good day. I remember a comment made that the app maybe moving away from JAVA which would be great! a lot of browsers don't support it any more hence why I'm trying to get the app working.
  7. I looked for the "IoX" app but none available. I don't get a unfamiliar avatar icon...Everything seem normal on my desktop (pic) but for some odd reason the start.jnlp will not install the java app.
  8. Yes, currently running V8 update 351.
  9. I currently don't have any anti-virus / firewalls installed and tried turning off the windows defender with the same results.
  10. I've been a long time user of the ISY admin console, but since I've updated to windows 11 I've had problems getting the start.JNLP file to install the admin console on my desktop, which I've never had an issue in the past. I still have a running version on my MacBook pro so I know its computer related. I did get it to work once after several attempts by going into the java cache viewer and selecting the application and creating a desktop icon, but now I can even get it to install the application after updating to the newest ISY firmware. I've try deleting all java content and Java itself and installing a fresh copy but still no luck. Tried all the troubleshooting advise on the wiki page including running the start file with javaws and the below steps from another tread. Clear Java Cache (yes, again). Be sure you select all three boxes in the process Refer to this wiki article to remove .state files - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored (***NEW STEP you might not have done before!***) Delete ALL start.jnlp or admin.jnlp files downloaded ANYWHERE on your computer download a fresh start.jnlp version from UDI - https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp Run start.jnlp Should put fresh ISY Launcher icon on desktop Wondering if anybody has encounter the same issues and was able to fix it? Cheers!
  11. Thanks for clarifying the PLM table count functionality. Everything is now working correctly. I still need to do a few checks and balances but the migration is successfully complete. Good to have a few issues once and while, helps to learn the system a bit more in-depth along the way!
  12. Everything is now working correctly with the exception of one keypad (Should be able to figure it out). Seems that the fix was to restore and old ISY backup then run restore devices. I don't know if it made a different but before moving to the Polisy I had just upgraded to 5.3.4 so I reverted back to my last backup of 5.3.0. My PLM table when from 50 ish to approx. 300. Thanks for the help!
  13. Thanks for the feedback! I'll also give your other instructions a try. I do have a ISY backup I can try.
  14. Can you use a Insteon Portable USB Adapter 2448A7 as a PLM. I read on another forum as long as you have some Dual Band devices that it should work?
  15. Ran the count again when the Polisy was at the ready state with not much activity and got 42. I have 37 devices. Will take a look at the diagnostic to see if I can troubleshoot any further. Thanks!
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