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Ryan S

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  1. After upgrading, half my plugins were showing disconnected. There were a few that I could get back online after restarting them but there are three that do nothing after a restart and still show as disconnected. They are Sense / Sonos / Climacell. What is the best course of action to bring them back online: Reinstall All Plugins? Do the update again? Or try something else?
  2. Is it possible to use the AudioPlayer & Bluetooth plugin with my Polisy Pro? I'm just looking to stream audio commands to a bluetooth speaker.
  3. Yes! I would love to be able to use my Nest devices into programs.
  4. Updated Polisy from 5.7.1 to 5.8.0_1 with no issues along side with FreeBSD 13.2p9. Just have patience as it took 16 mins to complete and receive the notification to reboot.
  5. Unfortunately nothing shows up in the Event Viewer when trying to push all the buttons on the remote. But the good news is that while I was waiting for replies I though I would try and open up the unit and see if the code was printed on the inside, and lo and behold there was a small piece of paper with the pairing code on it! With the code I was able to pair it instantly with my Polisy and incorporate it into some scenes.
  6. Does anyone know of a way to pair an Insteon Mini Remote to my Polisy that is missing the sticker code on the back? 8 Button Insteon Mini Remote / Model: 2342-222
  7. Has anyone been able to identify which Polisys are at risk of being bricked when upgrading to 5.7.x? I have been hesitant to upgrade my Polisy from 5.6.x due to the bricking issue and wanted to know if this is now a non issue which been resolved or I should still wait for a further release.
  8. I too started to have the same issue this week with my backlight programs not running all my Insteon switches. Glad to hear it might be an update issue and not my PML slowly dying.
  9. Smoothest update ever for me. Just be patient when re-loading all the node servers. But absolutely no issues or errors. Well done team!
  10. You're not the only one. I too have also been having issues with my Polisy not being to able to talk to my Zmatter card (I am not using a dongle, card installed directly inside Polisy). I upgraded to 5.5.4 but unfortunately it did not help. I have updated my ticket with @Chris Jahn too and hopefully they'll have a solution soon.
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